Do engaging in right wing politics lower peoples iq or does it attract low iq people in the first place?
Do engaging in right wing politics lower peoples iq or does it attract low iq people in the first place?
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To provide some context, that was a post of a politician who used to be viewed as the greatest contestant to Paul Ryan as a
speaker of the house but he threw it all away by posting happy merchant memes on twitter.
Engaging in politics is a sign of low intelligence.
don't criticise jews goy.
It attracts low IQ people who are easy to brainwash
Left calling the right low IQ, kek. Keep working on your neetbux, you and Tyrone will get along just fine.
it attracts people with low iq. i mean, why do you think that there is such a huge percentage of nazis sharing for example antivaxxer crap, natural remedies, articles about chemtrails, sionist protocols, illuminati crap? do you think that it is a coincidence that trump doesnt believe in global warming and that he employs his antivaxxer moron friends in public health services? stupid people like to belong somewhere, have a sense of identity, feel special because they uncovered the hidden truth about the world that all the sheeple just ignore. also, there is an opportunity to crack some skulls for them, that solves their other complexes. so, yeah.
Both. It attracts low iq people who then circlejerk/let themselves be manipulated and end up being even dumber than they were before.
Fuck the Kennedies, we'll keep shooting you big headed Mick bastards if you don't fuck off
i depends how far right you are
Yeah, because you just pulled that out of your ass.
Right wingers actually believe bankers dont want the party of less regulation and lower taxes
>itt: leftie delusions
The Nazis invented vaccines.
As a general statement, iq tests lesrning ability and how responsive a person is to new ideas. Lower iq means youre less responsive to new ideas of course, so i could see people going for traditional (right wing) values if they have a lower iq. Although there are retards on the left and the right, so it prpbably just depends on the culture youre from. Black people, as a general statement, have a lower iq, but most of them are left leaning.
>The Nazis invented vaccines.
Well now, that's obviously not true at all. Vaccines have been around since the 1800s.
Out of curiosity, I went looking to see if I could find any specific vaccines developed by Nazi scientists. My quick search didn't turn any up, but I did come across this guy, who sounds pretty cool:
Pic related is your average leftie. You have to be pretty low IQ to believe this is a woman.
It's insane how someone can be so uninformed and yet so sure of themselves as to constantly make dumb statements like your average Jow Forums poster does. It's like they never bother to read anything outside of shit they heard on Jow Forums.
"the greatest contestant to Paul Ryan as a
speaker of the house"
do you remotely understand how american politics work? if you take somebodies seat you dont assume the roles they had too... jesus christ
In order to become the next Speaker of the House you have to kill Paul Ryan in single combat.
i thought vaccines were invented by lui Pasteur?
>right wing politics lowers people's IQ
>left wing politics gains power by literal dysgenic practises of breeding votes from welfare dependency
yes those low IQ right wingers
Why are these far right losers such brainlets?
god fucking damnit Jow Forums is shitty enough as it is
Crossboard shitposting should be a long ban fucking nigger faggots
it's fags from leftypol. They got BTFO so hard on Jow Forums they had to come here.
Welfare states are great for NEETs.
Financial responsibility would be better for them.
>nazism is right wing
Nationalism isnt either left wing nor right wing, it is called "third position", look it up
>nazism isn't right wing
>socialism is right wing
Hi where are the proofs :DDD
>nazism is socialism
>dprk is democratic
>argentina is white
femme=/=woman. also they look nice stop being mean
I cant stop laughing at this post holy shit im getting looks on the bus
>nazism is called national socialism
>national socialism
do you think hot dogs are dogs?
>democratic people's republic of korea is called democratic
>post a quote for ants
>take nazi propaganda on its word instead of looking at actual historical context
>reject the work of actual scholars of nazi history because of your political ideology
>thinking north korea is democratic because it says so
>btfo by pol
i find that highly unlikely, those guys can't seem to able to btfo their own dick
The funniest thing is Jow Forumstards defend him by talking muh overton window or that it wouldn't have mattered anyway because (((they))) (the jews) dont let you vote anyway. They always cheer someone blowing their political carreer as long they post ebin le jew menes.
They already embrace defeat before the battle even begins because it's the easiest position that doesnt require any work whatsoever.
it's not like they did it on purpose, Jow Forums's literally too much of a pile of shit to effectively raid
like pissing in an ocean of piss
did not. "Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Tom Price was until recently, an affiliate of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, (AAPS).
The ultra-conservative, libertarian group is opposed to mandatory vaccinations, which runs contrary to the recommendations of every major health organisation." source: independent co uk.
there you go mate, now you can throw your feces around and shriek fake news, because you have been confronted with facts
The DPRK does have elections and multiple political parties though. Meanwhile in the US Trump won despite not even getting the majority of the vote.
Who else had a chance? Do you really think hillary would have been any different?
pretty obvious example of someone using left wing rhetoric in a disingenuous manner. the very concept of a "national socialism" is an oxymoron. like the other user said, look at historical context
I think under hillary relationship with russia would have been less charged because they wouldnt have needed the russian scape goat.
its not what I am talking about. its about right wingers preferring when a politician who is slightly sympathetic to them go completely insane and destroy his carreer to become just another pepe twitter for the sake of some ideological purity. They even created a slang term to mock those who are concerned about this.
>muh optics
That's an Otto Strasser quote.
why is it an oxymoron?
Hitler's idea of restoring Prussia to its former imperial glory is antithetical to Marxism.
hitler did not originate the idea of national socialism. talking about ideology itself, why would socialism contradict nationalism?
yup, a dude that hitler expelled from the nazi party in 1930
Because Hitler was allied with the capitalists and killed off the leftist wing of his party.
How did he? Nazis and right wingers believe this shit. The reason why the alt right is so hard for some to get into is because of the constant conspiracies.
Pic related is your average rightie. You have to be pretty low IQ to believe this is a valuable human.
I think he was wrong to say that socialism contradicts nationalism.
However, anyone who understands the structure of Nazi Germany's economy and government is aware that Hitler eliminated the socialist/left wing branch of the Nazi party quite early on. The name "National Socialist" stuck, but the socialist aspect was thrown out already.
Hitler was more in favor of capitalistic growth I think. This is not to say that capitalism is bad, I actually am a big supporter of a capitalist system.
I think that even though nazis killed off left wingers in the party, their party platform is closer to "democratic socialists" than centrists are. If their main difference is hating jews or not hating them, I don't think thats a very meaningful distinction.
nationalism involves the pitting of the proletariat of one nation against the proletariat of another. pretty convenient for porky.
He looks like a decent kid who loves his country. The left on the other hand well...
Correct and hetero
something seems off here, what is it?
Someone photoshopped ben franklins forehead to be smaller than it was in the original pic.