Why are the cities in japan so aesthetic?

why are the cities in japan so aesthetic?
everything looks so fucking clean

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Because you're looking at specially picked locations that happen to have good looking streets.

user, they are not

Im living in berlin and when I compare it to any japanese city berlin looks like shit

srsly the only difference berlin and india is that people are not shitting on the streets here

*difference difference

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because you are a giant weeb

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Have you ever been to Japan to look at their streets? This is a serious case of "grass is greener", except you're only looking at examples of the best.


get the right conditions and anything can look aesthetic

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No niggers
Don't tut-tut me, you all know it's true

Photography isn't an accurate representation of reality. It's literally an art of disguising the ugly by using lighting dimensions and cropping

Im in Steglitz Zehlendorf and it is pretty alright for a capital city you weeb

kys your stupid fag ass vaprwave ruins the original image.

It's crazy how clean the streets are of litter when you compare it to most US cities. My guess? It's probably cultural differences.

Japanese are more orderly and less chaotic than white for example. In white countries you will find loud people with dogs and cars parking illegally everywhere on side walks, also people throw their trash everywhere on the ground so someone else can clean it up. Hopefully one day people can learn from the Japanese/East Asians and live up to their standard.

You're exactly right except I disagree that anyone should hope other people to live up to their standard. It's a fantasy at best. Their mentality is just too strong and hereditary. Really what you should hope for is higher birthrate in Japan.

People don't seem to litter. Tokyo is filthy though.

Well DESU Frankfurt (am Main) isn't much better. It's not India, but but like Kosovo or Albania with better roads.

Fucking auto correct...

hello newfrienderino

Fucking hell, I'm not new. 3 years already. But first time on /r9k...

Ehm, why is this thread so polite? I'm not used to politeness on this page o.O

Wtf are you even talking about?
I lived 1 month in tokyo and you could litteraly lick the ground

Fuck i want to impregnate young Hillary

I just spent 2 weeks on Japan a few months ago. It looks like that because it is like that.
People don't litter
And the power lines going over all the streets look really cool, especially over the little tiny backstreets

have some respect she is a former first lady

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because you're a weeb that secretly wishes they were japanese

>It's a fantasy at best.
Maybe I'm a bit too hopeful, changing people's core behavior never works. All you can do is seek company of people who are like-minded to distance yourself from chaotic retards.

because you a weeb nigga gtfo of this country

tfw mom is a massive weeb and wants me to marry a japanese guy

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Does anyone have a link to that youtube channel with vids on Jap streets at night and such? It was posted a couple of months ago and top tier comfy

Japanese are raised properly and have respect for each other, their nation, and their community.
Japanese guys are hot. tfw no sex-hungry hentai nipponese bf to lick my ass and pee on my face. but unironically they're the best looking asians. I'd totally marry a nip guy for a greencard.