The best graphics
The biggest games
The 4k
Why don't you own an xbox?
Consoles arent that good
i dont like 3rd person games
i like fps games
tons of games on pc that are unavailible on consoles
I own a PS4 and Xbox One. They're basically low spec computers with a few exclusives. There's just nothing special about consoles anymore. I'd get a newer PC if I ever get out of neetdom and probably just sell my consoles.
Right now I use an Xbox One mostly for the multiplatform releases and it's a better console for apps/interface.
name 5 exclusive games that are worth playing
Consoles have a price factor that make them appealing
Not everyone can drop 500 or more dollars on a higher end pc
name 1 ps4 game people buy over the yearly cod
If you're like 99 percent of people and own some sort of shitty pc anywat, just spend an extra 150 when you replace your "normal" desktop/laptop.
No one actually buys a gaming pc just for games, it doubles up as their normal computer
It's getting to the point where I'm actually going to buy an xbone just to play on 1440p
I'm still running a fucking r9 380 and i5 2500k. A decent mid-range GPU costs the same as a console
Halo in general, Sunset Overdrive, aaaand that's all I've got. Never played GoW because that's never really appealed for me
I do playing, Far Cry 5 right now at native 4k feels good.
reminder that my Xbox One X is more powerful than the majority of gaming PC's according to steam hardware survey
the decent mid range gpu is probably a better investment than the console
>xbox one console exclusive
>15 million pc units sold
I understand that it's a "console" exclusive, but that shit's misleading as fuck.
I'd rather not play a shooter with a controller.
an RX 580/GTX 1060 costs about 100 bongdollars more than an xbone s, at least with a console you know that it just werks
>xcuck bragging about his shitty meme flavor of the month pc port
just don't be such a brainlet and you'll also be saving money because games are much less expensive on PC and look better also
Games are only cheaper on the PC if you wait months/years before buying them. And with Xbox game pass you're gonna get a shit ton of games to play for 10$ a month which is a better deal than anything you can get on the PC(outside of piracy I guess).
>(outside of piracy I guess)
Anybody who actually buys games on PC is a fucking dumbass. One of the main things that made me switch to PC was piracy.
You really should have stayed on /v/ then
Because I own a PC.
End of thread.
Justify paying for games to me when most games released nowadays end up being unfinished garbage.
I have the xbone s gears of war edition because I can't afford a pc