Is anyone else here sick of being a weakling soyboy? How do I increase testosterone so that I can get a qt gfmale?
Is anyone else here sick of being a weakling soyboy? How do I increase testosterone so that I can get a qt gfmale?
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Eat healthy and lift heavy weights
This sounds like a question for Jow Forums. Spoiler: the answer is probably squats and oats.
squats and onions*
Sounds like a recipe for gas.
>he doesn't know about onions
pretty sure the disgusting breath will turn them away. Brazil nuts help increase your test.
Onions increase testosterone by 300%. Brazil nuts increase radiation poisoning by 300%
It's probably not a testosterone issue (unless you've been tested and it's low) it's probably to do with your personality or your physical strength.
>tfw don't want to be strong but cute (soyboys aren't cute imho)
yet nobody has got radiation sickness from Brazil nuts, in the history of ever. Selenium toxicity is a greater concern, but is also the element you're after. So 2-3 nuts a day is healthy.
Okay so I just went shopping and bought a bunch of high test foods. All I have to do now is lift, right?
Gibsmedat boipucci
british or american?
originally bongistani
>skimmed milk
Fatal mistake.
>Because hormones like estrogen are fat-soluble, the level of hormones is higher in whole milk than in skim milk.
Clearly a bong. Ameritrumps don't have kettles (or so I hear)
Fair enough I guess. But you're destroying like half the nutrition that way, and calcium won't much get absorbed. Could've been a good source of healthy fat. No doubt you fell for the "fat is bad" propaganda too
Low carb high fat m8
Nice, well executed
I've been strong and I've been weak and I've always been wanting to die. What do?
I thought so, but then I got confused because I didn't recognise any of the packaging. What supermarket do you shop at?
Tesco, but I'm in scotcuckistan so some of the packaging might be different
>consuming literal breast milk
You'd be far better off buying some plant milks. There's a ton of variety that are far better for you than cow milk.
He created this thread to stop being a soyboy, not become an even bigger soyboy
Should have got some soy milk instead
I dont think it matters whether I started training or not. Everybody would still be laughing at me. You cant outlift Autism.
Being in good physical shape will make you more confident and attractive so people will be more willing to overlook the autism. Lift for the lord, not for the ladies
If you stress over muh testosterone autism you're already not gonna make it. No gym bro is walking around or going to the gym thinking "FUCK, I HOPE MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS ARE OPTIMAL." Lift weights on an actual program for longer than a year, eat healthy and eat well, get 6 or 7 hours of sleep minimum. It's that fucking easy to mog a very large chunk of men, especially if you live in America.
t. the subject of "oh my god you're so RIPPED" after a year and a half of goddamned calisthenics and lifting two times a week
There are plenty more milks than soy if you fell for the soy boy meme.
If you know for a fact that your testosterone is literally cuck levels then lifting and eating healthy alone isn't going to cut it.
idiot, cow milk is full of fuckin hormonal shite, almond milk is much fuckin better cos with cow you're gonna be on the same level as a soi boi
>Tripfag thinks he's better than us
So basically eat brazil nuts, but not too many or you will overdose (kek)
apparently 2 per day is enough to raise your T
>thinking that tripfagging devalues the fact that he's right