The 56% face

>the 56% face

Post the funniest "56% faces" you have on your computer.

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This is MiIIie Robert Brown

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Holy shit, this tops my one :D. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I may be a failure, I may be a robot but thanks god I am not a amerimutt.

I don't even know how this happens

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Imagine actually being America lmao

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This is a redditor from Tinder

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Created in oblivion/skyrim character randomizer?

Did someone just do photoshop on her face when she was born?

Grand daughter of reinhard heydrich

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>screams into the mic like a fucking retard but still millions of braindead zombies find this funny

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These two look fine? I'd fuck them

land a plane on that bitch

fuck a 5head, she got that 10head

Maybe by your amerimutt standards, which would let you fuck litteral shit like this, but not for true whites.

Actually her forehead is okay, the problem is with everything that is below it.

well I'm half Finnish so...

>half Finnish so...

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Litteral 56% xD.

you need to fix your life if you like that fetal alcohol lookin shit

There is something attractive about her..

That guy's not american he's polish or german I think.

Let's be honest here...

>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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Dis one senpaitachi

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>I'd fuck them
millie is like 13 you fucking nonce

you just summed up 90% of youtube and twitch

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100% Anglo phenotype

how can they keep getting away with it

not original

freeesh oc for me goblina boblinas

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Looks German, you can tell the features

based european made this

>*half* Finnish

lmao you cant make this shit up, it's like he just doesn't understand at all

THAT'S EXACTLY why then they come and try to tell people who is white and who is not. America is a fucking meme.

>heh well my grandfather was 1/32 irish and my great grandmother was 1/128 german and 1/64 danish so im pretty much white guys

>is like 13

>You won't be telling me who is white and who is not, AHMED!

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t. full-blood Finn

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t. Slytherin house

>mixed race "people" are the most beutiful creatures on this worl...

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id smash her tho.

This is an extremely originano postie

Fuck i forget to image

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she was born in spain though

Is this person fucking retarded?

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Only now I noticed this ;D.

that's christine sydelko

Put that same face on an East Asian woman and she's guaranteed at least three nerdy white orbiters.

Can't help but laugh every time I see this. Poor bastard probably killed his ape of a wife in a fit of rage after finding out he was the newest pisstake from Jow Forums.

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Also, never forget Brittany Venti is the OG 56% face.

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Its a hit or miss kind of thing imho

I know that Kaiser Schimdt and it was actually a troll post, but still, the picture of that couple is real.

Here is a good one you savages.

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He is ukranian nazi

Attached: ukraine-nazi-march-1.jpg (1600x1138, 176K)

How the fuck could anyone bring this kind of racially mongrelised genetic trash shit into the world and sleep with themselves at night?

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Here in Brazil I could go out on the street and take pics at random, everytime catching a monster. Like some twisted Pokemon Snap.

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you must be hot, post eurasian face

oh so he literally is an untermenschen, thats perfect

>Like some twisted Pokemon Snap.
HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA literally almost made me throw up with my nose while I was eating.
It's way too funny, more than it should be ;D.

She's cute in a sad and slightly ugly way. I want to take a nap with her.

This guy just proves women can't have a hard life.


i want to meet britanny at a bar or something and hit on her while acting like i dont know who she is and then get her number and take her on a few more dates before fucking her brains out.

Why are you talking like a nigger? I dont get it

I think ts all the 16yo on this site.

i find her cuter than all the "10/10s" i see constantly

High res version original

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That's white as fuck. Like very likely have ZERO minority admixture

I want to cum in Millie's mouth. Ain't that a stranger thing.

You obviously know what cherry picking means right?

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You faggots are actually retarded

t. Bottom 1% of the white race

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Lots of mixed faced people are stunningly beautiful and lots of them are buttfugly, just like people of one race. I'm 100% white no variation and I could post my face here tbqh, it's not some ticket to beauty to not be mixed.

She's already fucking a literal aryan supermodel.

Hey guys your favouire jew here today we're gonna vape and talk about

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fucking morons have no idea what this meme is even about

>future single mothers

Would still smash b

Ok Britain keep laughing .

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IDK about the former, but the latter is an ukrainian... NONE of them is white. They are litteral mongs.

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Lol literally this:
I'm not even british. Nor do I live in any mudslime ridden country so keep on projecting.