Just admit you would give in and shove your face in there

just admit you would give in and shove your face in there

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I mean of course, but I was into traps already

I never claimed otherwise


It's been five years of fapping to traps, and i have yet to obtain a gf (male)

I feel cheated

kelly is not a trap

Femboys are made to be bred ~
>tfw no qt to fuck me in the mating press position

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Is this from a CG set or just a one-off?

desu the beauty marks are very cute

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I need more femboys in my life

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nah but some other boy can eat my creampie out of him if they want

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im talking to a girl on tinder right now, but i'd much rather have a nice femboy to cream and cuddle desu

Of course traps look cute in Anime because it's not real.

No matter how muche effort Traps put into their crossdressing , will still tell apart a faggot from a girl.

I'm 90% straight and I would not hesitate

This. Anime traps are perfect because they can be drawn anyway we want them to look and act/sound any way we want them to. There are literally no real life mentally ill faggots who can pass better than a 2D trap.

Anime traps are literally girls with a penis drawn on them

Yeah, exactly. Real trannies start with a male body as their base and have to work with that so the results are much, much worse. Like, on some level I feel a bit bad for them because I know that they'll literally never pass as a woman. But that kind of goes away when I consider the sheer fucking clownworld that goes along with this LGBTBPI shit and the ablation of social capital as well.

hideri is literally just a crossdressing young boy tho

>Draw a girl , call it a boy
Really grinds my gears

Yeah, how does this contradict what we're saying? Looks cute because it's an anime character and not a real life tranny.

uhhh its not a tranny tho youre misconstruing the fundamentals

No, but I would milk that D.

>ass out with the his cute dicklet hanging in your face
>yeah nice try but I can tell you're not a girl
Not much gets past you friend

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H-hot user. Do you cum a lot??

Depends what's happening to my ass at the time.

So you're saying if I fuck you while you fuck my trap bf you'll creampie him hard and let me clean up?

Sounds like a good deal.

Nah sorry would have to be my gf fucking me, unless you have a replacement for her horse cock dildo between your legs.

Well, I don't, but I'd be happy to watch that scene as long as you had a big cock yourself.

we have to verify that it's really at a solid 90 percent, using your face and my ass of course.
If you back out that means your really gay and afraid of being exposed. Faggot

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Fucking hell why are there so many gays nowadays.

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Meh, 7x6, not amazing but not tiny

r9k is
mostly men
mostly loners

>Jow Forums is now about suicidal homo boys

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all in all id say the outcome is a net positive, atleast there will be less virgins this way. Just imagine alternate universe gay elliot rodger, complaining about the bottom/top ratio.

4 months
Disregard what this fag says.

Yesh but IRL boys will never look like that

This right here.
OP is a faggot for thinking that real life resembles his chinese cartoons.

She needs to lock that thing up like a good girl.

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I would but I dont think that character is gay just because he dresses like a girl

I wanna lick the anus and suck the little cock

wtf i want to put my hands around that waist so fucking much, oh my god...

rood dubz

I would if i originally could

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is she ok.. looks exhausted

i loooove hideri

is blend s any good even