Anyone here planning on getting an escort if they don't lose their virginity by 25?

Anyone here planning on getting an escort if they don't lose their virginity by 25?

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Very tempted to get one but my religious belief forbid me from doing so.

already did at 18 mate, why are you wasting more time?

please tell me how did you get to this kind of retardation?

There's just too much reisk associated with taht

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I tried too. When I was 28, I went to a prostitute to lose my V-card. Curvy student girl, really great tits. She took 120 pound from me at the door. We went into the room and I tried to kiss her and she refused. Instantly I was turned off. I touched her breasts a little, but nothing was happening, and she was closed. She took my trousers and underpants off, and started jerking me off harshly. I told her to stop, and asked her what was wrong.

She got really angry at me, and was going to kick me out. I asked her what was wrong, and she started crying. I then spent the next 30 minutes making her a cup of tea, smoking a cigarette with her (I don't smoke), and listening to her boyfriend problems and problems with school work. After this chat, she tried to give me 60 pound back, but I refused, and said she should keep it. We hugged at the door, and then I left.

It was only after a few hours that I realised that I had been massively played.

To this day, this remains the only sexual contact I've had.

Do it and then just pray for forgiveness or whatever afterwards.

The Pope himself had orgies with prostitutes -
I think you're safe.

I'm 29 and I have considered it.
But from what I've seen, they don't look anything close to your pic. At least not where I live.

>be 17yo KV
>was going to turn 18 soon
>discover adultwork
>find a 25-year-old 6'0 redhead who is into giving domination among other things
>book her
>book a hotel to call her out to
>we meet up
>she's really nice, we talk a little bit to break the ice before getting to business
>she ties me up, fucks me on top and kisses me until I smell like strawberries
>I lick and suck her off, surprisingly it doesn't taste like a damn thing - only texture
>she was really reassuring throughout the whole ordeal
>we cuddle for a bit afterwards
>finish after our time is up, she never watched the clock
>she gets dressed and we have a farewell kiss. I tell her she was amazing, but she says "no, you were amazing" before she left

>get free STD checks at my local clinic
>staff member asks if I want to see a sexual health advisor
>fuck it, why not - it was my first time anyway
>advisor is really chill, I tell her everything that happened and so forth
>she explains how many working girls frequently come to check themselves up, no one judges or bats an eye
>STD checks return all clear

God damn I love my country.

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>be 17yo KV
Is this a joke? If you're 17 and a kv, that's nothing to worry about. Trying getting to 28.

fuck man now im really considering getting an escort.

You were literally suppose to learn this at 18 so you would be slaying mad devine prostitute pussy at your age. Life has been hard sailor and it gets harder from here buddy.

I've hired my first prostitute at age 30 (wizardry is a lie, btw), as a HHKV.

Honestly, just fucking do it. It's not like my life changed dramatically after that, but it lifted a weight I had been carrying for a long time.

Already did this at 22 while I was in Amsterdam.
No regrets, kind of sucks though as I discovered I have Premature ejaculation

Im not a KV i lost my virginity surprisingly at 18 years old, my boss introduced me to adultworks and it is amazing what some of these women will do

> Be 17yo KV
What's a KV?

Kinky vagabond

kissless virgin. someone who didn't touch lips with females yet

I don't ever want to pay for sex. I've had sex with a few uggos but at least I didn't pay for it

>tfw afraid to try a prostitute because it's illegal in burger land

I lost mine to an escort at 25 but didn't hire her or know she was an escort at first. I bumped into a girl I used know from Uni who had become one and we went out to catch up which eventuality led to her pity fucking me. Fake dating and sleeping with lonely dudes is more or less what she does for a living after all. Regardless it was still was a good night, only downside was given the circumstances I liked her more than I should have and basically ended up orbiting a glorified hooker for about a month there.
Interesting insights into the mind of an escort to be had there. She was convinced she wasn't taking advantage of men's loneliness but rather helping them. She saw herself like some sort of therapist

Klimint Voroshilov Tank

>that's nothing to worry about

My chances were very slim. Aside from the fact that I'm 5'7 and skinny, I don't identify with mainstream British pop culture which makes socialising with the majority of young people here very difficult, even if I'm not even "weird" by any means. I'm not exactly a robot, but like many people here I tried being a normie just to get it over and done with and it backfired on me pretty badly.

Not to mention that every single girl I knew in sixth form already had a boyfriend from way before I even started. In fact, a lot of girls here have boyfriends who are quite older than them so a 28-year-old is more likely to get laid than a 17-year-old here, unless the latter is one of those sporty football chad types.

Also, I have an /ss/ fetish so living the dream was definitely worth it. Don't even care about sex desu - the fact that I got to be intimate with a girl five years older than me speaks for itself.

Honestly, just get it over and done with. Would you rather feel bad that you had sex without any social barriers, or regret not having had sex at all? I still feel like a virgin since I don't even remember what the sex itself was like.

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I've had several escorts just for fun when going abroad with mates. Would recommend.

This is the gayest post on this board.

I'm planning to get one as soon as I get a job.

I'm 20 btw, and the fact that I will have to pay doesn't bother me at all. It's just their job, and it's a service I want.

And they are mostly 9-10/10s too.

I'll try to go regular, and experiment some new girls on the side whenever I have some extra cash, then I'll go for a threesome.

Also: It's not illegal in my country (hueland) and girls here usually have Carnaval dancer bodies.

Kilo volts, damn American

>she only gave you 60 back
ahahahhahahaha fucking whore

just walk into any bar on earth tell a girl you are a virgin and get a pity fuck from a drunk relatively hot chick

>getting pity fucked by a whore that is more ugly and disease ridden than the worst escort you can find
>fucking a drunk chick and risking regret rape charge

No wonder you're in Jow Forums.