I'm so tired of being alone, but at the same time I can't even imagine what it's like not being alone

I'm so tired of being alone, but at the same time I can't even imagine what it's like not being alone.

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The fact that r9k allows trannies like you shows how far this board has fallen.

if you dont look like a fat neckbeard you should just find a bf dummy

Alfonso is the trap not Jeanne you silly billy.

being alone is really cool unless you are roastie
relationships are annoying

>you should just find a bf dummy
Finding someone who likes me is nearly impossible.

>The fact that r9k allows trannies like you shows how far this board has fallen.
How am I any different from other robots?

because we are masculine macho men overflowing with testosterone and masculinity.

If that were true, Jow Forums wouldn't be as miserable as it is now.

must save this thrad now!!!!!!

I thought you were just going to suppress those feels with video games.

Are you ready for the great move in 4 months?
It's almost 3 months now.

if you can't mentally picture yourself with friends you'll never have any
this isn't even a case of 'just being yourself bro'
you are actively sabotaging yourself with this mindset
you need to start manifesting your destiny

Attached: the-law-of-attraction.jpg (640x480, 141K)

Me too, but I'm currently reading a vn which has some romantic scenes between the fights and... yeah, it's not that easy.

>Someone posts they want to be your bf
>They make another post
>You reply with 5 words or some shit
You have people wanting you every thread but you're too lazy or arrogant to engage in conversation with them.

Trust me, being alone is better than being social.

I recently read a novel about loneliness and romance and I managed to come through in one piece anyway. You must be strong like the earth and free like the wind!

What is this novel?

Tbh I feel better being alone with my dog than with friends or family. I haven't gotten tired of it and all the best memories I've had in my life were experienced by myself, despite having pretty good memories with others. The only downside is wanting to undermine opportunities in favor of seclusion, which seems kinda toxic when I think about it. Noiding myself out enough with an acid trip has bumped me back onto a "normal" trajectory consistently in the past, so I could always resort to that though.

Time for Jannu bingo!
>Nice anime picture to bring in the weeb lurkers looking for more
>Jannu turns down an user for having an unapproved fetish
>Jannu flirts with an user for multiple posts but neither make a move for contact info
>That one orbiter arrives to say they love Jannu
>''This is noise/lies''
>That one orbiter arrives and 'bullies' Jannu
>Argument about how mentally ill trannies are
>Jannu uses exclamation marks!!
>A tranny or cumdumpster want Jannu
>''Nearly half of trannies commit suicide''
>Jannu gets depressed with the lack of boyfriend material and stops replying to her own thread
Great time ahead for all.

Attached: 1522510528835s.jpg (850x1182, 127K)

Post feet pls.MUUUTTTEE

>You have people wanting you every thread
They either vanish as soon as I reply or aren't serious about it.
What an awful pic :c

>You must be strong like the earth and free like the wind!
I remember I could go through romance stuff easily in the past, but that's no longer the case.

>They either vanish as soon as I reply or aren't serious about it.

Okay, there's a third type: a random lurker who knows literally nothing about me and asks me out thinking that I'm a kawaii anime girl.

Read the rest of the post you retard. Someone claims they want to date you, something you claim to desperatly want and your response?
>Yes we can date.
You give them nothing to work with. Despite being a man you've got that natural roastie mentality of expecting conversations to be for your entertainment.

Nonsense it fits, Jannu always enjoys when internet-doms talk about leashing her up in these threads.

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but Jannu, I am trying!

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I thought jannu was pure

I guess it depends on what pure means to you famalam. If virgin I assume she is, if you mean ''doesn't have lewd thoughts'' then I'm afraid most Jow Forums tranny's were porn addicts at one time.

Get a trip so I can filter you, discord faggot.

>in a long distance relationship rn
its perfect, i get the periodic loneliness that validates my depression and dark thoughts but also a person to talk about them with. And since we meet ever so often its just lewd times. Feels good tbqh senpai

I'm jealous now ;_;

These threads seem to be more quiet than they used to be. Did Jannu's orbiters dump her after they saw her pic?

Don't worry we all can make it, don't forget robots. I'm as ugly as they come and as fat as i can allow myself. Some girls (or guys) will like you for who you are, and if they do, never let them go.

You managed to forget about tfw no bf kind of almost for a day or so. Well done. Only 10k+ days left to go until the feel finally goes away.

was meant to quote

Well, there's a very reliable shortcut I can always use.
>Some girls (or guys) will like you for who you are, and if they do, never let them go.
I've yet to find someone like this.

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>Well, there's a very reliable shortcut I can always use.
You know you won't. Besides, since you're a girl now you are statistically more likely to fail your attempt. You're here forever.