Do you have a qt GF, user?

do you have a qt GF, user?

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If I did then I wouldn't be here.

true story.

why can't we have GF?

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Wit do u think Pepe?

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oh my god. i really wish i could have a GF. that would make my day! a GF that would make my day, everyday.

but i'm not able to get a GF, so all that's left to me is to remain a beta orbiter.

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I wish I did but it's not going to happen.

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yeah.. id be a normie because of it too by most others standards but im so anti social and socially awkward i still feel robot teir... my gf just really pushed through my social barrier and pryed me open to the point where she got know and understand me. and I think she did to begin with. when we started to talk i told her right off the bat im not good with any of it and ill probabky end up embarresing myself but she really worked with me and if it wasnt for her id be dead from killing myseld at this point. its literally the only good in my life and one day when she leaves me ill kill myself

>tfw no gf

btw i don't even know this girl. i'm just using her to exemplify tfw no gf

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yes. pic related (no bullshit)

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damn. you must be a very nice guy. in order to conquer such a fine lady's heart, i'd expect no less. a true gentleman!

I bet you're white. Are you white user?


You should get one senpai

how? please tell me what do i have to do.

This is pathetic user. Just a quick reverse image search shows that she's some roastie slut who films herself doing mukbangs

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the hell do you think op?

wow asshole fuck off

I am white how did u know

absolutely kek

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i don't know, that's why i'm asking.

i wish i could know what having a qt GF is like.

doesnt matter still my gf


please, someone.


i thought you guys had GFs

I actually do have a GF

answer plz

sdfdfsd sdf sdfdfrret

It's nice because no matter what they do (even insipid shit only women do) it's significantly less annoying because they're cute about it. I have been with my girlfriend for almost three years, we live together so I am exposed to her basically constantly. Haven't really had a fight yet, but I'm sure one day we may. It's fun watching her get excited about little shit, like what you cooked for dinner or seeing a cute insect (she really likes insects). And picking out outfits for her to wear is nice, even if all I ever want to make her wear are leggings and hoodies for some reason.
It's not all glamorous, sometimes I feel like I get no me time for my weirder hobbies, like anime. I've gotten her to watch normiecore artsy shit like paprika and FLCL but ecchi and shit I have to watch alone, and I'm barely ever alone: for example I rewatched clannad last night because she was out of time for the second time in all of 2018.
Tl;dr it's fun to watch a cute girl do cute things and fawn over you. I can't post her face because she was me post her in a 25+ thread the other night and got worried that some of her students might se her. Which is a shame because the anons who saw her said she was very qt.

It's pretty awesome, she's kinda passive but still clearly likes me. Holding her in my arms is pretty much the best feeling I've ever had. Doing almost anything with her is fun, before we got together I wasn't really interested in doing new things (especially outside), but now everything seems so much more interesting.

She even likes nerdy stuff so we play games together and sometimes watch anime and cuddle. I wish I could spend more time with her, but we're both pretty busy with studying.

oh, i see. it's very awesome to have a lover, indeed.

goodbye now, friendo. brb kms

I do have a 9/10 qt3.14 gf. She's the most supportive person I've ever met and she's perfect for me. I fucked it up with her once before because I misunderstood what she meant but she accepted me back. I'm happier than ever and I'm not going to mess it up again.

how did you get her?


The first time I asked her out in mcdonalds. The second time I told her how I felt and I asked her why she had been trying to turn me into her exes. I apologized and we made up. I'm going to keep her for the rest of my life.

Holy shit are you me?
I recently got a girlfriend and this describes us perfectly.

rate your looks


I'd say a 7/10

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i do and we just passed the 2 year anniversary. i lucked out and hope others do the same

> thoses "..."
> "I would be a normie"
> This whole fucking text
You dont belong here, get the fuck out of here you fucking underaged normie faggot


life's so great when you're born with the just right genetics

Yepper, but, I got a bad heart, probably going to have gout and diabetes if I don't watch myself.

You look like a rip off ed sheeran, not my type at all but I can see how you would attract a qt.

not anymore

I still came you Jow Forums when I had a qt3.14 gf
You can't leave this fucking place

Story time, gather around now:
> Be me, in high school, some 12 years ago.
> Develop crush on slim Brunette Slav girl from English class.
> Ask if she uses MSN. (smart phone of the day.)
> She does.
> Write her a message. Send some emojis.
> She responds.
> We chat for hours into the night and listen to trance music together.
> Hang out on lunch breaks at school. Go out with mutual friends, etc.
> She lives kinda far tho. I got no car. I got no job.
> Look forward to working somewhere and spending the whole summer with her.
> Come home one day. Commie parents tell me that I'm being sent off to Europe for the summer.
> FML.
> One last night in town. I spend it with her.
> Watch fireworks, hold hands, cuddle under the stars.
> FallinLove.exe
> Being a nervous sperg, I blow my opportunity to kiss her.
> Deployed to the Balkans on the next day.
> No internet.
> Fuck.
> Send one email home the whole summer. The email is sent to her.
> Buy her a really nice feminine shirt, which I asked cousin girl to help pick out.
> ...
> Upon return, school has already started.
> I find out from mutual friend that she was asked out few days ago by new kid and that she said yes.
> I ask her if this is true.
> "Yes, user. I'm dating this other sperg now."
> ... But his family was wealthy, so there is that.
> I am disappointed.
> No second chance to kiss Stacy.
> Throw shirt into garbage.
> In friendzone for a few years. We stop talking in college.
> ...

Do you know what board youre in kid?

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Let me check in the back. Sorry, we're all out.

you're supposed to type it all out on notepad first and then just copypaste you FUCKING idiot

i sure hope you've never had a gf bc you don't deserve one

"son, you're almost 20 and have no gf, why don't you have a gf yet? everyone will laugh at you."

not my fault im 5'4 you married someone a foot shorter than me you fucking ass.

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> ...
> Few years later, after graduating STEM degree. Stacy contacts me.
> She has been dating Chads for the past five years and wants to tell me all about it. She asks me what I'm doing.
> I am disgusted by her behavior, but being a simp, I give her the benefit of the doubt that she is not a roastie. I try and erase the whole encounter from memory.
> I tell her that I'm a NEET, looking for work in chosen field.
> ...
> ...
> More years pass. Stacy messages me, again.
> "Hello user Stacy is visibly disappointed. She doesn't say much.
> So I ask her if she is seeing anyone as well, knowing fully well that she has been riding the cock carousel for over a decade now.
> "Actually, yes, user. I found another beta, and he is in medical school!!! And we are looking to get married in 3 years after he finishes medical school. But we haven't told his ethnic minority parents yet."
> Good for you Stacy. Good for you. I hope it works out for you.
> Meanwhile, I shake my head at the whole affair.
> ...
> I've long given up on Stacy.
> Yet I know fully well that she will message me again in 3 more years, after she hits the wall, asking me what I'm up to.
> But good luck to her and her future beta husband.

maddly in love with one and i have between 2 and 4 that are interested in me.
I have options but I am currently single though