Theres a slug in my room and I can't find it

Theres a slug in my room and I can't find it

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if you step on it post pics

How did a slug get into your room??

I don't know, I found his friend the other day too, but this one is sneaky!

Literally how do you lose focus on a slug?

Hopefully you'll find each other again someday

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Put down a dish of beer to lure him out and let him go free. Don't want him drying up and dying somewhere. They somehow used to manage to sneak up into my kitchen in my old places

keep finding it's tracks everywhere but have never seen it
I've been setting my alarm for random times in early morning hoping to catch it in the act too but still can't find it

oh they like beer? but I have vodka and wine only will this work?
I have no clue how they got in here either. I wondered whether I brought some eggs in some mud at some point. They are such disgusting creatures! Something odd and related happened yesterday too, on the pavement as I was walking home from /nightwalk/ I looked down and there were worms writhing about EVERYWHERE. A 1m x 1m square had at least 8 of them and this was the case for a mile down the road since I noticed it

Wont let this thread die, might be my autism but i find this really interesting


This thread is originally cute.

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just put out some fuckin lettuce and clean your room

also the slug trails are probably your semen

better hope it doesn't slither into your mouth as you sleep. They carry lungworm

Slugs are cute. You should pet it.

rooms clean friend! But yes of course I better do this

i like slugs a lot. there was a slug in the little hallway area where you put your shoes before you go in and my mom told me to kill it. i fed it a cabbage leaf and everyday it comes back at the same time so i keep feeding it. my mom would be mad if she knew

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Slugs! Org

tfw pouring salt on it

writhe you little bitch

>make friends with spider in room
>she lays eggs without me knowing
>one day the eggs hatch and my room is filled with tiny spiders
>gas them all with Raid

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I've done this while listening to henry rollins-salt on a slug

good slug

I like seeing happy animals

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This is why I never ever trust spiders.

Is it you though?

roastie spider whore got what she deserved for cheating on you

Funniest post I've seen in a while

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Tfw throw a handful of birb seed in the garden.
there always birdies now :3

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Crawled in your mouth while you were sleeping.

I hope I'm not! I'm trying my best buddy

I just hope you don't hang those humming birds feeding device. They become diabeetus

Oh wow. I remember when I lived in Florida as a kid, me and my sister would find slugs and try to race them. Good, innocent times.

No just handful of birb seed scattered everywere.

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Cute male blackbird.

im trying to find more pics

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