Woke up and looked in the mirror. This is the true face of a depressed robot. I'm 26 and don't want to keep this up anymore...
Woke up and looked in the mirror. This is the true face of a depressed robot...
Your place looks nice.
dude if that is actually you then you're actually quite decent looking. and i mean it when i say that.
>elder scrolls map framed on the wall
What shithole do you live in?
His body looks okay, face is kinda chubby looking even for his body. So if he could grow a beard, he should. But this is probably not user so this fucker can fuck off and die.
When will you guys realize that most robots are decent-looking or at worst somewhat below average? Most of the people on this board are fucked up because of self-fulfilling prophecies, social ineptness and downward spiral thinking.
lmao you don't even look bad fuck you nigger just lift get a shitty job and you're set
you even look young
What is your job?
I would suck you (guy).
You look pretty good, maybe a few years younger than you actually are.
This, though.
We're fucked up mainly because autism/ADHD/PTSD/depression genes, low prenatal T, and social defeats in childhood and early adolescence.
You look like a senior in high school
wtf is this what people on here look like? I thought we were all fat neckbeards now I feel insecure as fuck
I thought we were all hideous balding manlets
Hey, this is me OP. Yes, this is a pic of myself... I don't know why my face has this fat look to it when I take pics on my smartphone. I dont have an actual camera. Also, I live alone in a single wide trailer.
Fat necbeard here. This is probably some faggot from /soc/ looking for attention... I hope
It's a secret. No, actually I work as a groundskeeper at a govt facility. Pretty easy job, I like it. Hoping to move up soon since I got my clearance.
Just turned 26. How do I lose the fat in my face, I need to work out... plus my hair is receding lol
I dont get it either. I have fucked genes. I dont get why I look so meek and young when I am fucking 26 year old man
Are you called Joshua Barber? You look like someone who used to be in my class at primary school.
OP here. I am actually both of those things so it's ok. I am only 5'10" and have a bad receding hairline. Mentally fucked, no real friends. I used to be NEET. Now I wageslave and go home to my dog and sit on my couch. Life really is something
only browsed /soc/ a few times. I am looking for attention, though. Never get it irl lol
Nah holy fuck you're right man,
I turned into chad like a year ago but 2 years ago I was in the worst place possible and browsing r9k for like 5 hours just because of that. Self-fulfilling prophecies social ineptness and downward spiral thinking. The golden trio.
Nail on the head right there.
>worst place possible
>only 5 hours
your trailer looks ten times better than my trailer what the fuck
also reported for not following the rules, in fact not following the rule THATS ON THE SECOND FUCKING POST
Are you an amerimutt? Do you have a gf?
>Following the rules
what are you fucking gay?
I've bought more stuff to fill the void...
Your body is too slim for your face, you need some muscle
If your chin looked a bit better (you can maybe fix tjat with weightloss) youd be literally fucking chad. Actual robots are hainting to look at. If younare still a depressed virgin that is only becaus you are a massive coward and have asked out at most 5 women in your life.
I would tell you to man up, but considering your age it seams you are beyond hope. Id tell you to kys but you probably dont have the balls. Go whine for pity on reddit you are not getting any from me you failed normie
How did you turn into a Chad, I need help..
I just clean my place a lot. Thats a pic when i first moved in 3 months ago. Let me find a better one.
here it is.Last time I had a gf was jr year highschool. Haven talked to a girl romantically since. Yes im american. I dont know if i am a mutt. always just assumed im a white guy