Going to fucking kill myself try to talk me out of it

going to fucking kill myself try to talk me out of it

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If you have any money left, spend it on whatever you want and THEN kill yourself

Tell us why you want to kill yourself and we'll go from there.

life is occasionally nice, don't do it
What if theres no afterlife? You wasted your only chance at life, better use it now, even if it sux

Oh my goddddddddd user! Holy fuck user! You've got to get h-i-g-h and FUCK GIRLS!! My fucking MIND is just FUCKED right now on the weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! Get fucking stoned OUT OF YOUR MIND!! Oh my goddddddddd

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user, this is hell, you don't ever have to fight fair

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nothing in my life pans out. i just got cheated on recently but thats not the reason im going to do it its just the straw that broke the camels back.
im broke
im hoping there is no afterlife where i burn in hell forever

OK tyler

Instead of being an attention whore just do it and stream it. Then we'll take you seriously.

Take a step back. What do you want to achieve? Think about what you need to do. If it seems impossible think about other stuff you can achieve that you'd be at least okay with, and might let you move on to something else. You may as well give it a go. You might unfuck your life, but you can't un-kill yourself. If everything is still shit after that then you can always kill yourself alter. Plenty of time to be dead so there's really no rush.

Stream it and you will be immortalized as a meme friend

Kingdom Hearts III still isn't out yet.

>Stream it and you will be immortalized as a meme friend

And live forever on Jow Forums. A fate truly worse than death.

next kh game coming out soon you fucking tard dont do it till you beat it

We're all here forever anonymous

Attention whore somewhere else, stream it and people might take you seriously

Whether you do or not, believe in Jesus Christ. But I urge you to not take your life friend.

thats not even bad advice but i just wanna give up because ive been trying for these last years to get something put together in my life. but im just tired of trying.
when i do it i might post my name and have you guys look me up in the news

Dont "lol" me senpai it's been 10 years, you can wait it out another 2.

That's half of why I haven't offed myself yet.

burning in hell forever for taking my own life was something i was thinking about. why do catholics see this as a just punishment for suicide?

This might be pushing it a bit but is it possible to take a break? Stay with family or something, let them know what's going on (as far as you're comfortable anyway) and just stop for a bit?

>no Indiana Jones world

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I might do the same. Humanity is fucked up.

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the easiest suicide is old age

>How old are you?
>For real what's the reason for this?
>Why not just keep going?
If your life has not value to you then keep living it can only get valuable

I'm not going to give you a meme answer telling you to blow your money (if you have any) on drugs, women and travel. This is probably the last thing you want to do.

No, just take time to appreciate the little things in life. Go for a walk in a park, with your dog if you have one. You don't have to talk to anyone, just look around at the sun shining, the birds chirping and the wind blowing in the trees. Just sit down and listen and appreciate all these beautiful things at your fingertips. Whenever I get sad or anxious or depressed I'll take my dogs for a walk and remind myself that all this beauty out in the world justified the painfulness of existence.

You only get 80 years on this Earth, why waste your golden chance to appreciate everything it can offer? By killing yourself you guarantee that you'll never have a nice meal again, you'll never watch a good TV show again, you'll never appreciate nature again.

do it you attetnion whoring piece of shit

No kill
No stream
No kill
No kill
Yes kill

Dubs have spoke. Take drugs and stay away from CCTV. Only kill 1/3rd of self

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Do what you want just make sure to live stream it

you know you don't want to do it, you just have to work on your problems and find the strength to persevere even though it all looks bad

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Rape a girl (preferably 18-24), stream it, then and only then can you kill yourself.

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But then you won't be able to play KH3 or FF7:Remake

>when my suicide thread turns into a kingdom hearts thread

>no treasure planet world

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It's not like you are going to do it anyway.

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wanna bet?

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sorry for late replies
yeah i should probably tell my family whats going on
will try this