Post the minimum standard you would date

>biologically female
>not fat
>showers and brushes teeth regularly
>can be hideious but not grotesquely deformed

That's literally it. Still khv at 24

Attached: 1514502914002.jpg (915x609, 112K)

>not fat

>not black
>not obese (a bit chubby is fine)

>not morbidly obese
>not life threatening anorexic
>over 18, under 60
>above 2.5/10 overall
I'm too picky, I know

>has a job or is in education
>not obese
>can hold an intellectual conversation
>is passionate about something with true merit like film or art or literature or something along those lines
>doesn't mind mean humor

>being a robot
>having standards
choose wisely

>in shape

das it

>not over 30 bmi
>prefer female, trap is ok if passable
>basic hygiene
>is attracted to me

minimum standard?
>basic hygiene
>any weight between 90lbs and 300lbs
>any age between 18 and 70
>does not have kids
>has no STDs
>does not smoke
>does not do drugs
>not hateful
>likes sex

Attached: hmm=.jpg (1825x2738, 874K)


origamii desu ne

not black
not fat

alt righters being incels. imagine my shock

>triggered blackbot
who says im alt right? who says im a incel?

>virgin, because I ain't a cuck
>mentally healthy, because I ain't a cuck

I don't care about her hygiene, as long as noone around us notices. (btw I always shower before a date).

bonus point if she's on wheelchair (not my fetish, but it would mean she can't run away from me while I'm taking a pee*)

* believe me, it happens

>Biologically female
>Not morbidly obese (chubby/chunky is fine desu)
>Not black
That's it I guess

>not fat
>Decent job
>Not lazy
>Pretty face
>Not from SEA or india
>Not having a toxic personality
>Kind hearted
Why am I so alone lads

Attached: rustled_jimmies.png (300x300, 214K)

So if she was a gorgeous indian lady with a kind heart, a good job and education and was interested in you, you'd say no?

Attached: indian_girl_model_janita_jana.jpg (656x985, 480K)

>Not fat (but a little chubby is ok)
>not extremely ugly
>good personality
>has honour
>not a normalfag
>average smartness
My standards aren't too high to begin with, but finding a girl thats not a normal is almost impossible. And all the """"""""fem""""""""bots Ive seen are all brain damaged homos or are attention seeking losers.

it's almost like you dont like the feeling of being summarily rejected by a physical characteristic that you can't alter. that, is how men all over this world, feel.

>is a girl
Maybe I'll meet her one day

aaaaand i'm already out of luck right there

>If male not black
>within 5 years of my age
>not overweight

>Bio female
>not fat

>he thinks he's worthy of dating his own race
>he thinks he's attractive enough to deserve an ARYIN WOMIN
>he thinks he's smarter than the average person
>he thinks he has a edgy quirky sense of humor

These faggots never get old hahahahahahahaha

I don't get your post. Is this sarcasm? Explain please.

Would anyone here date a female brainlet? Asking for a friend

>Bio Female
>6/10 face

> Not morbidly obese
> not super thin either
> Not super ugly
> few to zero tats
> reasonable hygiene

biological female

>Still khv at 24
Because women know their worth and know you're a shitty man

>not obese
>is feminine
>under 40
>slightly attractive to me
>shared interests

Attached: 1521229048639.gif (286x274, 684K)

>t. fat fembot

they killed kenny

>ok with dating my gf and I
>marginally attractive face
>not too skinny or too fat
>early-mid 20s or looks that way

The very sad feeling when I didn't read the title, thought OP was describing themself, and got excited

It's hard being this pathetic

>Alt right because they want to date white chicks

Butthurt leftist. Get the fuck out of Jow Forums

I'd date a physically disabled person, but not paralyzed.

>Chub as a result
>Collects autism bux
>Dat sweet-ass parking spot, tho

>These faggots that feel the need to specify a desire for biological females

Pull your head out of the freak show's ass, reddit.

can cook clean and sucks my dick when ever i want. I dont care about looks

>under 40
>not fat
>not clingy or dependent
>has a job or is studying

>has at least a body (you can be a paraplegic and I'd still love you)
>don't even have to have sex with me
>not black or indian
>not obese
>under 50
>anywhere in between 5'0 and 6'0 or even shorter than 5'0 I don't care, once fell in love with a 5'0 guy with a really nice beard)
>3/10 or higher, but if you are a literal 1/10 and actually love me that would be okay too
>can stand to be with me, a 5'4'' ftm with major mental illness who doesn't brush their teeth ever and doesn't clean up after themselves

Attached: raw.gif (498x209, 1.09M)

I will post with a picture for illustration.
I just googled 5 min and thought about what I wanted to show.

I would accept girls who are even A LITTLE LESS beautiful than this girl. Pic related is kind of cute actully, but I tried to find a normal half chubby girl that wasnt looking too beautiful.

She shouldnt be too much heavier than pic related, and non-deformed. (Bigger parts as whole hands, limbs, head cant be deformed.)

Yes, she cant have too much body odur. If she works out and sweat and then her sweat stink alitte more than usual that is fine.

Im using this pic because people got scewed relationships with the 1-10 scale. I dont know what I would call pic related since its a static 2d pic.
But lets assume I could judge this girl to be a 6.5/10 if I would see her IRL (the number can only be based on outward appearence and no social/emotional evaluation about the person)

So someone I would assess as to be atleast 5.5?6ish is someone I would want to spend physical time with for a long period of time in a classic romantic way.

This is what I think, excuse my english its not my first language.


Attached: eadsdefa.jpg (640x480, 74K)

>5'4'' ftm with major mental illness who doesn't brush their teeth ever and doesn't clean up after themselves
Gimme that boypussy

Attached: 1522102842541.jpg (270x259, 14K)

>I would accept girls who are even A LITTLE LESS beautiful than this girl. Pic related is kind of cute actully, but I tried to find a normal half chubby girl that wasnt looking too beautiful.
>posts above average fairly skinny woman

>likes guys
Why would you ruin a good thing and purposely turn yourself into a faggot?

>not clingy
those are the best user

not just a faggot but a twink.. i bet she'd cream herself when he starts abusing her when they're fucking

I'm much too awkward to have sex, I am very afraid to do it, plus I am bleeding right now and it's nasty and uncomfortable. I don't look "cute and feminine" like you probably think I do. I have a lot of hair everywhere, including facial hair and my voice is not feminine either
I just used a guy as an example, I would date a guy, girl, ftm, mtf, trap, or some made up gender too, or a person with both a dick and a vagina
I'm having a hard time digesting this sentence, are you saying that I am a twink? that the 5'0 person was a twink? (he had a pretty strong beard going on, more like a dwarf) and are you implying that I am beating someone while fucking or that while I get fucked I would cream myself while getting abused. I mean, I'm not against getting beat, had a close friend at one time who used to wrestle with me and it wasn't the worst thing in the world. the only problem is that I'm not sexual and fear having sexual contact.

The same but I'd fuck guys and traps too. I'm fucking bi which would potentially mean more partners but I'm stuck being a self-loathing depressed retard who hadn't had sex for more than 5 yrs. I'm not even too fat or autistic. Being an arabic looking sandnigger sucks.

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The bois who get girls are ripped and have self security. Get some of that

>I don't look "cute and feminine" like you probably think I do. I have a lot of hair everywhere, including facial hair and my voice is not feminine either

Attached: 922.jpg (960x720, 45K)

>the only problem is that I'm not sexual and fear having sexual contact.
you ever considered that to be the root of your gender dysphoria?? were you sexually abused as a child? listen.. your life is your life, don't know how old you are, but I'd wait till early 30s before I did something permanent to my body. maybe you should focus on yourself and figure out who you are and what you want out of life before you can actually be with someone else. acknowledge your dragon. clean up your room.

Attached: reflect on it.jpg (2000x2000, 392K)


you live anywhere near wisconsin?

I already know the root of my sexual dysphoria, and it was the one time rape I experienced as a child at 8 years old, I realized this during a psychotic episode in which I also realized I wasn't actually transgender. However, I came out at 11 years old, I've had my name changed (costs 200$ and a month of waiting), i've had 8 years of therapy, 6 of which weren't covered by insurance (cost a few thousand dollars) went through majority of school only known as a boy, went through boy only gym classes and sports teams (very short lived but I still got to change in the mens locker room and stuff), and my brother has finally got along with me after I transitioned and thats a relationship I don't want to break. I was the reason that there is a transgender support group in my city at all, I was the reason that the school I went to is currently more understanding of transgender people
If I back out now, I disappoint my mother, my brother, my schools, my friends, and myself.
so I'm going to keep pretending to be a man until I die of suicide or old age

>not a fag
>some form of ambition/aspiration

Same as you apart from idc if a girl is overweight.

>Not fat
>Doesn't do drugs

dude, that is a skinny woman, you don't seem to understand there is a difference between girls bodies and womens bodies. if you want a woman that looks like a kid.. that's your problem.
>I was the reason that there is a...
jesus christ, truly a woman at heart, humble bragging/virtue signaling to people who don't give a fuck. you need to start thinking of yourself and collect the balls you don't have but pretend to and actually use them. live your life for yourself and not others, because that is what life is all about, no one is going to do it for you. You gonna fuck up your life just to please others? Been there, done that for ten fucking years, set yourself free bitch, i love you, and tell you this for your own good.

>not fat
>has job
>likes video games
>good humor
>faithful/family oriented

>have a nose
>at least 2 limbs
That is all

>truly a woman at heart
well no shit sherlock, or else I wouldn't e saying that I realized I wasn't actually transgender for fucks sake
>humble bragging/virtue signaling
is any of that really anything to be proud of? I made degeneracy more accepted to my own community, I am destroying my community
maybe one day I will be "brave" enough, for lack of a better word, to actually "bee myselve Xdd" but that's not today and not tomorrow

>blue eyes
>somewhat able-bodied (sorry, I'm not very healthy myself so can't do heavy lifting etc.)
>good hygiene (showers & brushes teeth regularly, doesn't leave a mess behind her)
>feminine genitals
>not underage

You may need to lower your standards user.

>but that's not today and not tomorrow
so until then you count the time to die? because i know youre not happy like this. how about you set yourself up with some goals, like moving out of your hometown, living by yourself, let yourself come into being instead of whatever you've been doing. the thing that to me never made sense with the transginger community was the "we're going to decide what we are and make everyone else accept it as reality" instead of "i'm gonna live life the way I want". you need to move out of the bed you already shat on. trust me that will help you become an adult and know yourself more than anything else you've done till now. we still love you even with your bleeding pussy, set yourself freeeeeee

Attached: new city.jpg (1920x800, 291K)

still not skinny. better than obese or prepubescent but i call it how it is.

I'm too attached to my family, maybe I'll hold out until my mother dies, claim that I went insane and something snapped in me like when my father died and cut all contact with my brother, I was planning on killing myself when my mother died anyways and it's probably not that far away
I never forced my identity on anyone, unless you count forcing people to call me by my chosen name
beisds, right now I have not a single dollar to my name but I could still try going with the adopt a neet program on /soc/ and hope I don't get my organs stolen
mostly what's holding me back is fear, mental illness, and lack of opportunity

get out into the world and start making some motherfucking money. you could do like the other bitches out there and sell masturbation videos, do a tumblr or something, you can also get a normal job, grocery stores hire younguns all the time. just get out there and find work, nothing to fear, they will say no 95% of the time, so you don't have to fear that, yeah you're gonna learn girls have a huge advantage when it comes to finding work, ironic isn't it? just get out there and keep trying, any job is better than no job, it will give you purpose and it will help you mentally. take little steps at a time, you can't do what i told you all at once but you sure as hell can find work. get out there and do it bitch

Attached: show that pucci.jpg (460x227, 14K)

>biologically female
>bathe regularly
>white or latina
>can't exceed 150lbs

Are my standards too high?

Attached: 1522354780939.png (657x527, 33K)

>bio female
>not fat
>showers and brushes teeth regularly
>can be hideious but not grotesquely deformed
Woah OP we have the same standards lol what are the odds

>under 150lbs
(breathin in)

>turn yourself into a degenerate to make money
no thanks, maybe I'll try twitch streaming or something else but never anything to do with genitals, then again if I start twitch streaming they're going to know me as a man, even if it is only voice, then if I detransition, they're going to assume I'm an mtf
only maybe 10 percent if I remember correctly of schizophrenics actually have a job but I don't know the percent of females and males in that, I'll just apply to neetbux soon and hope it's enough to live on my own

>not ugly (Like 2 or 3 out of 10 would be my absolute lowest)
>good personality
>good hygiene
>similar interests

its amazing nowadays that most guys struggle with even rock bottom standards because women demand chads or nothing. Although I've heard women get proper desperate past 30.

jesus christ you sound like the idiots(read women) i know back in appalachia. i guarantee you it is not enough for you to live on your own, HUD stamps are fucking useless because the program no longer works the way it works, your neetbux wont amount to 800 a month. if you get HUDbux at the same time they'll cut your neetbux. I'm super cereal here, you can't make it on neetbux. Get a fucking job. Walmart will hire you, I fucking guarantee you, they pay more than you'd get in neetbux every god damn day of the week. You're making me want to do pic related to you right now.

Attached: 7A759E8-zoom.jpg (300x240, 12K)

>Girl or feminine guy idc
>Between 18 and 25
>Not ugly and healthy body
>I don't care if she likes sex or not
>Doesn't go to clubs or filthy parties
>Can have a conversation about anything, isn't close minded
>Is not a slut
>Spends time with me
>Likes me as a friend too
I know. I'll forever be alone. But I'd rather be alone than be with someone that doesn't appeal to me, that's how it is.

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sounds like you're getting angry there bud, what the fuck are HUDstamps? My schizophrenic father lived by himself perfectly fine on neetbux for around 6 years until he died

not angry, but id take out my frustrations on you in a different way if i could. no one lives "fine" on government aid. you don't know what HUD is? fucking google it. Even to collect EBT you can't own more than $2000 worth of property (that goes for things inside your house). Why are you arguing so hard against your own self improvement??

>girl (female)
>not obese
>not anorexic
>under 40
>no STDs
>not super emotional
>open minded
I'd put more but I think it wouldn't be the minimum at that point

>not fat
>not with emotional problems
>not with STD
>not anorexic
>shorter than me

>I want to choke you out but I'm definitely not angry
my mother, also on disability (wow your lying because theres no way BOTH of your parents are disabled) definitely owns over 2000$ worth of stuff, still getting disability, never heard of HUD so probably not getting that

maybe I secretly desire to not have to do any work in my life, I enjoy being a useless member of society only doing what I enjoy in life, it's the same reason why I'll always be alone, loveless, dateless, friendless.

>who says im alt right? who says im a incel?
Your post does.

>bio female
>I don't mind a little pudge, but I'm in shape so I expect the same to a degree.
>showers and brushes every day
>likes to spend most days together

If you're going to be a sketchy hoe bag who wants to only hang out once a week, fuck off.

I want to choke you as i cum inside you is very different than being "im gonna kill you angry"
>maybe I secretly desire to not have to do any work in my life
yeah i figured that much, because, you're a woman.
> it's the same reason why I'll always be alone, loveless, dateless, friendless.
now this is where the two part way. you can be useless and do nothing just pursuing the things you enjoy in life, as a man you'll be forever alone, but as a woman you'll have guys hitting you up left and right.

>can be hideious
I don't know about that but yeah you are spot on.

>definitely owns over 2000$ worth of stuff, still getting disability
its in the form you fill out to get it, people lie about it all the time, but trust me sometimes some people get caught in weird ass social security rules they enact all of the sudden. and yeah i come from a area where 60% of people were on "disablity" so I do believe you.

>biological female
>slightly fat (aesthetical)
>No major physical deformities - could stand some scars, missing leg or whatnot, no genetic mistakes.
>basic hygiene, don't care about body hair at all
>good personality, I'm totally turned on by girls, who think like guys, that's all I want.
>bonus points if she would share my musical taste

>good hygiene
>decent sense of humor
>white or latina
>religious/family oriented

Attached: 1522423913497.jpg (1024x768, 183K)

7/8 because you know this gets butthurt responses every time.
-1 for lack of originality.

>biologically female
>not black
>not fat
>good hygiene
>no facial hair
>dpesnt dress like a hoe
>at least 7/10
>good etiquette/trying to improve self

basically all robots want white only, mostly no fatties then it varies

check out the trips

Attached: Coconut-Fat-Bombs-11.jpg (760x1140, 163K)

my requirements
>clingy and only wants me as a friend
>into art
>age:under 30
>willing to workout if fat
that's about it
>all those traits except i looksmax and am into /sci/ and /x/ stuff.

no to white only.
just no black or spic.
lot of white girls are bland looking without makeup

Attached: n.jpg (736x981, 139K)

>gives me attention
>good heart
>curly hair
>actually loves me
>Good higiene
>sleeps naked
>looks like my ex

hmmmm sounds a lot like me except im a guy.
was she a nog?

>average weight-thin body
>below average face/could even wear glasses
>has to be somewhat feminine/no tomboys
>no black girls

>no tomboys
shit taste

Nah, her skin was almost as white as milk, she even had european facial features

I have no standards. There exists no person who would tolerate the human garbage I am and so from my perspective, everyone might as well be part of the same grey mass.

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Shut up Gendo

>tfw would accept anybody who'd be willing to hug a lonely loser neet.

Attached: wojak.png (635x661, 227K)

>>no black girls
do you think they smell even when properly showered?
do you think they tasted a huge lot of dicks before yours?
do you think they'll throw massive tantrums for no reason, especially when you're in public?
do you think they (and their families as well) are after your money?
do you think you'd randomly get jailed because some of her friends/family was involved in something illegal and they resorted to some of your things making you liable?
do you actually think niggers gonna nig-nog?