/big/ big boy general

let us talk about the advantages of being < 6'0
>woman replant

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>back problems
>always having to adjust the driver's seat

my back feels like it's going to explode sometimes. Other than that life is good unless you drive a Honda and hit a road bump

im 6'2 but very lanky
6 inch wrists

6'8", it's a mixed bag.

I'm 6'4 but chinlet, skinnyfat and balding


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Not him but I'm 6'7". I think my dick is 7.5" to 8". Pretty pencilish though.

Why do most of you go after really short girls? Don't you want your kids to be tall?

>shortest guy in group of 6
>next shortest guy is 5'11
>had the most sex

It's a bittersweet feeling

Same reason women go after tall guys. No one finds short guys or tall women attractive.

Tall women are fine. only a small percentage are taller than me

>5ft 10
>average looking
>6.5 dick

Who else /average joe/ here?

>eat like 4000 calories
>literally look like a holocaust victim


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i am exactly 6' but when standing next to anyone over 6 i feel small. i am wide shouldered though so at least i look buffer than most taller dudes. also 6' is the perfect height cuz i can still fit in small sports cars.

being a manlet is /comfy/

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>mfw in a war I will have higher survival chances due to being a manlet


> , idiot

>Small men are superior warriors.
>tall woman short man is the most aesthetic combo
>easier to find a mommydom gfd gf

5'7 (170cm) here. What I am?

>tall woman short man is the most aesthetic combo
I see you are a man of good taste.

>being a manlet is /comfy/
>fit almost anywhere
>don't stand out too much so rarely get unwanted attention
>don't need anything custom made in terms of clothes
>don't need to get any clothes above L because I'm not tall
It is a bit harder to lose weight though.

Most women I see are generally shorter or just the same height, maybe an inch or so taller.
Rarely do I see tall women towering over me.

Attached: short pepe.jpg (554x921, 70K)

>not wanting an amazon gf who's taller than everyone

being a fat hideous manlet is pretty good if you're extremely introverted, everyone just ignores you :)

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Who /5'10"/ and /goodproportions/ here? Everything fits great and i never have to worry about my size since is either M or L, even my shoe size is 8

That's female size. Transition when?

This is the future large "man"

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did you mean repellent?

Too bad most of this girls got no ass, i am ok with chestlets but i need an ass to eat