Physical setbacks / advice / be yourself

Anyone have physical things they hate about themselves, especially facial that they feel held them back from developing normally socially.
>inb4 everything
>inb4 ugly
Try to post something specific and other anons can give advice. Personally I have no eyebrows.

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Looks don't matter you silly just be yourself :)

I'm looking into microblading. It can't look worse than it does now. Anyone got advice?

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>tfw highest rating I have ever received is 5/10
>that was in real life by a girl whom I was friends with so it was probably inflated
>other ratings online hover between 2-4/10
Plastic surgery is the only option, no amount of hair changes, beard growing, or glasses wearing has helped.

Your social developement has little to do with what you look like. People start to care about that kinda shit in puberty, at which point you had about 8 years to not turn out a sperg.
Blame your parents for being shitters.

>physical appearance has zero relation to social development
You think pic related could walk into a room and girls would instantly wet their knickers?

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hes coping, dont go too hard on him, hes not ready for the blackpill

I'm almost just as ugly as this guy. I'm always afraid to go outside, so I just hide in me room.

if he's been here for more than 24 hours he is ready for the black pill. It's only a little bit more bitter than babbies first red pill

He's saying you can develop socially without looks, which is -kind- of true but if you were as hideous as this no one would've even talked to you when you were a kid unfortunately.

Op must mean sexually develop, which yeah I guess is like the end phase of social development but not necessary for having social skills.

The irony is that he is so ugly he already accepted it and has a big circle of friends and more social than 90% of this board

>Im a hardcore chin lit
>crooked teeth
>face doesnt have anything particularly nice or attractive about it
Whenever Ive pressed my close friends, they would hesitantly tell me that Im average. Theyre just being nice.

How the fuck does this even happen? Surely it's accompanied with some sort of intellectual disability? Something went wrong somewhere.

That is pretty ironic. Doesn't change ny mind though.

My eyes are misshaped but I purposely make them to be. I have a big nose and small head

much to learn young one

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That's a strawman right there. There are much better, real life examples you could blackpill him with. Just saying.

Stop misquoting me, you retarded faggot. I didn't say zero, I said "little to do" meaning that the actual impact of physical appearance is a lot lighter than you claim or expect.
Your (outward) socialization process starts at about age 3-4, at which point your parents' whole responsibility is to deter you from becoming a sperg. If properly socialized, every kid can be socially competent.

The matter of girls wetting their knickers will only become important 8 years later. If the child is socially competent, it'll have a much easier time to overcome initial difficulties posed by physical attributes.
It's easy to blame your robotness on being ugly fucks, but that doesn't make it true (or useful).

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This is bullshit because if the guy on the left, had the same non-autistic shutin personality as the guy on the right he would then be

Not fat
No neckbeard and greasy pony tail
Acne treated medically and skin scare routine
Better glasses and overall appearance.

The guy on the left is well capable of looking normal.

Fused brow, or unibrow

>be dark skin black & female
>have hard nappy hair instead of the "good" hair
>be tall
>have small tits
>not even a noticeable ass
>passive personality that everybody asks for but don't actually want
>can't even be the strong, independent black woman everybody expects us to be
>insecurities about everything from race to personality
>can't even work on personality because no matter how I act it will be seen as wrong

I actually don't mind being black, I just want to live in a world that doesn't hate my people or be born as a mixed black person with more non-black features.

There's nothing more obnoxious on Jow Forums then black femanons.

See, I can't even be myself in a place full of outcasts.

>I just want to live in a world that doesn't hate my people
Come the fuck on, there isn't a single race that isn't hated in this world, you whiny cunt

Idk they're -slightly- robotic. Black females are like 10% hot 10% okay and 80% untouchable.

Fuck back off to Facebook then, cunt.

Every other race in the world but black people can find a place with their own people. Even black people hate blacks.

>inb4 gb2 Africa
Even Africans hate African Americans.

I don't fit in there either.

>have hard nappy hair instead of the "good" hair
What do you mean by this?
>be tall
H-How tall?
Also, a lot of it comes to facial structure, so if you're a cutie people won't mind too much about the rest.

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Hair like pic related. No man wants to touch something like this.

I'm 5'9" and I have an oval shaped face? At my best, I can be cute but I'm too depressed to even try anymore as even at my best I'm far inferior to lighter skinned women. I might as well be another man to guys because I can't look like Rihanna or Beyonce.

Of course I forget my goddamn pic.

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If you're worried about your hair, couldn't you straighten it or something? And I've never touched that kind of hair before, but I doubt it's even bad.
>At my best, I can be cute
There's people who don't have the luxury to say that.
>I might as well be another man to guys because I can't look like Rihanna or Beyonce.
You're exaggerating and you know that. Now the question is, why are you doing it?

That hair isn't that bad. I'd probably twirl my fingers in it like I do with my own hair though. I'm tempted to just by looking at that picture.

I used to but the harsh chemicals make my hair fall out so I've stopped. I personally don't find my hair all that bad but get the impression from others that since it's nothing like white hair that it's gross to see or feel.

>There's people who don't have the luxury to say that.

I'm being generous because I've only been told that by family and half blind old people. Not really by men or anyone younger than 40. So I assume they're all just trying to be nice and not be the one who contributes to my eventual suicide.

>why are you doing it?
Nah. I'm usually ignored by guys because I'm not fuckable. At best, I'm a bro or a winglady. When they're desperate, I become a girl because they figure low esteem pussy would be easy to get.

You guys really don't think black women who can't even be loved by men in their own race can't be robots. Sigh.

I am telling you right now, being a chinlet is worse than a manlet. Thank god I'm not both or I'd have an hero'd already

dude im not the best looking guy, overweight but still skinny somehow and weed can get you anyfuckin gurl instantly

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>I used to but the harsh chemicals make my hair fall out so I've stopped.
Fair enough.
>I personally don't find my hair all that bad but get the impression from others that since it's nothing like white hair that it's gross to see or feel.
You're presuming people's opinions instead of just asking. Incidentally, your opinion reinforces your preconceptions, almost as if it weren't a coincidence.
>I'm being generous because I've only been told that by family and half blind old people. Not really by men or anyone younger than 40.
Same with me, but it doesn't bother me. So why is it bothering you?
>my eventual suicide
Why would you?
>I'm usually ignored by guys because I'm not fuckable.
Same with me (but with girls), but it doesn't bother me. So why is it bothering you?
>When they're desperate, I become a girl because they figure low esteem pussy would be easy to get.
Do you know this for sure or are you thinking for them?
>You guys really don't think black women who can't even be loved by men in their own race can't be robots.
Never said that was the case.

>fat fuck
>balding at 20
At least some girls complimented my eyebrows h-heh

>Even Africans hate African Americans.
no its just that everyone hates Americans

Now I am become Death, the destroyer of threads.

>asymmetric face
>long nose
>born with eyebags but nobody on my family has them genetically
>syndactilia on feet
>one foot is a size larger than the other
>pectus excavatum with asymmetric flared ribs

At least my torso has a nice V taper naturally. My younger brother took all the nice features from my parents and I took the worst ones.

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>fucked up family
>socially awkward
>living in past
It's not just the ugly, anons

>look like cadbury made models of african people a.k.a Ultra nigger
>can't hold a proper conversation
>best achievement was pirating a game
>have a dick that barely reaches 5 inches
>dick also has extreme case of fordyce spots and I'm talking clusters
>big forehead and occasional acne inbetween eyebrows
>skinny body frame
>got bullied when in primary school and the beginning of secondary school by a fat cracker
>automatically take any remarks as an insult due to bullying affecting what was left of my teenage esteem
>can't trust women due to a distant memory of being laughed at by a girl when she was asked if she would date someone like me
>also got bullied by girls including a landwhale

A lot of this was unnecessary now that I think about it

Do you think you have it better than the average user here?

>asymmetrical jaw
>rotten teeth

Not really, I spend most of my time in my bed browsing Jow Forums

No sympathy for you whatsoever, you stupid nigger. Now get the fuck off of this board.

Girls into furries would like him. Hes like half loin here

What are you running away from? And I know you might get this a lot, but if you're really intelligent, why aren't you addressing your issues more thoughtfully?

Honestly I think what screwed me up the most was acne. It really messed with my head in highschool I felt like an ugly freak and every time I'd speak to someone and see their eyes quickly dart to a blemish I'd feel myself die a little more inside. Eventually it got to the point where eye contact at all was too painful to endure.

I did eventually get accutane and grow out of it but after 5 years the damage was done and the acne inferiorities branched off into other issues that compounded on one another and long story short I'm almost a 30 year old man who still can't speak to people well, still feels like worthless garbage, and is probably going to die as a friendless virgin sometime in the next couple of years.

Even with clear skin I'm not exactly a looker either as you can probably imagine.

I'm going to a psychotherapist and that's exactly the problem. I've completely shut off emotions and replaced them with thinking. She often asks me what I'm feeling and I don't know what to say, I usually just start with "I think..." and she stops me there. At this point I feel no connection to any of my friends and relatives and I have 0 motivation to do/become anything. I don't live life, it's more like I just exist. That's why I'm here

>I've completely shut off emotions and replaced them with thinking
I honestly don't see the problem
>She often asks me what I'm feeling and I don't know what to say, I usually just start with "I think..." and she stops me there.
and I don't understand why she does that.

I look too feminine and young with a chubby baby face. 25 but still get ID'd for everything, I don't have any masculine features. girls want a man but I'm still a shy awkward schoolboy

>I'm still a shy awkward schoolboy
You mean a cute little shota?

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I'm kinda the same way, only male. Are you in the Orlando area? I might know you.

cuck negroid maufaka niggby

I look like el goblino

I have a bigger lower lip
It makes me look like a tard

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Half of the problem with shitheads here is they do not try. For example, in the OP picture, if that fat fuck shaved, washed his face, trimmed his hair, and lost some fucking weight, he would look like. Barring missing like half of your face, anyone can look good. You just need to actually not be an autistic retard and spend some time actually caring for yourself.

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>The guy on the left is well capable of looking normal.
Well, duh. He is autistic, so he just thinks everyone ELSE is the problem.

cleft chin/poor jawline combo

>eye fucked up from injury
this alone would do be in, but I also have
>big nose
>acne and acne scarring
>balding already
>brown eyes
>fat deposits disproportionately in face so i ruins my jawline

etc. I could go on but frankly it's quit depressing

>Whines like a dumb nigger thinking they are entitled to people liking them
>Complains that they cannot be them in a place that actively promotes being a sheep
You have only yourself to blame your your problems. You do not come here for advice. You come here to whine like a pussy and shitpost. If you expect anything else, you are just expecting too much.

Join a discord and mention you are a female or just play a game with your mic on
Boom all the attention you will ever need

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She apparently wants the attention of fat ugly spergs.

Acne. I have an overall attractive face, but genetics decided to be a cunt and give me this.
I would've probably gotten laid, and had countless girlfriends by now.

I have scars and strange markings all over my body.

>I would've probably gotten laid, and had countless girlfriends by now.
Come on, friend. We both know you are lying to yourself now.

>strange markings
What kind of markings?

>still get acne despite taking meds, washing my face twice a day and changing my pillow cases weekly
>bad teeth
>upper lip discoloration

Most people here have tried and realised it didn't work.
>Barring missing like half of your face, anyone can look good
You know that's not true so why post it

Big birthmark under my left eye

>neotenous face
>small jaw due to mouth breathing
>soft spoken
>get no respect from people and am treated like a 15 yr old
>not masculine enough to get respect from other people
>not feminine enough to transition because of shoulder to hip ratio
>not even cute looking because of negetive canthal tilt (droopy eyes) and long philtrum (area between top of lip and nose)
>iq is probably too low for college, so i'll have to work a trade with roughnecks and be at the bottom of the social totem pole
>tfw literal subhuman

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Ah fuck my 8.5/10 coworker gives me rides home all the time do I have to leave now??

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