What did the roastie mean by this Jow Forums?

What did the roastie mean by this Jow Forums?

Attached: women revenge.png (635x290, 44K)

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revenge for dying in all those wars to keep the barbarians from coming and raping them I guess

>poisoning tap water with hormones
>basically rule society

I think this pretty close to revenge if you ask me

At this point I honestly wouldn't mind if we got overrun by those crazy muslims. I mean, I am a guy, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't watch anime, etc, I'll be fine, I'd just have to read their meme book and pretend to believe in it, but all these delusional cunts will be in for a big shock, they don't even understand how good they have it.

We should provoke women to attempt "revenge". Get things back on track faster when they utterly fail.

This, things correct themselves naturally.

she is full of shit women are divorcing raping men and falsely accusing them of shit like no tomorrow.

These are same kind of women who are wondering why men want sex bots

shr makes a fair point. had historical stances been reversed, the more-aggressive neurological tendencies in men would probably have many of us arguing for revenge

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I wanted to say "Who cares, it's just some mentally ill roastie". But 280k likes and 100k retweets? Why even engage with normies if they are going to be like this?

Women like to pretend they were brainwashed for thousands of years and every bad thing they did was because men had them under mind control when in reality theyre just the weasely sidekick to the main villain but too dumb and non-confident to be in charge.


describes women perfectly.

really boggles my noggle

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Revenge for forcing women into protection rackets

wow you'll make a fine wife someday ishalla

I doubt this. Couldn't some feminists' hate for men be motivated by feelings of wish for revenge? They think "who cares, men deserve to suffer" whenever they do anything bad to men, and feeling that they deserve it is part revenge.

>tfw shit like this would be solved if men would just start beating their daughters and wives again
Men and women are not equal we just aren't ignoring reality is tearing everything apart

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On one hand I agree with you that islamization won't harm us as much as them, but we won't even get the satifaction of roasties admitting that they were wrong, since you have so many of them proclaiming how feminist and empowering islam is.

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>>poisoning tap water with hormones
Elaborate please?

They are literally pissing birth control hormones into the water.

Violence doesn't work anymore. Suffragettes were beaten up in the streets by men and thrown into prison but that didn't stop them. The taliban in Pakistan even tried to shoot a teenaged girl in the head to stop her but even that failed.
Anti-feminists have lost.

Attached: anti feminists.jpg (498x619, 86K)

>revenge for being sheltered for free by working men
>revenge for the pill
>revenge for the technology that allows them to have more bearable periods
>revenge for the safety of their children
>revenge for having the same possibilities as men and more
>revenge for having value, always, forever
>revenge for having the biggest sexual freedom in history

I'm pretty sure at this point that nagging is a biological mechanism and women are going haywire because their lives are too good.

Why muh dick is shawty desu

This is why shemales are superior

>women don't want revenge
>feminism exists
Pick literally only one.

In theory it's possible to work for womens rights without punishing men. And you may possibly be able to explain many of the manhating things feminists say as them being blind to their own privilege and biases.
Probably not though.
But still, it's a bit too simple to say that feminisms purpose is to punish men. There ARE real things that femininsts can fight for without spreading hate, and some feminists may occupy themselves with these issues rather than hating men.

>she makes a fair point
>continue explaining why she doesnt make a fair point
If the historical stances had been reversed yet we still miraculously had our neurological tendencies women would be overthrown immediately

roastie: i want friends
me: hey
her: not you

>getting revenge
wow, you'd almost say they go hand-in-hand, dipshit

Actually, a lot of times men failed to protect their land. For every winner is a loser.

It's possible in theory if women were marginalized. In reality women are privileged in every aspect of life and want even more privilege.

>over a hundred years of feminism and women still haven't done better than men as they've claimed they could since day one
Makes you think.

Also reminder that feminism was never a good thing. Never ever.

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I don't speak nigger, what did it say?

it's odd how people fail to see that others dislike them
she's not a hypocrite for being repulsed by you my dude

Shit I meant ro reply toNot op,
But the trap hormones in the wata prevented me from getting an 8x6
Only explanation

There are differences in how men and women are treated on average, and depending on your preferences for treatment, these differences may hurt you, and are something you would have reason to fight.
You also have the more subtle differences, where men and women are treated the same, but that treatment benefits one gender more than the other.

meh i'm male and my life is way better in 2018 than it would have been 100 years ago

Not the guy you're responding to. It may not necessarily be hypocritical. But it's still annoying. When women complain about not having friends what they really mean is that no one cool enough wants to be their friend.

If we just took away the welfare state and quotas 96% of women will be back in the kitchen where they belong. The other 4% can be scientists or whatever I am ok with that since I support meritocracy


You could see it working brilliantly in Sweden, women are getting gangraped and beaten left and right and the "feminists" are literally siding with the Muslims and telling them to wear anti-rape wristbands or don't dress provocatively.

Feminism is bending down to Islam and it is glorious, all it took was some brown people to make them into slaves once again

Feminists usually don't accept teling women to do anything to avoid being raped, they'll usually instead punish all men for what a few do. If feminists got their will it'd probably be illegal for men to go outdoors.

She should work on her personality if she wants friends.

on the contrary user, feminism was just what we needed.
these pieces of shit were always like this and it was time already for them to stop holding us back.
right now we'll reach the point where these girls will be forced to work and be treated equally in order to survive, if we truly keep going forward we'll reach a point where women will work without them being capable of selling their bodies or using sex to get something, they'll have to wrok hard to get what they want.

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most feminists in 2018 want superiority, not equality

It's always been about destroying the family unit. That has literally been the goal since the beginning.

Want to know how I know you are a normalfag?

>imagine thinking any of that is true

I mean third wave feminism is a shitpile that's dragging society down like a ball and chain, but women are generally fine at doing the same things as men

If you want to keep a society economically regressed and socially backward and shit, do pic related.

But the real solution is to get rid of the micro-issues, the cracks in the wall that the wattle and daub system forgot to fix. School, family, whatever causes people to be emotionally/mentally stunted or have children too late, etc.

However, the market provides solutions for its own problems.

That screencap is possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on this website. Chomos are the lowest of the low, please get help.

>women are generally fine at doing the same things as men

No they're not. Women are different from men and this is a fact that will never change and has never changed throughout the entire history of mankind. Markets don't provide any solution for the fact that women will simply refuse to work as garbagemen or construction workers.

Right we need more women working in sewers and mines.

If men locked women down when they were young then they would be able to mold them to ne peefect wives and not thots and bitches. Thats why you see feminists pushing for raising the age if consent. They dont want men to have that option.

>women are generally fine at doing the same things as men

Citation fucking needed

Get the fuck out Norman. We dont want your kind shitting up our board.

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>women are generally fine at doing the same things as men

>libertarians support pedos meme
Fucking degenerates go to jail, one of the only things i'm happy to pay for with my taxes.

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You are nit a true libertarian if you support feminist and cultural marxist age of consent laws

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he is not wrong though, you can't even hope to have a fucking happy marriage and let alone make it last a fucking day in these times.
your happy ending with your hopes and dreams will remain forver out of your reach.
unless you knew the girl all your life since the start and we know why you are here so...getting a little girl tied to you until she blossomed into a woman and finally fuck her would be your only chance.
since you cannot even begin to do that...don't even try it.

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Kids cant make voluntary contracts or give consent in the same way that they cant be self reliant like adults. Stop tainting liberty with pedoshit. I hate feminism and cultural marxism too but child fucking is off the table and will be illegal for as long as civilized society remains. Go be an anarchist if you want this gross shit.

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what are your odds of having a happy marriage again deary user?
you never had a chance and probably never will user!
if you found yourself in charlie johns situation, you will probably stop minding it much as the girl grew up until she was mature enough for you to fuck her without care!

They would stop as soon as they found out some men are into femdom

Why would that stop them?

I don't know but I asked my sociology professor and she agreed

wanna know something more faggot?
I would bet my leg that you'll be wanting to ravish her when she get to 15!
you watched her and took care of her all this time isn't it?
the cute little girl that helped you so much, the cute little girl that took care of the house while you worked, the cute little girl that brings out a smile out of your face every day you see her, the little girl that is now becoming a woman and YOUR future wife, the girl that simply loves YOU and ONLY YOU dear user!
I can assure you that you will love that situation!

I want to hear the conversation you had with your professor desu

You can't leave us hanging like this, user. Those numbers demand an explanation.

Praying so many times a day seems like a hassle though.

If women wants revenge I'm ready to fight back against them

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>right now we'll reach the point where these girls will be forced to work and be treated equally in order to survive, if we truly keep going forward we'll reach a point where women will work without them being capable of selling their bodies or using sex to get something, they'll have to wrok hard to get what they want.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Vindication_of_the_Rights_of_Woman this book actually kind of goes over some of these type of points.

She went into a tirade onto how toxic masculinity can still be present in BDSM/femdom kinks because it merely pleases the male's urges. Also women are understandbly creeped out by submissive men, even if they have those riot grrrl misandrist types

This roastie lives in an alternate reality that was spoon fed to her by a bitter childless harpy in high school where all men have spent thousands of years abusing all women. She believes this to be true even though there is evidence that shows the direct opposite. In reality men have spent thousands of years desperately improving humanity for the sake of their love of women and their need to protect their women. You can see the fruits of man's labor for his woman all around the world. An example of this, the Taj Mahal, is literally a monument of one man's love for his woman. No less poignant is just a few years ago, an Afghani man devoted decades of his life carving a road through a mountain range so that his village would only have to walk 1/2 mile to the regional hospital instead of 16 miles. He did this because his wife died on that walk and he wanted to save others from that fate.

But this bitch choose to ignore observable reality and instead immersed herself in the misandry of the feminist movement. Fuck her and every woman who is stupid enough to believe this shit.

implying asian women can be roasties nice try white female roastie kike u lost ur chance with superior white males

future single mother detected.
pretty much the future of all these bimbos is future single mother.
pretty soon the government is gonna realize that "motherhood" is a bottomless financial pit and a tax scam, if they haven't already.

i don't understand why the government pushes motherhood so much when they themselves just import grown adults from other countries anyway.

Feminism was one multi generational shit test. Western men failed that shit test while Muslim men are passing it, so naturally the feminists will submit to the muslim men. Women in general crave submission to a strong man.

I've heard this argument before and it's literally retarded.

thanks for sharing user.
in my personal opinion, women should have rights and preserve them in order for them to wage-slave their lives away.
I truly believe the only way for us humans to get out of here is to simply continue in technology to the point it doesn't matter if a woman denies you sex, you can always get it in other forms.
>pic semi-related

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When women take birth control active compounds of it are concentrated in the urine which they piss into our water systems. Birth control is simply female hormones that trick her body into thinking its pregnant thereby stopping the release of eggs.
Women then piss and these hormones get into the water supply. Male fish in reservoirs near cities are developing hermaphrodite characteristics: fish in the same water we drink. What do you think this is doing to the men in those areas?

it's an old book from the 1700s and sort of goes over the idea of "women should be allowed to work and be companions to males, as they will be more useful in this state, than just as sperm receptacles and baby ovens"
also written by a man, not a feminist woman.

This. Not the pro-pedo screencap, but equality. True equality has never existed, but what women lacked in rights they also lacked in responsibility.

Imagine a completely equal society where your gender gives you no rights and no responsibilties. Now consider how well the average modern woman would do in such a society.

This is why the true redpill isn't being anti-feminism (something that can be easily dismissed): it's being pro-equality. It's infiltrating feminism and forcing it about what it claims to be about, but in practice isn't: true equality.

Theoretically it is possible to give women rights without punishing men. However, in practice women use those rights to punish men. Just look at the sadistic savagery women use to accomplish divorces. There are thousands of other examples of women using their rights for the express purpose of hurting the men in their lives.

>Also women are understandbly creeped out by submissive men
Why? What's the rationale?

The only way to have a successful marriage is to literally break the law and subvert cultural norms. Give it up, marriage is dead until Mr Bones Wild Ride finally restarts its cycle. Marriage has been dead since 2nd wave feminism killed it. It just took normies a few decades to catch on.

it's not just Muslims, the Indians and Chinese don't really tolerate this shit either. They are settling in large numbers in the West, replacing the previous population of whites (especially near where I live, all three groups), mainly keep to themselves in their ethnic enclaves and speak their own language, and couldn't give less of a shit about feminism

It's honestly sad how there are legitimate problems that affect almost everyone that energy could be focused on, such as unaffordable housing where starter townhouses or bungalows go for $500,000 or average tuition approaching the 15-20k/year mark, yet these idiots are obsessed with gay rights, women's issues and whatnot

Women desire strength in their mates. It is a primal instinct that women have evolved over the course of human existence. A strong man can provide for and protect them and their young. A submissive man is less likely to be able to do this. So women are instinctively repulsed by them.

There is no rational women are hypocrites who want to have their cake and eat it too

A sexually submissive man is no worse at protecting and providing, that's a bullshit justification.

Virtually nothing you fucking sperg


One trip to a college campus of your choosing will prove you wrong, friendo

>sexually submissive man is no worse at protecting and providing

Sure, mate. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

That is basically my dream.

>tfw no qt helpful young little waifu that you can watch blossom into a woman

If you legitimately believe that you're simply a moron. I'm in graduate school, I know for a fact I'm smarter than you and will make more money than you. I will be a better provider than you can ever be but I'm submissive sexually. There is literally no connection between the two.

maybe they simply weren't fit for that position, mediocre at best.
I mean, why else would they allow shit like this to happen?

>toxic masculinity
Why are universities letting these people in?

I can taste the insecurity

Oh user, don't be silly...

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Universities are the ones churning these people out.

Pedophiles are the lowest scum on the planet.
Even amon criminals, chomos are singled out and beaten/killed.
If you are attracted to kids, you keep it in your fucking pants.

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Don't those active compounds get filtered out when the water goes through the treatment plant?

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>If you legitimately believe that you're simply a moron.
there is a reason why women love chad you cuck.
I'm in graduate school, I know for a fact I'm smarter than you and will make more money than you.
way ahead of you buddy.
I earn 6 figures a month and live in a minimalist style of life so pretty much have tons of money saved and debts are non-existent and taxes are nothing.
>I will be a better provider than you can ever be but I'm submissive sexually.
so...will your wife boyfriend buy you the nintendo? also why provide for others when you can first get your shit together and dedicate your life to provide for yourself, even become a john that flaunt money to get some bitches?
>There is literally no connection between the two.
have you ever truly studied human behavior you stupid cuck?

>Women desire strength in their mates. It is a primal instinct that women have evolved over the course of human existence.

This is not where this comes from.
Men being selected for strength comes from male-male competition, not female choice. Males fight each other and decide based on that who gets access to resources, including mates.

Females tend to select for less blatant things, like flashy colors, attractive features, etc. Often times what females select for actually put the males in a position of being more vulnerable. Blond hair might well be a "female choice" trait.

IE: if you remove predation from guppies, they start to develop scale patterns that blend less and less into the background, because the females choose for what is most eye-catching/flashy. Things that "stand out" will make the female notice the male more.


Females are also attracted to things that natural selection has pressured them to be more sensitive to, IE: bright colors based on ripe fruits.

Male-male aggression selects for stronger males. Female choice selects for novelty.

that was just a example on how to correct hypergamy on women, it worked until it didn't.
also I searched and the dude waited for the damn girl to mature and be old enough for him to finally fuck her, ergo she was 16 during her first time.
besides that, we should truly just make women wage-slaves to dead-end jobs and pretty much find ways to completely erase the use of sex to get something or use their vags to practically enslave cucks.
literally make prostitution and willingly selling their bodies to other men to get something downright illegal.
I can only see VR, sexdolls and sexbots being a solution to humanize women.

Females desire the cutest smallest cuddly male.
Reminder tall men are obsolete and the future is tiny male amazon female

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