Undiagnosed health problems

Get a shooting pain in my bladder, dick and balls. So bad I double over in pain.

Any other bots got any health problems that they should really get checked out?

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I've had a chronic weeping wound on the back of my neck for nearly a year now.

>urinary tract is fucked
Wew lad you better go get that checked out. That is one particularly painful and slow way to die.

yeah my problem is called op being gay

>probably have hernias
>also a hiatal hernia
>brain problems my though process has been getting worse as well as memory
>eye problems
I'm fucking falling apart and have no money or insurance.

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My teeth hurt. I think it's the teeth that people get surgically removed. I never did that. Oh well.
Life gets worse everyday. I never found rock bottom.

>Sitting alone in room
>Remember mildly embarrassing thing that happened 20+ years ago
>Shout NIGGERS at the top of my lungs
>Go back to what I was doing before

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I'll go soon...

Bolluck-itis that is mate.
Serious. Your cock and balls WILL explode if you don't treat it.

>right wrist hurts a lot when I let even a little bit of weight rest on it

It started hurting when I got heavy into CSGO years ago, I don't even play anymore

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Oh you will go to the doctor, just depends on whether it will be an ambulance or by your own accord. It is all just a matter of time really.

Get a hold of some antibiotics, user. Antibiotics are cheap right now. When the infection spreads and starts taking over your body, you will be hospitalized. Then they're real expensive.
A HIGH ANAL hernia?? HOLY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDD Haha I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off!
That's just you being edgy XD

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Tons of mental health stuff and female autism.

Be my gf.

I am probably schizoid and very deep on the spectrum.

Today my stool was black and gooey
Webmd tells me its blood
Im gonna let nature take its course hopefully ima die soon

The head of my penis occasionally turns purple or blue

Like tar? Nigga that's probably cancer.

Black blood means you have a pretty high chance of dying fairly soon, red/fresh blood doesn't mean anything and you should safely ignore unless you're gushing or something.

My hands/arms have started getting numb very easily and sometimes the tendons ( I think) get painfully sore.
Rhythm games will ruin me.

I pee, cough, shit, and vomit blood. I have two nosebleeds a day or so

Are you okay there user? Also please post pictures of those things.

Holy shit user me too. Heroin addict but the tar like black shit is a new one.. Like in the past couple weeks. Maybe we will die soon :)

Gotta ask, did you ever try a high dose of codeine? Is it comparable to the heroin high?

My vomit and shit are very dark brown (almost black) this has been happening for a week now and I think I have less than a week to live so good for me I guess

I hope you go to a better place, user.

what do you think lead to this state?

I'm 100% sure I have Visual Snow but I haven't seen an ophthalmologist yet.

Hemophilia? The drugs I take cause blood thinning? I don't know and Frankly I don't care

Depends on tolerance. To me, it would not be remotely like dope. To a person who is opiate naive, codeine could get them very high or even kill them

I most likely have asthma or some sort of cronic bronchitis
i can barely breath boys but i'm afraid to go to a doctor

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i don't know user, that's why i asked. maybe you were recently in an auto accident, maybe you've known you had cancer, maybe you're 500lbs, I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

I have an inguinal hernia methinks. I've had it for years, basically as long as I can remember. Sometimes it hurts, but most of the time it's just kinda uncomfortable, and I lay down, relax, and push it back in. Then I'm good for a few hours.

>had a bad memory for years
>loss of vision for a few second when i stand up fast
>throw up when i bend over, my own fault really
>digestion has always been kind of painful since i was a kid and i have a lot of stomach/stool problems
>weird blood pressure that worries doctors at checkups
>holes in teeth from stomach acid exposure
reading through these, i realise that they're all the result of an eating disorder. the only non-ed issue i have is visual snow.

I've had the same wound/red patch in my dick for about 3 or 4 years now, It can't be an std or aids because I'm a KHHV so it's either cancer or some other weird skin condition

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1.The skin inbetween my fingers and toes is dry, white, flakey, cracking, built up, and callused. With similar shit on some of my knuckles and on the surrounding skin on the upper half of the back of my hands, the only difference being that that stuff isn't flakey and is a few shades darker than the rest of my skin. It first appeared like 6 years ago on one of my knuckles and has slowly spread and slightly changed position.

2.my eyes have been continuously getting worse over the past two years, and my vision is now probably 20/115. I do spend a SHIT LOAD of time starring at screens but I highly doubt that that's the reason why.

3. This has only happened twice but I feel I should post it. I woke up at like three feeling indescribably off, and I walk into the bathroom to shit.
The feeling slowly gets worse and I'm having trouble focusing my vision.( you know when you rub your eyes a specific way or close them really hard, and when you open them there is that grayish and weird haze that fills your vision and slowly fades out toward the edges?) well that started to happen, but in reverse, and it only got worse and I could barley see. I then stumbled out of the bathroom freaking the fuck out. Because I couldn't quite feel or control my body. It was like I was going into that sleep paralysis, waking nightmare state but when I was fully conscious. I then blacked out for a few seconds and came to in my bed in the dark with my roommates around me. My vision was clearing up but before it did what I can describe as the fat is well marbled meat laced over my vision flash a few times before fading as well. I felt completely fine and fully alert and awake after both times this occurred.

Do any of you have any idea what these things are? I'm too /poorfag/ and autistic to make an appointment with a doctor and tell them these things.

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I have been shitting blood since I was about 12. I am now 26. Most likely just piles or something like that but I have ignored it for far too long.

Huh, that's interesting. I'm opiate naive, good to know I shouldn't go for too much in case I do decide to try that shit

>loss of vision when I stand up fast
I get this sometimes. I think it's fun. Extreme light-headedness and dizziness, and I just can't see shit.

I'm pretty sure I have either severe vitamin B12 deficiency, or I'm beginning to show signs of schizophrenia

>at work, occasionally drop heavy objects on my foot as usual
>foot starts to hurt bad, effects performance
>tell a manager and they say I should get it checked out by a doc and file for worker's comp
>decide to just resign that day and let it heal on it's own because I absolutely hate dealing with that type of shit with all the paper work and phone calls involved
>had an old orthopedic boot from when my other foot had a fracture
>been wearing it for the past month and being NEET
>foot still hurts occasionally but not as bad as it was on day 1

Broken/fractured bones are simple enough to take care of on your own unless they're horribly misaligned and mangled.
Also my job said they'd take me back whenever I wanted to re-apply lol.

Sounds like some strange form of Carpal tunnel my dude. Get that shite checked ASAP.

better get yourself some b12 supplements, user.

i love that feeling too, especially when it lasts a long time. pretty fun to just spin around when it hits.

That doesnt sound too good user.

I haven't been in a serious accident lately and I'm overweight not obese, I'm 6 ft tall and 100 kg

I'm a retard. I always assumed blood in your stool would be red. Like regular blood. Makes me wonder if I've actually had cancer for ages without knowing. I've never had actual black poo, only sometimes parts of it has been a bit darker in color, like dark brown, am I in the safe I mean I guess it doesn't matter. I am going to go to the doctor soon anyways because I am pissing out all the water I put in my body and I have a pain that comes and goes around belly region. So something's fucked