
this is fact

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No, that's opinion.

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It's alot more heterosexual innit?

>fucking girls is more homosexual than fucking guys

doesnt matter since theyre both mythical

Traps > reverse traps > janegirls > tomboys > double reverse traps (do they exist?) > double traps


I wanna get a tomboy pregnant

good thread
feminine penises < masculine vaginas

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real girls have abs

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What about traps on tomboys?

you retarded ass robots ever think you could get a real gf if you didnt have these spastic obsessions
people that like traps should be hung high off towers like niggers

that's not really a good comparision.
janegirls > traps for sure, tho.

>double traps
>double reverse traps
what did he mean by this?

ideal female body
no penis!

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how many of you are also into GFD and/or RR?

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femdom is gay

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by that logic fucking a guy is straight because he is submissive

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heterosexuality is beautiful and pure
any submissive behavior or men are black stains on the white carpet of heterosexuality

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>a guy (male) with a girl (female)
>gay just because roles are reversed
if so then liking tomboys is gay because they act like guys
>he wouldn't submit to a fit tomboy

I want to fuck the fish.

>not wanting to battle her for control and compete and work for victory like any proper man should do

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submission is gay dude

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this guy gets it

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On a similar note, is it wrong to automatically hide these shitty anime poster threads? I mean, it's either fag shit or other fucked up sexuality shit, or at the most benign, "recommend an anime" which no one gives a shit about.

Who else autofilter anime posters?


Don't get me wrong, that's good too.
maybe its gayer than being dominant but it ain't gay

i want to fuck the fish too. i'm not even into furry/scaly shit, but undyne is pretty hot.

Attached: undyne.png (800x1250, 379K)

>Saying tomboys are better than traps
>Using an Undertale pic

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reminder that undyne is secretly a sub

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even better if i can dom the fish.

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>not wanting to be pinned down by those beefy fish arms and treated like her toy

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I'd rather be cuddlefucked by the lady goat.

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gay as fuck get yourself checked out

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can you explain why it's gay?

>when based user posts something you don't disagree with