Be me

>Be me
>Browse /gif/ cock threads for some reason
>Suddenly get hard when I see a nice cock

How do I prevent from turning gay, Jow Forums?

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fucking moron came all over his fucking shirt, what an idiot

My lord, what I would give to just touch it.

> tfw no geyser nuts

You can't, it's inevitable if you keep browsing Jow Forums.
I was perfectly straight a while ago, and never once thought about dudes, but now I can't stop thinking about boipucci

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Stop watching porn so much. You're burning out your dopamine system and your brain is "chasing the dragon" by wanting more and more depraved shit. I have a theory that one of the main causes of depression and ADHD is from kids frying their reward system in a similar way. I'm not even one of those nofap "just work out brah, high on life" faggots.

It's called sperm competition. It's programmed into every biological man. Erect cock is a sexual queue for men. It's astonishing how men try to deny this and claim that anyone who does get erect from seeing another cock is gay(even though it's in a porn video).

Don't let dis thread die faggots!

it's your mirror neurons firing up. your brain is pretending that you have a huge dick.

You are a faggot and you need to end your life.

Yup. The internet is really good at fucking up your brain's reward system. Especially with sites exploiting it so you'll waste even more time on it so they'll make more money. It's easy to say one more minute but that minute turns into hours while your brain gets fucked. The internet used to be an actual useful tool and now it's cancer.

just exclusively fap to futa
cute girls and dicks

Oh that's malb user I think

Join us, user
Join the faggot leagues
we have much boipussy

Stop fapping so much.
Stop watching yourself fap so much.
Stop watching yourself cum so much.

Otherwise you're training yourself to associate cocks with pleasure.

>malb user
who? is there a sauce for this ding dong? if so, please tell me

Think about not catching HIV

>tfw so depressed that traps aren't hot anymore and it's too depraving
>Only straight, white girl/women porn can get me off
It's a strange thing lads.

traps are so 2017

And r9k is so 2011 and before, considering all the gay, faggot, interracial, "black fembot", "r9gay here to stay" and "whites and asian men are made to be sissies". I come for the occassional decent thread. Like some user posting himself eating a pizza. Was ever so hype. And he posted the stool after. A satisfying thread indeed.

I was in that thread too. That dump.

The other day I had these small scabs on my dick and I picked one and it was bright red/smooth skin underneath and then a few days later now they are not there anymore. what does it mean?

Means youre a gay faggot

>>Browse /gif/ cock threads

>turning gay
sure, this is how this shit works user.

I'm not the only one who uses t shirts as cum rags right? They absorb cum and feel good when you wipe the head of your dick clean after. I've came on every shirt I own so many times now.

you didn't buy into the capitalist individualistic "everyone is born unique and special xd" right
the idea ur born gay is entirely wrapped up in consumer culture

ppl can be gay or straight. Its a choice that can be easier or harder depending on environmental factors

You can choose how to behave, but you can't suppress or change your neurological impulses. You'd have to be a saint to not be having sex with dudes eventually if you have homosexual tendencies.

I see men and penises are seperate.
Huggin, kissing, cuddling a man disgusts me. Men are ugly, hairy, and disgusting.
But a camera focused on a penis is fine to me.
And a female with a penis (futa) is totally acceptable.
I don't know how this works, it just does

>browse a bunch of art of my waifu being gangbanged, out of boredom
>get erect, out of nowhere

what the fuck? how did I become a cuckold?

just chill out, looking at dicks isn't gay or else everyone who watches porn would be gay

Stop going on places you see dicks a lot for one. Also get off r9k. This places makes the weak willed gay.

Maybe you just want a turn?

What about men who see erect/ejaculating dick and their mouth begins to salivate?

jesus christ i wish i had foreskin

although i gotta ask, how do you clean inside after fapping?

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>tfw want to date and have emotional relationships with women, but want to get fucked by benis

With a damp towel.

yeah but how you get inside the foreskin and make sure there's nothing left?

also the head of the penis looks tender as fuck does it not hurt?

Pull it down it stretches

>how do you clean it
with my mouth

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>also the head of the penis looks tender as fuck does it not hurt?
I remember it hurt as fuck when I was a teenager. Now, after years of fapping, it doesn't anymore.

do a nofap

How can I request your services?

by giving me your discord faggola

ok faggot

Never just wipe ya dick. Also my penis never hurt. My mother was a nurse and made sure to pull the head out when I was a baby.

It's also an evolutoary tool to remove cum from females so they don't have offspring with other men but yours.

Creampie is actually natural as fuck.

mine did too and I couldn't pull it out again until I was like 14, and even then I could only do it when flaccid

How do cutfags even fap?
It just seems weird, not having skin you can slide back and forth over your head.

My birthday is coming soon.
If I get nothing else, I only want for everyone to stop using the word "boypussy" or any variant of it; "bussy," "bucci," "boipucci," etc.

If I get NOTHING else, please let this one wish be fulfilled.

What would you rather have us call it then?

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cute! perky! butt!

Literally just say "asshole" please.

this gif made my private parts get bigger... what does this mean?

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Your dong needs to practice expanding. Rub it a little and it will get even bigger. Don't worry if some juice comes out, it happens sometimes.

>damn that trap has a nice asshole...
>mmm look at that tight boipucci :)
Sry user, asshole just doesn't have the same ring imo as bucci. You're going to have to ask for something else for your birthday.

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>>damn that trap has a nice asshole...
>>mmm look at that tight boipucci :)
They are exactly the same.

I kept expecting blood to come out of his dick, what's wrong with me?

The same thing yeah, but one sounds better than the other.
I mean if you wanted to fuck a girl, youd say you want to fuck her pussy, not that you want to fuck her bloody mucus filled baby spawner even though they're the same thing.

Its natural, you are watching a genital, just with the think of that uses does it have you get excited. Its like when you see some pretty woman and you say holy damn. Shes dressed, you dont get excited from clothes, you get excited from your imagination

Also remember humans are since the dawns of history bisexuals, the sexual pleasure is the same whether you do it with a woman or a man, the only thing it changes is the sexual desire