Why do white guys love Asian women so much?

Why do white guys love Asian women so much?

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Not this ajumma.

Because Asian woman have been raised to view the average white guy as some kind of god, therefore a 6/10 white guy can easily pull a 7-8/10 gook, where he would probably have to settle for a 5/10 white girl.

Because they act and dress femenine. There are plenty of femenine girls in the west as well but they're phased out by the beer-drinking, swearing boring women at the moment that have no hobbies besides clubbing and travelling might as well be male.

It's not even about submission or any of that bullshit, it's just that they look and act unashamedly like women and men will gravitate towards them as result. It doesn't matter if they're just as bad deep down, it's the aesthetic.

anime desu
the most original comment

>tight vaginas
>submissive as fuck
>generally avoid nigs

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>tfw used to live with a qt azn who used to wear white shirts with no bra so you could see her nips

Good times

because they think they will recieve loyalty and love in return with the chances of a happy ever after...its far from the truth.
as long at they are women then its impossible.

Because yellow fever and being a cuck.

>why do guys like attractive women
Gee, I wonder.

because most of them are closeted

Easy and exotic.

i don't, they look like an insect to me

better culture and upbringing
why arent you planning to assimilate into unironically superior asian culture yet bots?

>tfw find both asian girls and insects cute
oh fug

>tfw find both asian girls and insects cute
What about Asian insect alien girls?

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no it seems
might be because she was mentally handicapped though

Because due to our sex culture our men are cowards and our women are whores
These asian women are what whites women used to be, so cowardly white men go after the more submissive Asian woman

asian girl here, it's usually the other way around. white guys are just taking advantage of white fever.

cuz they're qt

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because they want dat sweet ass cooking

tfw no plain chicken

Do you have white robot fever?

this desu
you don't see a lot of top tier white men go for asian women which would be the case if yellow fever really existed

Because white women are shit

as another asian chick, i agree with this. its kinda sad...

Just take a look at what you posted nigga come on

This is one reason why whites CANNOT be robots

Even Asian women have standards. If Asians were right next door instead of the Mexicans I could see this being true.

because asians are the most feminine race so they make them feel the most like chad

pretty shit reasoning

If you're not from Asia yourself then you lose most of the exoticness
You're basically just Stacy with slanted eyes
Shame really
I have a thing for non-white girls who act white

How so? Even if every Asian woman was mandated to marry a white man there wouldn't be enough of them to go around.

Because they look different enough to be mysterious and are generally petite & feminine.

no girl wants to fuck a fat ugly guy even if he's white unless the girl is much fatter and uglier than he is
the reason you see ugly, fat white guys with foreign women is obviously for a greenpass

well, i was born in asia, but moved to the us at a young age. do i still get some exotic points for that ? lmfao

You guys are like """fembots""". You have to fuck up really badly to be a robot

Does the thought of my BWC make you wet?

this bitch is literally perfect

uhhhh i plead the fifth

Probably not unless it was obvious you weren't born here

all of that is true minus tight vagina


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Faggot larpers

It's okay to tell us
This is completely anonymous

How horny do you get when Asian guys get mad at you for being a slut for BWC?

Castizas > Chinks

If you're gonna race mix, at least do it right you sad fucks

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wtf do you mean by "fuck up"

damn, that's unfortunate. oh well. whatever.

tight vagina is unaroused vagina yall deserve to be robots

im a KHHV lol... lets not talk about lewds...

Not to fret
You just need one guy who doesn't care or loves yellow skin

I dont have a fetish for any race but there are some cute asians

yeah true. hopefully ill find one soon or something

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It's because average western female is absolute trash tier. Even asians who live in western countries too long catch the thot illness. It's probably just that by comparison, anything is better

How old are you?


curious arent ya


But you also sound 15

They tend to be the perfect woman:
>take care of themselves
>tend to not be overly slutty
>usually act feminine
>not infected by the parasite known as feminism

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ouch. that hurt a bit

Sounds like I wasn't too far off
Naivety is the underage poster's downfall

I dont know what made you reckon they're underage. It's probably just some autistic larper. you're pretty naive to assume otherwise

i doubt i could change your mind at this point, so im not even going to try. think whatever you want to think

I have no problem with you posting here underage
But I'm too old for you if you are

all of these bullshit replies are silly and wrong
the real answer is

white guys are into asian chicks because white guys get turned on while watching anime

>looking like anything in anime

I hate anime and don't care for 2D women

epic meme user

They think asian women are anime women turn to life

But most white guys who date asian women I know of are the most soy guys of all time. This is 100% truth. I am not faking this. I know a girl whose boyfriend CRIED during oprah's speech at the golden globes. You can't make this shit up.

anecdotal evidence doesnt count user. your acquaintance is probably a soyboy because soyboys like to hang together you faggot

I don't know him. I only know the girl retard

Pretty much. They often look cute and I like cute. I don't act like they are different from other girls though.

Didn't this girl do face fucking? whats her name again?

such a happy, pretty girl would never do such a thing

All Bongland women are fucking disgusting

Sadly true. I keep fantasizing about an Asian girl in my class. Last night I dreamt we were together, only to wake up and come back to reality.

Shit, he really cried ? haha fag

Same. Not all, but most western women dress like whores. I like how Asian women dress.

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make a move you pussy

>white fembot
>qt femme chinese gf
>tfw she isnt a sjw shorthaired nonbinary clusterfuck

Because they view white men as the dominant species and respect us. Unlike you white whores who have been raised to think you are better then us.

Because theyre easy. Asians love white cock.

Because the facial aesthetics are more cuter and younger, whereas white women 's facial structure becomes masculine once they turn 16 and gets worse from there.







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If he could he wouldn't be here

because they're beautiful and exotic idk

why are you so hateful of male sexuality? can we like anything without harsh judgement?