If you get diagnosed with schitzo is any chance of a romantic life simply over?

If you get diagnosed with schitzo is any chance of a romantic life simply over?

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I'm schizophrenic and i'm a virgin at 24. But girls have fancied me but I never took it anywhere so there's hope.

Just manifest a gf user, it's what I did.

If you get diagnosed with schizophrenia there is no chance of any life - romantic, normal, happy - period. You brain is pretty much wired the wrong way and you will either have to live in a drowsy, unemotional, antipsychotic state and gain weight all your life or succumb to the voices and kill yourself.

Your life is pretty much already over, just end it so you don't prolong your suffering. Your family and friends would want the same thing for you as well.

I live in a drowsy, unemotional, antipsychotic state and it's working for me. I just remind myself that whatever happens i'll live. I exist to spite my voices.

schizotypal or schizophrenic?

it might actually work into your advantage aslong as you're still somewhat decent looking, have some confidence and seem only a little bit creepy and psychotic in their eyes.
worked for me and I have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar disorder and a Dissociative identity disorder.



calm down a little

idk this post hit me.

I only live to suffer and feel humiliation, I really have to watch out or I'll kill myself, i really don't think i'll ever get a gf i'm just a freak now like I always was.

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plenty of people live relatively normal lives and even reproduce if the skitz is controlled with antipsychotics. you will get fat though; that's nearly unavoidable. if you respond to medication your life isn't over. the other fag makes it seem like antipsychotics turn you into a drooling retard, but they don't. you were never going to be anything important or work a job that depended on your intellectual abilities anyway.

The meds i'm on haven't got me that fat. I'm 6'6 though so a bit of weight looks good on me.

If you're tall and good looking or were rich you can turn that into an advantage and have people pay you via pity or an underdog story and live a lavish lifestyle, maybe even become famous

You have to have a number of helpful traits though, otherwise you'll just have something to crutch you more than you've already been crutched

which meds? only one I know of that doesn't cause massive weight gain is abilify.

Lmao I'm a diagnosed schizo who thought aliens were on earth disguised as humans at my worst. I'm a driving test away from getting my license, make 300-500 a week and I pay bills. I'm also 6"4 230 lbs because I'm on latuda which doesn't cause weight gain. Suck my fucking dick

I'm on haloperidol they are supposed to cause weight gain but I haven't. I was on olanzipine before and went from 11 stone to 21 stone in a matter of months. Managed to lose the weight once I knocked the tablets on the head, ended up having psychosis again though, but haven't put any on with haloperidol.

At my worst I thought my parents were black people who killed them and stole my real parents white skin lmao

Haldol is pretty heavy I'm surprised you can function as well as you do. That's what they give people to knock them unconscious. Zyprexa and most of the others like it will cause weight gain like that. I was on it as an adjunct for depression for a little while and made me jump up a similar weight.

The other medication wasn't working for me I had too many hallucinations so they put me on haloperidol. At first it was heavy as fuck but now i'm used to the side affects it's alright.

Point is I'm not experiencing that anymore and I'm on the lowest dose they have for the treatment of schizophrenia. You're probably more miserable and less functioning than most schizos out of hospitals

Just whatever you do, don't tell them. Then you can have fun for a while until they find out.