/to Africa general/

Who here ever /move to Africa/?

I might move to Africa to leave the ills of degeneracy of the modern times. Would anyone here ever go to Africa? would you never return?

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Why Africa? You think the 'degeneracy of the west' is honestly a worse state of affairs than whatever is going on in any African nation? Furthermore, do you think any African nations are really 'not degenerate'?

You're going to get raped by a fifteen year old warlord in a wedding dress.

What are you talking about? No, I would never ever go to Africa for any reason, and I have no idea why anyone else ever would either. Same goes for India and most other shitholes.

Africa is a mess. If you want wildlife and stuff like that, you could as well move to Australia.
I don't know if I ever would want to move out of my country. I don't really like my hometown but I'll move out to the capital city soon (which I love walking around in at night) so I guess I'm good where I live.

And I know what you're going to say...."But Africa is third world, blah, blah, blah"

Africa is beautiful. It's probably one of the most natural places in the world. Least concrete and industry.

Why pick Africa and not /here/ ?

Liberal PC authoritarian laws:
Makes it really hard to be a real one with this going on

Mercenary Cops:
In what country can a cop kill an unarmed man and not go to jail?

"But what about the girls here?":
All the girls here are whores they are whores
There is a very small number of virgin girls in relation to males
Girls more likely have had a kiss and french kissing more then men.
Girls here have plastic surgery
They've lost their virginity too young at ages like 13,14 and 15 ( losing innocence that young lmao)
They are too materialistic
Their looks fade by 30, if not 40.
They are all used up by 24

Levels of Degeneracy:
One of the last non-degenerate places left. Africa is still real nigga. They deal with degenerates quickly and swiftly.

Seems like Africa is more than here.

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You're forgetting that Africa is full of black people. Literally. I mean, "people."

Africa is for literal niggers kek

Tbqh I'd be very happy if all the Jow Forums types moved to Africa. Makes no sense though, but at least some retards will go get rape aids and die while complaining about white degeneracy.

i hope you go there and get raped by africans you incel shit
we wont need to hear about you wanting a gf or how the ''neet life'' is going

> t. never been to Africa
You must be 100lb Skellies. As long as you keep to yourself and have your own AK. No one will mess with you.

Which part are you moving to? There are relatively high quality places like in Ghana for example and then complete shitholes like SA and the Congo.

But what's wrong with black people user?

Sometimes I just wanna be with the some goons out in a beautiful land. You know?

I'd rather not say. But it smells of Milk and grass.

very relaxing if you ask me.

>Least concrete and industry.
You'll be begging for concrete and industry after spending a few days in Africa.

>Liberal PC authoritarian laws
If you think the West is authoritarian, just wait until you get to Africa.

>In what country can a cop kill an unarmed man and not go to jail?
Oh boy.

You know absolutely nothing about Africa and are taking the West for granted. Sure, we have our problems, but I'd still rather live in a grey multicultural metropolis full of trannies than in any African nation.

> but I'd still rather live in a grey multicultural metropolis full of trannies than in any African nation.
I guess I'm just too real, huh.

But would you seriously pick degenerate metall ill traps and madness over being out in the jungles?

I mean sometimes life is just like that. I'd rather be bold out there. Then be here with you trap posters!

You take stuff, don't you?

you are aware of the gangs of blacks going around in south africa killing whites right?
as if a faggot like you would keep calm if like 7 of them were lurking around your property wanting to kill you

I've never stolen anything since I was a kid desu. I can't remember the last time I even did it for fun.
Probably when I was a kid

Then stop being such a big meanie and give them some money.. jk

You must stop being jealous of the /BLACK BULL/

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>It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
>There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
>I bless the rains down in Africa
>I bless the rains down in Africa

Go for it OP.

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Do you know how many girls lose their virginity younger than 13 lose the virginity in Africa. I hope that some of this is bait and if it's not then you're a little re re boy.

You can't fool me user.

All the posts here talking about how whorish women are.

And all the women that admit it. You'd be a fool to tell me that 95% of western women over 18 are not virgins.

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>what is boko haram

praise kara boga

Meant to say ....
You'd be a fool if you didn't tell me that*
95% of western women over 18 are not virgins.

A fellow patrician I see. How goes it BROTHER?

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I think he meant that you take shit for being retarded

It would be nice to COLONIZE a woman in her native land in her own bed but I wouldn't want to stay there

99.99% of African girls are non virgins after 15

Going to need a source for that senpai

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Tangier. Try Tangier. Northern Morocco is a decent place, especially for foreigners. The food is good if you plan to eat outside and the everything is cheap, Internet is decent and usable, the beaches and mountains are really cool and super safe, the people generally don't fuck with foreigners but avoid dense suburban places. Als

Also, the girls are great.

>move to Africa to leave the ills of degeneracy of the modern times

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just avoid hookers and go for wealthier girls.

>move to Africa to leave the ills of degeneracy of the modern times
Decent bait, worth a reply.

Morrocco sounds nice. I would definitely go!

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Yeah pal. Is there something wrong with that?

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