/uni/ general These threads are like my hopes - they die early edition

>Current mental state
>Number of friends you have at college
>Drugs you take
>Uni (optional)

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At least you didn't lift 4 years only to get turned by the love of your life for a spic

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I'm probably gonna start a BA next year and then try to teach some English for awhile in japan. My main career focus is actually writing and I'm gonna try to produce some books whilst studying. I know a BA is useless for most regular careers but I'm excited to get out of the house a bit.

>Coming off of severe depression and anxiety
>Idk, I hang out with some people some times, but I'm not sure I'd call any of them "friends"
>Benadryl, Prozac

>Philosophy, Economics and Literature
>Severe anxiety, coming out of depressive phase
>A handful of close friends
>Just ran out of Tramadol, other than that weed
>Russell group uni in England

I wonder if I'll see any posts like this about my gf once her orbiters start realizing she's going out with a nigger. She's autistic enough that I'm sure her peers would be the kinds to post on here.

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>Computer Game Design
>Indifferent. Was at a really low point last semester, but I've decided it's not worth getting upset over anymore. If I fail, I fail.
>6. I just tolerate everyone else
>Ecstasy/MDMA, Weed

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>depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, mood swings
>0, i focus on work
>kinda like the """best""" in this shithole

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>Majors in art
Yeah enjoy your worthless degree

Ahahahahhahahahahah, fucking save yourself the trouble of paying off your debt and neck yourself now

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Computer Science
>Current mental state
>Number of friends you have at college
>Drugs you take
Nicotine, booze, acid, kratom, benzos, and stimulants
>Uni (optional)
Stockton University

I'm so close but so far away.

>0 friends
>no drugs (strange question)

god i hate this major so fucking much. I really fail to see any kind of logic in the subject, the ''rules'' of the economy seem completely arbitrary to me.
Any other robots study this shit?

I play Victoria 2. Does that count?

Yes I study it and it's eluding me more and more

Paradox games. Truly the most terrible of drugs.

>Infrastructure engineering
>relatively healthy
>~10 to 12 colleagues
>just cigs

Does community college count? or are we talking about students living away from home?

Of course it counts. Don't be shy and tell us.

economics is basically the study of clever ways people fuck eachother over

>PoliSci, Classics
>Slightly depressed
>A good amount actually (will be explained below)
>Straight edge 4 life
>I go to a Christian school and the church is a good place to meet people and make friends. Plus I'm in the honors college so I'm nearly guaranteed to make friends.

>Current mental state: boredom but sticking around, of 24 years
>Number of friends you have at college: 2
>Drugs you take: none, I hate alcohol

I came here to vent about the fact that I have a crush for years on my university mentor, she is in her early 40's, married with two kids.
She has a way to act that is just so gentle and feminine, and she has a habit of getting felly like touching my arm, or caressing me on my back. You might think that this looks inapropiate but it feels so natural and kind, and she does it with people around her and no one gives weird looks. She has this motherly and protective attitude for me that just melts me.
Last time I saw her she just casually touched my arm and scratched my hand for a moment with her fingernail and it drove me after insane for days just thinking about it. I just think about that moment and how nice her touch felt.
I don't feel this from women my age, I never felt from them this warm touch that just leaves sparks on your skin after. I went to prostitutes and I tell you never felt something like this from them. I can trade years with fucking whore for just minutes to spend next to her. I smile like a dork to myself every time I leave from her for hours.

end of rant

>CS of course
>Constantly alternating between just kill me and going pretty good
>none except Citalopram, but that doesn't count
>Russell group low-tier (UK)