Have you ever revealed how suicidal/depressed/anxious/mentally fucked/ to another person? How did they react?

Have you ever revealed how suicidal/depressed/anxious/mentally fucked/ to another person? How did they react?

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How mentally fucked you are* sorry lads, I can't english.

Immediately brushed off and ignored

They told me to just bee myself without a shred of irony

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Wtf is going on here? This is the second time I've seen a Supernatural pic in the last hour.

Only to a previously close friend. He's a good guy, but a bit dumb and naive. He cried but, like alot of other things he somehow doesn't recall, blotted it out of his memory.
My other close friend is cold on inside and out alot, and when I said I was suicidal for a couple years, just said "Sounds like a really dark time." Idk, think he was trying to act respectful.

Multiple times.
To my family and to all my friends.

It's great to get it off your chest, some people understand and care and remain there for you and check up on you every now and again...
A majority decide to avoid you at all costs because you become a chore and a hassle.

If I could take it back and not tell everyone, I probably would as I think declaring it caused me to lose A LOT of friends... but I felt I had to explain why I was acting like I was.

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Shit feels nice to get off your chest, until it's 4 AM and the shame sets in, and you think "god, why did I say all of that?"

You only talk to people you know about your problems if you want attention. It's nobler to suffer on your own.

Lol ok, Dr Phil

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i ended up spilling my guts to a couple friends whilst i was horribly drunk a few months ago and one of them tried to have an intervention. she doesn't even speak to me now.
i ended up making a therapist of mine cry when i was younger too. it felt very bizarre to be telling a therapist not to cry.

they generally don't know what to do and distance themselves from you like a plague I've decided I'll just keep my issues to myself who would I open up to anyway?

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I accidentally spilled my guts to a female co-worker. I fucking spaghetti'd hard and told her I was contemplating suicide via a gun. She was pretty concerned for me. I'm still here though, so, maybe the idea of someone caring for me was enough to keep me going.

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Yeah, they told me to pray. Dumbass Christian.

A few times when I was drunk. I told my uncle and the next morning he told me I had some serious shit to work through. Don't remember any of the times and it's never really affected me.

So far I don't think anyone has any idea that anything is wrong with me. However, I need to talk to someone soon before I have a breakdown. I'm planning on talking to my best (and only) friend about my shit, but I don't know how to bring up the subject and I'm scared I might scare him away.


No, and if I did, chances are I would get ignored.
Thinking the same thing, but I want to do it after Easter.

>but I want to do it after Easter.
I've wanted to talk with him for at least a year but I choke and don't want to spoil the mood. Just yesterday we talked all day while playing vidya and I felt horrible the entire time but I couldn't speak up. Doesn't help that I feel like it should be face to face and neither of us live alone (no privacy)

Yes, they told me i'm just a bitter fuck who is a shit of a person and i should stop complaining about my life and do something about it

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>start having panic attacks every day before or during school
>irritates some acid reflux, so usually throw up as well if I can't calm myself
>can't even go to the store without dying
>doctor diagnosed me with panic attacks
>told parents because they were worried as fuck
>immediately starts asking if they put too much pressure on me, asking if there was anything they could do (there wasn't), and making terrible jokes trying to make the mood a little more lighthearted (worst was something along the lines of "have we had a psycho about to snap living in our house")
>news spread throughout the family
>immediately was known to my mother's side, father at least had the decency to not bring shit up until my aunt asked why I was acting differently
>everyone looked at me like I was a sick puppy for awhile
The whole experience taught me to never admit anything is wrong to my parents, as even though they mean well it'll just make things worse.

>(worst was something along the lines of "have we had a psycho about to snap living in our house")

that's horrible, but I laughed. Sorry user. That really blows. Parents do not understand shit sometimes. At least they didn't freak out or kick you out or something. My parents don't believe in any kind of anxiety/depression/disorders. I've told them nothing.

Told multiple friends and a general practitioner. The friends were really supportive but the general practitioner was subtly mocking me and told me if he were to refer me to a psychiatric clinic, I can kiss any chance of employment goodbye since I'd be labelled as mentally unfit. If I suicide out of depression, the blood is on their hands.

I'm glad your friends were supportive. Fuck that doctor, though. He sounds like an asshole.

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They really were. I literally went and tried to kill myself with a pocket gun but one friend begged me not to. It was getting that bad, especially when I found out the person I was with never loved me. Left a gaping hole in my heart. I tried every single thing but the numbness won't go away.

My advice to any of you who are sensitive and looking for true, genuine love: It doesn't exist. You'll open your heart, hoping to cure it, only to have it be even more infected. I wish someone told me that before, I could have still had a chance to live.

I probably would've been more offended at their remarks if it wasn't clear they just didn't understand. I think it definitely helped them to take the situation more seriously because I had the physical reaction of vomiting. It's harder to say it doesn't exist when your child keeps throwing up because of it.

>tell friend I wanted to off myself and was scared of people
>6 cops and an ambulance show up to my door
wew lad

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weeeew. Keep talkin, lad. What happened next?

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Police were super nice. They've been to my house before (around 10+ times for various reasons other than myself), they didn't commit me anywhere since I didn't do anything and they just said to my parents "If he is ever in trouble just give us a call and we will be there as soon as we can, we are always here to help before things get too bad." They were honestly the most chilled police officers, despite being ready to tackle me to the ground (they were geared up). The time before when police were called to my house after hurting myself bad they strip searched me for weapons and put me on suicide watch for around 24 hours in a hospital before I was sent home without any treatment. Pretty degrading to be honest.

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Well at least the police seem to care about your well being.

nobody wants to be around a depressed person, you'll be ignored, or ghosted.

don't tell anyone anyone, but we care though, I wish you the best, be happy with what ya got and what you are capable of.

Everyone wants to be around depressed female or Good looking male, though.

i'm not really a robot because I've learned to deal with not telling people things by being funny, and people like me then. But when I start being my normal self people hate that. I want to kill myself every other day and I can't even tell anyone.

I told someone on the online, once.
They eventually got sick of me and stopped talking to me, although they promised that they wouldn't.
I've talked to a few therapists, but they didn't seem to care very much.

i told a friend whom i had been through a lot of rough shit with, and he basically said, "you think, you got it bad, I have this, this, and this to deal with" but it was in a joking bro way and it actually kinda made me feel better. i vented to him a little bit more after that and he was pretty good at taking my bullshit, all in all it helped a lot actually. this wasn't about chronic depression though, it was about an all at once mental breakdown

Get a therapist

unironically never show weakness to another human

You do live somewhere where therapy is free right?

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I'm just gonna leave this post I found on /dep/ here

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Yes to one close friend, but i left a lot of it out. She's extremely sweet and supportive but it's not helping me at all.

I don't know and have no idea where to begin.

I'm sorry to hear that. I care, user. I know I'm just a bunch of 1's and 0's, but I'm here. Sometimes society is cruel, even without knowing. Keep going forward.

Kind of.
I once told a classmate some years ago that I don't want to go to the party on Friday because I don't like to be around many people. I was surprised that he seemed shocked at that statement. I never said anything in school and I didn't have any friends, so I thought that this would be no surprise for him.

The second time I revealed my power levels was six months ago at a psychiatrist. I told her everything and she was extremely shocked. She told me that she isn't qualified to diagnose me and that I need to go to a specialist.

I only made a social circle of 3-4 people that I trusted all throughout high school and college, and when I told them in a group chat that I have a mental illness, they stopped talking to me after a while and avoided hanging out with me.

That was... maybe... 6? or 7 years ago? I forgot. Time flies.

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i got blackout drunk last week, apparently i started talking about depression and suicide.

NEWS FLASH: nobody EVER wants to hear your sob story. As frustrating or depressing that brutal fact may be, it's true. Even your family. They will try to deny it and say it's not so bad rather than face it. Imagine someone telling you all the shit in their life. What would your response be? "Damn that sucks man". I don't tell anyone my problems; it's just pointless. Especially never tell a woman. They will subconsciously categorize you as a feeble weak manchild. When you reach this level of feel understanding the universe is a really dark place.

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Normies really don't give a fuck
I can talk about a lot of stuff withoutgetting odd looks

This is why I can't be drunk around other people. I always get too deep into my dark thoughts and spew verbal shit. What did the people you were around say?

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yeah, it was my bio-father and he almost called the police to take me to the mental ward but my mother made him hang up
I was going through a psychotic episode
anyways, I've now been to the mental ward 4 times
I've told my mother multiple times, she's also mentally fucked and depressed so it's always nice to have someone to relate to

I've obviously told my therapists and the guy who gives me my pills
And I've told random anons

probably some tumblr "raid"

You say that, but every time I've heard anyone say that, it has been a lie.
"I'll be there if you need to vent, I support you, I care."
But as time goes on, the intensity of those emotions will fade, that's how the human body works, it can't support an influx of emotions for too long.
Eventually, you'll stop caring, you'll stop thinking about me.
And I'll be left alone, as always.
Die lie, user, it's not nice.


>>Especially never tell a woman. They will subconsciously categorize you as a feeble weak manchild.

This isn't always the case, When someone opened up to me this way i felt deep empathy towards him.
I didn't feel it made him weak, If anything i was impressed at his ability to endure it.

I've got to a point where i openly joke about how much of a piece of shit i feel and how the only thing that stopped me from fucking kms when i felt the worst was my family (i don't want to bother them with my death and stuff).
People just don't think that i'm serious, and it's not only with these kind of things. Most of the time i have an inexpressive face and a calm voice, so people often think that i'm joking when i give them some really bad news, or that i'm not worried/don't care about some things.

Yes. And now we've been happily married for three years.

Last year when I was still in high school I had a couple hundred people on Snapchat and Twitter followers from being friends with normie, football team, popular kids. I'd constantly post my weird depression thoughts and philosophies and people I never spoke to would respond and ask me about it.

Same, they said Allah will help you. Dumbass Muslims.

No green text, sorry

First time i did: she knew i had some problems, insists to know what exactly i suffer from, i don't want to tell her because people tend to categorize me as a scared poor little kitten and always hated it and i also said "i think my problems may be too hard to take for you"
Obv, after a couple of weeks, i tell her couse she was insisting, so i told her (pathological depression, insomnia, was underweight, some suicide attempts and so on)
She literally just said: "oh you were right, that's too much, i wish you never told me" and almost stopped talk to me

fuck you are right. i went to a therapist but honestly felt uncomfortable and found it to be no help. fuck all this shit

Exactly the behavior of my gf, the difference is that all the previous chicks didn't lived anything like me (i hate looking like an edgy teen saying this) but she has been through shit like me, so she hasn't ever saw me as a fragile child but as a strong boi who could stand it, and that was unbelievable for me tho everyone have just categorized me as weak

That's useless (telling to parents tho)
Never believed me when i told them i was feeling sad and when i tried to open my wrist with a hecking cutter they told me everything would change, they would help me
Obv, 1 or 2 months seen like a kitten with autism and then everything came back like before

I don't get it, why do your supposed friends leave after being told your life is not exactly rosy and you feel like shit? I mean they don't have to act no different if they don't feel like doing anything special. Just listening should be enough.

When I was like 8-12, I told my mom. She brought me to the to of the stairs and said to jump if I didn't want to live any more.

fuck my family

>tfw jokingly joke about depression and suicide thoughts with young co-worker
>tfw shit like "i want to kill myself" or "kill me please" is just the norm to us

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They didn't care. They shrugged helplessly or mocked me. And I realized I was completely alone and I had to figure out a reason to keep going by myself. I hope that maybe I can use my disposable life in a situation where my death can help.

>had a bit of an argument with a coworker I have a crush on the other day
>had a shitty day altogether
>feel like she's slowly starting to genuinely dislike me
>kinda want to tell her how I feel like killing myself almost every day but know it'd be a terrible idea for multiple reasons
I've told many girls I've liked that I've felt like killing myself and it's never made them like me.

Otherwise, never. Being suicidal is like a catch-22. If you don't tell anyone, you feel a lot of pain and isolation from people. But people always tell you to tell others how you feel, because supposedly no one wants you to kill yourself. But then when you do, it's like says, and people stop talking to you, consider you weak or pathetic, etc. And then they wonder why they seemed so happy and friendly before someone found them hanging by a cord from the ceiling or with their brains splattered all across the wall, their dead hands still clutching their shotgun.

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after seeing the robot blow his head off last week, I've decided I won't kms.

I don't want to inflict the pain I feel onto my family

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you are weak you, should end It.

Oh fuck off and eat shit you rotten cunt. dont listen to that faggot, I'm glad you decided not to kill yourself, and I'm here in case you wanna talk

They told me that I was obsessed with dark thoughts.

my parents started being extremely nice to me after my suicide attempt but now they keep pestering me to get a job.
Maybe I should remind them

a psychologist said something like this to me once.
>well you don't look depressed

haha dude I was IN THE MENTAL WARD and one of the helper people that I had activities with was asking why we were in the mental ward, I said because I was going through psychosis, she said why do you have psychosis, I said schizophrenia and this bitch said oh you don't look schizophrenic
she wouldn't fucking believe me no matter what I said after that, so she goes and pulls up my record and, no shit it says schizophrenia
holy shit man I hate roasties

done that a lot with people online

never ever with people in real life

>Have you ever revealed how suicidal/depressed/anxious/mentally fucked/ to another person? How did they react?

I started posting about it on Snapchat, just being completely honest. Only two people I went to high school with reached out to ask if I was okay and I haven't talked to them since. Everybody avoids me now or doesn't respond. It feels like I'm a child molester.

People I know and talked to just watch me spiral out of control and refuse to interact while they post videos of themselves singing along to XXXTentacion rapping about suicide.

Had an incredibly similar experience.

I used to text this girl from one of classes quite a bit. One day I sperged out and told her I was suicidal and planning on buying a gun then she got all worried and I guess called the suicide hotline or something like that. A few minutes later I got a call from a number and ignored it because I figured what was going on. I told her after that I wasnt serious about it but I dont think she believed me, but stopped talking to me after that. And that was the last experience I had interacting with a girl.

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