Goodboy hate thread

I really fucking hate goodboys or whatever term you choose to apply to weak men who go around virtue signalling about abstract morals rather than addressing their actual interests and figuring out how to man up. Men aren't supposed to sit around thinking about what is "right", Immanuel Kant pretty much figured out the only reasonable standard for measuring goodboy points (only do something if the world would be better if everyone did it) and he died a virgin faggot because the world essentially relies on people being self interested assholes who disregard rules. Men are supposed to be concerned with objective issues: how to get shit done, what to consume. I'm not saying we have to be evil, its generally a good idea to be nice to people you encounter, but just don't worry about something so silly as "right and wrong". Accepting a more earthy worldview and throwing away useless morals will make you more confident and happy, guarantee it.

I can't be the only one who thinks this, come shit talk moralfags with me.

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Spoken like a cuck numale.

Agreed muh dude, they make everything shit for everyone else. They pave the road to hell hidden behind "Good Intentions". They never take personal responsibility. They deny a man a steak cause a baby can't eat it and it's showing so much in today world

>going against people's morals instead of following your own

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>They deny a man a steak cause a baby can't eat it
I realize this is an analogy and not an example but I've met so many moralfags of both genders who just pull ridiculous sophistry like that out of their ass to justify doing something stupid.

Pic related would be my answer to this dilemma.

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I can't escape this faggot.

>wanting to escape in the first place

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Oh my days, the infamous bike thief did it again

why do you care about what someone else does, specially if it doesn't affect your life, even more so if you're considering it "good"

wait a minute, you fuckers didnt think i was advocating the view in the comic did you? i meant that as an example of guys sticking their head so far up their own ass for morals that they forget to care about themselves

>he died a virgin faggot

Still will be remember for times to come. What will you contribute to society other than these useless posts user?

>caring about legacy
who gives a fuck, he certainly can't.

I would much rather be myself than him, being remembered doesnt count for shit. He was a sad loser who lived an autistic and boring life. I'm not completely satisfied with my own life, which is why i try to improve it, but I've already done way more stuff than him or most of these goodboys.

The trouble with abandoning morality is that with the exception of sociopaths, humans are not capable of it. Feelings like guilt and shame are wired into you from childhood and no two-bit epiphany about the amoral nature of the universe is going to free you from that.

See, what these "goodboys" are doing is at least attempting to gain some maturity and be the bigger man when life gets them down. By focusing on things that really matter to them (not bikes, presumably), they gain a level of clarity and focus on their actual goals that a selfish jerk just satisfying his impulses will never be able to achieve. Of course, being the bigger man is hard, so you can be excused from trying if it's too much for you.

Who cares about the bike cuck when we have more pressing concerns to worry about. Such as will we ever catch this bike thief, a true menace to our society, Sakamoto-kun.

guilt and shame aren't really morally based, i consider myself a 'good guy' as in i just naturally have empathy for people and try to help out the guy next to me but im defining goodboy as a moron who goes around coming up with dumb concepts that put other peoples interests before their own, that is not maturing, that is surrendering

>Immanuel Kant pretty much figured out the only reasonable standard for measuring goodboy points (only do something if the world would be better if everyone did it) and he died a virgin faggot

Awesome, another to add to list of celibate master race:

truly the most enlightened go the pure route but remember: the less traveled path has less people on it.


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That picture is a soyboy not a goodboy because you can have a spine and be good.

Criticizes people thinking about "abstract moral theories" while putting forward your own. Unless you are a pure moral nihilist you are taking a position on "good" or "bad" and the nature of those concepts. Look up ethical intuitionism user, pretty much what you are saying and also a theory developed by the khv's you despise.

That's why I can't be a normie
Normie don't have morals
Fuck off and post this shit in Facebook where people would praise you for shit like this

If you kill your enemies, they win.

that;s what i heard

that pretty much the opposite of what i was trying to say

ok goodbye
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I will explain this to you anons, from Shen's perspective he is powerless in this situation, his bike will be stolen regardless of his actions, this bike is a symbol for his life; Shen will be taken advantage of by better people regardless of his efforts in life. Since he is a beta he will never rise above to defend himself. Therefore, instead of doing what I just mentioned, he takes the easy route of pretending like he doesn't care (sour grapes) and pretending like he likes that someone else has it since bieng selfless is considered a virture in modern society, even if it's to his detriment.

In other words, beta like Shen will always be taken advantage of by the strong. So instead of wallowing in self pity or fixing his life by defending himself, he pretends like he wanted it to happen and is oh so slefless to give him some sense of control and to attempt to turn the ultimate vice (being take advantage of by the strong) into a societal virute (being selfess).

I gurantee you when he wrote this he thought 'oh some grill will see this and see how nice a guy i am, surely this will get me laid', which she fucks bike chad behind his back

also since women are the ultimate virute signallers, they will continue to pat shen on the back for being 'selfless', while they storke the strong chad's dick with their other hand

This is considerably more tame than what I expect of Shadman.

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Bike Cuck made some good comics after that

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