How it's done

give them a quick rundown


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bitches love and want to learn about bogdanoffs

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funny meme

take my upvote good sir

>using 'top kek' on Tinder.
Are you autistic user? Do you use this phrase in real life as well?

Hopefully you can meme yourself into her pants! Godspeed user!

lmao dude screencappping rn top kek 10/10 shadilay do u know de wei

she sounds like you are boring her
Just say
You just agreed to fuck me and ask for her address

Hopefully good sir. Hopefully.

Only with like 2 good mates who also browse Jow Forums. I used it in text chat for everything though.

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op go back to plebbit

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Some more recent conversation. Do you guys think I have any chance? Should I message back in a couple of hours?

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she is getting pumped by chad now,get over it

What the fuck did I just fucking read???

>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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she drinks and smokes weed. don't bother

This was painful to read but made it worth it. Burn in ebin virgin hell, fellow pede.

Lol, not OP here. But I do occasionally let it slip in regular conversation. Awkward shit right there.

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Holy shit OP, that's some grade A autism, are you sure you're not underage?
>Do you guys think I have a chance?
How deluded are you?
Is this b8?

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I-I thought she might be interested if she gave her number and jept the convo going this long thats all...

So do I though

you're a man so it's not degenerate

Why would you care if she's 'degenerate' if you just want to fuck?

if all you want is a fuck you're a degenerate yourself

And the consequence of that is what exactly?

>kek comes from the Massively Multiplay Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft (WoW), where there are two competing factions that players can join. Those two are unable to talk to each other, as there is a simple substitution cypher that morphs what you type into something "unintelligible". Players quickly realised that when they typed "lol" it would come out as "kek" for the other faction. Thus kek started to be used on forums by WoW players as a way to signal their knowledge of the game. As WoW became more popular, kek integrated itself into the meme-mainstream because it served as a powerlevel check. A check you just failed.

You fucked up OP.

This thread is gay and filled with many underages.

You're the underager in this thread mate.

I don't think he'd look good if he explained it came from WoW. Then again I doubt this user would look good doing anything.

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women love a history buff user
if all you know is memes, then you'll just have to impress her with memes

Fair enough.

original content

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hahaha top kek my anons. pewdiepie sure did great thing flocking even more normies to this normie ridden mess of a board hahaha

I can't tell whether you're autistic or not OP.
Please see a doctor.

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Yes, you have a chance. You seem alright at conversing, but should probably work on your confidence since you're looking for validation here of all places

Also, don't message back, wait for her to take the initiative. Giving them space is important, and if she gets back to you that just proves she's actually interested

further proof that literally only looks matter, if op had different profile pictures of an ugly person and said the same thing, this thread would 100% blame him for being autistic and that's why he got rejected, sad

that is people would say op was rejected for being autistic when the real reason would be looks

>She actually stuck through all this fucking autism and kept talking

Holy fuck you retard don't fuck this up she might actually for some unknown reason think you're cool and I can 100% say that will never happen again if you actually think this sperg shit is funny.

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