Dont ever say such things while posting zyzz you sick cunt
He would never tell someone they couldnt make it
how would he know who'd make it? he didn't
Jow Forums is unironically gayer than Jow Forums
He was like us at first.
Did nothing but play wow and final fantasy all day. Until he saw some shredded cunt at a party and witnessed how much respect and power he commanded when he entered the room. He had a different air about him. And thats when zyzz was inspired to get fit. If zyzz can make it then almost anyone can
Don't need to, I've already made it.
Oh, and Jow Forums is not the place to go for making it, it's just a place for retards to goof about.
>Browse Jow Forums since 2 years
>Nothing happened since except I'm a bit more insecure and get some meaningless mires from friends
OP is a NY fag. Once a robot alwaxs a robot. No amount of lifting will change that. It's
>mental health>skin color>body
anyway. If you lift for girls you need to off yourself. You either lift for yourself or lift until you realize lifting for girls is retarded.
and he's dead
never gonna die in a bangkok sauna from heart failure at age 22 :(
He's shredded, but his biceps and triceps look weak as hell.
Thats not the point you fokkin sick cunt
Today is my first day browsing Jow Forums
Did I fuck up?
I'm a robot like you now?
Is it too late?
he made it to the grave
Are you a khv with barely any/no friends and not underage? If yes, welcome to the club, if no, fuck off back to R*ddit.
He snorted too much coke and had a heart attack
i am not interested in having artificial muscles.
that turn to fat as soon as i stop lifting.
lol losers.
I have 2 friends in college
Wasted my whole life being a loner before college
Have dady problems
No job
No car
20y m skinny twink virgin
I guess I'm welcome to the club.
I need the starter pack.
I'm fat and don't give a shit. Jow Forumsizens suck my nutsack you insecure beta bitches
Also I'm Eastern European
Don't give me the basic eat less move more, I know cardio should be the base, but what's an effective routine for losing weight fast? For reference I need to lose about 30 pounds to be back to my ideal weight.
Eat a bit less, move some more
was zyzz an ectomorph? He's ripped, but not huge like I remember. It's my body type and it's soo hard putting on weight
Do you lift?
I'm a skeleton myself.
It took me 3 months in the gym to gain 1kg.
Then it took me 3 months to gain 5kg.
From my experience I think your body just needs to adapt.
What's the point when you're 5'4?
Bodytypes are broscience.
Bruce Lee was a manlet
he was 5'7 at a time where the average American man was 5'8
>implying I even want to get Jow Forums
Why would I do that to my skinnyfat body? It looks so uncomfortable.
>unironically started browsing Jow Forums half a year ago
>started to eat way more, since I was always a skeleton
>haven't forced myself to start excercising yet
I... I don't think i'm gonna make it, lads.
More like the roids he did finished him off
They found cocaine in his system after the autopsy retard
>Jow Forumss idol is a dead guy
>Don't give me the basic eat less move more, I know cardio should be the base
no, you dont even have to move more, just eat less. Thats it. I dont know why so many people think its some complicated method, just eat less fucking food. Find your daily calorie expenditure and eat less than that.
Fit is basically just normie r9k
Give me a cheap diet plan to gain some muscles and I'll get to it.
t. skinny manlet poorfag
Nothing of a fucking diet plan man
BAck in the day we used to eat alot iof fucking tuna without thinking if it was to muihc not. EAT ALOT TRAIN ALOT. MAN UP CHAMP!
>only been on Jow Forums for 3 yrs
He was an insipration to skinny betas everywhere.
Him being ded is moot
its not that he's dead its how he died
he "made it" and died because of it
Again What does that have to do with him insipring thousands of skeleton mode betas into improving themselves and their mindset?
His death wasnt because he made it, its because he was burning too bright and too fast.
If he died in his room from an aneurysm after raiding in wow losers like you would still talk shit.
How do I get stronger forearms
I do wide pullups but I tend to start failing around 5
you mean to say this man is a sad cunt, know your zyzz trivia.
>its because he was burning too bright and too fast.
which wouldn't have happened if he was at a normal weight and actually happy with the cards he was dealt
Deadhangs will do you better than pullups. Forearms react best to time under tension. Farmers walks too.
reporting in.
I'm actually browsing Jow Forums to pump myself up for a workout.
>be skinny manlet
>"lmao go to the gym you fucking twink lmao"
>go to gym for countless hours
>get buff
>go outside
>"lmao look at this napoleon trying to compensate for his height--tough guy over here"
No matter what we fucking do.
So he should have just stayed a sad cunt like you and play video games all day?
Nah son. Zyzz already had enough of that life. The difference between him and you was he got up and did something about it.
Zyzz died young but he wasnt miserable. He was loving life tol the very end.
Youll die old, in lots of pain, fat and regretting that you wasted so much time.
>browsing Jow Forums
>not using that time to lift/eat/sleep
You're never going to make it brah.
Eat less than exactly 1500 calories a day and don't do anything else. You will lose weight at lighting fast paces.
20 is still pretty young. I'm 25 and I'm starting to feel the clock ticking.
Just turned 26. I feel like if I make an insane sprint I could still catch up with the clock, but it's a very dim hope.
>So he should have just stayed a sad cunt like you and play video games all day?
>Nah son. Zyzz already had enough of that life. The difference between him and you was he got up and did something about it.
>Zyzz died young but he wasnt miserable. He was loving life tol the very end.
>Youll die old, in lots of pain, fat and regretting that you wasted so much time.
Deadlifts are all you need my man.
You know its true scrub.
Maybe you aren't sleeping/eating enough.
i was little skinnier than christian bale in "the machinist" when i first started training and in about 2 or 3 months i won 4kg (about 10lbs) of muscle mass.
Also, have you tried doing harder workouts? maybe you aren't training enough to generate more muscle (it has happened to me in the past).
Ok so you have no idea who zyzz was is what youre saying
It's funny, Jow Forums idols are also dead guys.
Being Jow Forums won't solve your problems. Your path to happiness, girls and love will have to come from within. Use Jow Forums as a method of stress relief and SELF improvement, not as a way to get the love you never had.
has there been less of an argument
i dont think so
Jow Forums is fucking useless for actually changing your life unless you've already got your shit together because it immediately throws you into an arnie schwarzenegger routine. that's very hard to maintain without first building up positive habits like keeping a schedule and getting out of bed each day.
at least mark rippetoe tells you that doing literally any exercise will give you gains when you're starting out.
just stop putting fucking food in your craw you fat piece of shit jesus is the fat clogging your fucking brain it isn't that hard