Why does society want people to go to college?
Why does society want people to go to college?
quimmah russo
the cute girl in pic
Because it's profitable for certain (((groups))) as well as the added benefit of being a solid brainwashing platform.
It's become the standard unfortunately, which doesn't make sense since not that many jobs actually require tertiary education.
So (((they))) can brainwash youths into globalism, leftism, atheism, and feminism, ultimately leading to Communism. It likely started because the Soviets put spies into our institutions, which is a known fact btw.
to get you into debt.
The world needs doctors, scientists, and lawyers, my dude.
sure buddy, soviet spies ;)
t. ex soviet block citizen
Why would this be the case if the huge majority of degrees don't teach politics or opinions, have you even studied anything past highschool?
This answer is far more realistic and logical because money is what runs the world, not the jews. Not that it's possible to convince people like you anyway but not everything is because of jews.
Shut the fuck up you coIossal fucking faggot.
>I believe businesses refuse to hire people without a degree because they want communism
Op here. I sometimes forget how stupid people here are. I guess that is a case for college in of its self.
Go to trade school originalo
Who wants you to go into debt though?
Universities and government.
stfu, kike lol I did a diploma in the pathology field and even then I had to go through white guilt indoctrination shit
To make going to the military a viable option
>ultimately leading to communism
So close then you went full retard
Im majoring in audio engineering and i just finished sitting through a bitches paper in writing comp about 3rd wave feminism being necessary in america, shut the fuck up.
Depends on what you mean by society.
Your parents want you to achieve something so they can be proud of you.
The government wants as many people to be active in the economy as possible in order to extract tax revenue from you.
Women want you to earn enough that they don't have to work.
Banks have loaned to/invested in universities and need people to go to ensure the schools keep paying them.
Businesses want the largest possible pool of educated potential employees to choose from, otherwise they have to settle for what they can get when hiring.
Sauce on the fitnig please.
Decades ago companies use to hire anyone that had a college education. Didn't matter if it was relevant or not. People could even start in a mail room and work up to different positions in the company. For the last decade or two people have been saying it's like the new high school diploma. Now we're all becoming ultra-specialized in everything like an insect that's part of a hive and it's stupid. Obviously if you're specialized into something it means you won't have any social mobility and you're rigidly stuck in a caste.
the less you feel like you can do it on your own, the more dependent you are on Gov.
So they can be good slaves
Name one institution/industry/media that is run by a jew(s).
I'll give you some time to think about it.
H-he isnt entirely wrong
oxford university
Lmao, solid theory. I think you need a degree to get to officer and above or something like that, though. Still, probably does get people in.
its a filter for employers. If you can get into college , raise the money working nights and stick with it till you get some kind of degree you have passed a test of sorts. Its like grade A food vs lower grades.
You can be promoted through the ranks without a degree, though it takes years.
>officer and above
What is this 'above' you speak of?
You retarded faggot.
>implying most people are going to college to do those jobs
why are you booing him he's right you know
Probably the cutest fit girl ever