Sad pictures and green texts thread

Birthday shit especially please.

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>that hair
his own fault desu

>implying that improving your looks will *somehow* allow you out of the loneliness blackhole

Maybe he's a really successful and employed user who just happened to spend his birthday at his parents house?

Right guys?

Nyan nyan maido depressing birthday boy

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It was my birthday last October turned 20.

>I was almost pic related.
>Spent the whole day alone in college
>Came home at 8pm after college.
>No cake nothing
>I dodged the bullet
>Went bed at 9pm
It was my worst birthday ever.
Made some college friends this year. Hope I'll have a happy birthday with my friends this year.

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Holy shit how does one get to that point?

I know what it's like
feel sad now

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God, I remember identifying with this picture when I turned 20, now I'm 23. Fuck

I wish the best for you, user

Turned 18 on january and was pretty much the same as yours but with cake. Maybe even worse, some friends of my parents came over. Worst birthday to date.

He could have become a trap at least I bet he has a feminine penis (under 6.5x6)

I can't be the only one here who hates birthdays.

>that original caption

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hey my 20th birthday is coming up

My entire life i only was given cake and everyone just continued their day as usual is this normal

20 is the turning point, you know you're fucked for good and you start to collapse.

I'll make a pepe of whatever you want.
Nothing violent
No porn
Nothing too complex

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Dammit I wanted to make a thread.

Been through some shit pepe

thicc pepe

i turn 20 in 3 months

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I like to think me getting a PhD will make people think begin weird and having no friends is proof of my genius. That's all I can hang on to.

I can't really say since I grew up Jehovah's Witness and to date have only had three birthdays (my fourth one is coming up, woohoo!), but I'd say no. I normally spend time with my family on my birthdays (I haven't had friends up until last year, and desu, I'd rather spend my birthday with my family anyway), but we usually do something. This year we're going to a pretty cool restaurant as sort of my parents' way of seeing me off to the military. Last year I didn't do shit simply because my sister was born on the same day as me. The year before, I hung out with one of my friends, the year before that, I did the same thing. Other than that, I just had like cake and a nice dinner.

Dutch Pepe

lmao 20 is nothing. You are still a fucking child.

I was a 24 year old KHV before I went on my first date.

got birthday plans?
have your parents started talking to you about it yet?

no, i'm probably gonna have to go through the whole cake and presents bullshit though. thats the worst part

at least you might come out of the ordeal with some good loot?

I failed an entiere college year at 20. I can only talk by experience.
If you are a loner, take whatever opportunity to socialize you have, loneliness drives everyone crazy at the end. You don't need soulmates, just some presence to feel real.

yep, thats exactly what I am implying, most of robots have shitty looks, body and possible face, improve it and the loneliness will dissapear

Ben Shapiro was a virgin until he got married at 26. The media even called him "The Virgin Ben".

These fucking weirdos freak out so much, man.

Parents tell me I'm 21 now but I'm 20, tell me I'm an adult, yet i get treated like a helpless kid.
Don't think my mom wants me to leave the house until I'm 25.

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>tfw you were promised "it gets better"
>tfw it never got better

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Nooooooo.... I can't imagine that level. What must have gone wrong in his life?

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Dear God, me too. When's your b-day so i can pour one out for you

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birthdays are the worst

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I used to think that picture was sad
Then i became him

anyone remember the Weather Channel feels thread?

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you cant get away from a blackhole, once you've moved just a bit too close to it you're fucked
we're fucked

>another robot
>another messed stupid long hair

>that caption



That pic has made unironically cry. Holy hell this is awful...
Also I'll be 24 in a week or so. Life sucks.

>receive this
>write "k" on piece of paper
>mail it to dad

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the curse will follow you even if you get a job like a good boy. you will be awkward wherever you go... in every situation.

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june 23 hbu

Next friday is my birthday, what to do? During the last 3 years no one even remembered once my birthday and I've been buying my own cake and treating myself to vidya and good whisky, what to do this year fellow robots?

how old will you be? anal

I like the pic, the father is really chill and gives genuine good advice.

June 5, one year away from drinking age :( i just want to get in a bar fight

24, I don't want it to be another boring incircumstancial day

Is there anyone you can invite?

ready to an hero

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Some friends, but I don't want them to feel obliged to come or going out to eat

20 is always a rough one

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friends are a hassle. why do you guys even care about your birthdays? its a normie thing. just let the day come and go like any other

I really hate these pics, because the kid always looks like me for some reason. Fuck me, here's a generic wojak to communicate my feelings.

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He's only 20. How sad can it be?

You don't pay 100% of your earnings into the higher tax bracket. If you were earning 100 over the limit that puts you into the 40% tax bracket, you only pay 40% on that 100.
Same shit happens in Germany. Jaded ass father probably spent his whole life working at Lidl thinking he's sticking it to the tax man, the fucking dolt

This is perhaps the worst. I felt my stomach drop like I'd swalloed a fucking black hole.

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>obliged to come or going out to eat
See, normies (assuming your friends are normal) actually love going out to eat, so it shouldn't really be a problem.
Even if they don't really like you as much as they like each other (dunno if that's the case with your friends), if you invite them as a group they'll see it as a chance to hang out with eachother at least.

>When your parents pretend to be all friendly and joyful for 10 minutes around you
Especially my dad, turns in the camera, changes his personality.

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I'd argue 25 is the real cutoff simply because 20 is still too close to your -teens and college is a great equalizer. After that, it's all over.

25... so close to wizard level

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20 is the first step on the path to wizard. like you could still ascend to normie but you know there is now a very real chance that you might reach wizard. then 25 is full blown apprenticeship

Who else here had a good birthday. Last one i went for a meal with my two friends then went to a pub after and got drunk and played pool. It's nice having people who care about you even if it's only two people.

good job none of this applies to most robots, they just collect NEETbucks and let the government do everything for their sorry ass

I'm turning 26 in two weeks, no job, stuck forever in uni, what should I expect?

You're all like little babies. I spent my 23rd birthday in a homeless shelter. Boohoo your parents love you. Cut your hair, take a shower and make yourself into somebody people want to spend time with.

Honestly this picture is funny more than anything just because of his hair cut.

This happened to a friend. I always would go to his house and think he had a real nice family. Turns out they were all incredible battlestar-class cunts (dad even beat the shit out of his mom and sister) that could only maintain that facade for an evening when visitors came to their house.

I haven't seen this. Link?

Storytime your life?

The old YFYL threads on /b/ had amazing content. I wish I'd backed up my old folder.

I have a question for you anons. What did you get/have to show your age on the cake?
>X amount of candles
>1 to 2 numbered candles
>X candles for the tens, Y for ones
>Something else

These pictures are fucking hilarious please post more

But I like my long hair

His shoulders are too broad. orgorgogrogorgorgo

>Jehovah's Witness
Me too. Absolute hell. I hate those faggots and I hope they burn in hell.

Subcomidante Marcos Pepe?

Try being 27.
My younger sister is getting married.

i usually get cupcakes with 1 candle each

I don't know if there's a video and I'm not sure I'd want to see it. Maid cafes and the people who are regulars there just seem extremely depressing to me.

ooof JUST

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Lmao imagine how funny it would be if they hired a stripper and he had to sit there awkwardly while she gave him a lap dance with the whole family watching.

>tfw dog hasn't been able to walk for a few days
>Called a vet and he says it might be cancer and that we have a week to give her shots in the small chance it's just a bacterial infection and not cancer.
>She's been barely able to eat and cries out every so often
>Have had her for 13 years (when I was 12) and she's a part of the family
>Parents talking about putting her down so she doesn't have to endure the pain as we live near a pet cemetery
>Just last month my cat died
>tfw crying like a bitch

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I don't know why I love these goddamn sad birthday photos

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Why do they all have the same cake?

Some of these get me real gud

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It's the classic homemade ugly mom cake.

Here's a more personalized one

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I bet he's playing anime sound tracks out of that speaker

>both parents addicts

>degenerate drunk/addict myself by age 18

>parents house foreclosed on when I was about 20

>parents move in with my half sister who won't let me live there because I can't contribute NEET bux like my parents

>couch surf for about a year

>actually get a job making $16 an hour on a road repair crew, move in with cousin

>drink like a maniac for about 3 years

>OD on oxycontin somehow(don't remember taking it)

>psyche ward in Detroit won't let me go unless I have somewhere to go, can't go back to cousin's place

>social worker finds a place for me

>arrive 4 days before my 23rd birthday

It's all good now, I'm married, haven't used or drank since and I manage a large retail store.

See, the secret is to give as little significance as you can to birthdays in toto. It's not a celebration, it isn't a big thing if it isn't a big thing to you. It's not awkward that it's not a big deal to anybody else either. "What? Today's the day I officially grow 1 year older? Huh, I didn't notice, and now that you mention it I don't really care"

Tbh this what I wanted. A day with the family and a cake for my 20th. But no... My selfish ass family decided to "celebrate" my bday by going to the river. Fuck them, they know I don't like that bs, they just did it for them to have fubln.

faggot im 23 and fucking hopeless KHV what are you fucking manchild?


For real though, good on you for making it out of that situation man. 99% of this board would've ended up off'ing themselves if they were you.

Wait till you turn 25yo and your parents retire to a third world country,fucking babies all of you

>be turning 19
>in my room on comp all day
>parents ask to take me out for a birthday dinner
>chad little brother decides he wants to take a female friend
>dont wanna go cus of how pathetic this will look to her
>they go with out me
>have rage attack about how my life is shit and destroy some stuff in room
>dad comes home and sees
>says he knows how it feels to be 19 and have your life totally fucked up
>im almost 21 nothing has changed
>i can feel tears starting as i type this

will turn 23 in a week and i'm still alive
what a disappointment

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>nothing has changed
wrong language
>i have changed nothing
get to work