Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all
Who was in the wrong here?
Who was /ourguy/?

Attached: top10animebattles.jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

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commentatus originalus

Caveman did nothing wrong


i think they were both /ourguys/ honestly. just on two different ends of the spectrum. personally i identify more with caveman, but the kid was just trying to make friends, can't really hate him for that

I feel bad for caveman.

>but the kid was just trying to make friends, can't really hate him for that
But I sure can hate him for being obnoxiously non-self aware

Bunch of normie.
I'm a Soyboy

I'm glad I no longer enjoy video games.
Working out is more important than playing video games and no achieving anything.
Bad posture.

Attached: 1492568098743.png (250x256, 97K)

what will you do in 5 years when you're grinding away just to put on 2 lbs of lean mass per year?
just do both brah

Caveman is an angsty edgelord and not /ourguy/

Sure seems like /ourguy/ to me

Chibi is more along the lines of Chris Chan

idk man he didn't really say anything wrong there
he seems pretty reasonable imo

no you're the newfag cancer niggerfaggot
I've been here since the very start and you come stumbling along into MY turf and call me a newfag? hang your ass right out of here!

>he doesn't know about the historic autist beef

>make friends
Isn't it supposed to be some sort of entertainment show? He was the only one trying to add some commentating to it, which I believe is the point of that sort of setting.

Caveman is an extreme autist who wanted to sit alone and play games without interacting with anyone.

>the kid was just trying to make friends
Pretty sure he was the host and trying to make conversation. He was not trying to "make friends" with moustache lad lmao.

lol, he invited himself (no one wanted him there) and just started making cringy jokes all the time

Caveman confirmed on twitter that he comes on /v/, but I don't think he's our guy

Chibi is an autistic NEET who lives with his mother at age 27

fuck, even his dick is autistic

Attached: cd.jpg (640x480, 24K)

I've been here a decade and have no idea who they are either, nor do I care.

That made me like Caveman more the fuck are you on about

caveman is best girl and the only tolerable person in that pic.

Not yet.