What did I do wrong here, r9k?
What did I do wrong here, r9k?
Thinking a girl would be interested in you
you managed that quite well. I suggest not messaging her for at least 15 days
Not give me her snap so I can clap them cheeks and send you the video
>might be doing something
you got the ugly op, at least you shot your shot and took it in a chill manner
You just aint a chad
Feeling like you're entitled to female attention. Try again like everyone else and stop your bitching.
the first terrible thing was having your hopes up
the second terrible thing was having your hopes up with someone through social media... namely snapchat...
come the fuck ON
you didnt do anything wrong, better luck next time bro. did she give any indication she was into you? if so, try and think back on them because she isnt into you and you dont want to make the same mistake again
>don't think i can
>might be going somewhere
oof, she didn't even bother to think up an excuse or even just say "can't i already have plans"
Kek, I know that feel OP. That is the ugly feel.
You didn't make her elaborate.
Sample convo.
Wanna do the thing at this time?
>I can't, I was thinking about possibly making plans to do somehing wnjoyable with my time.
Oh! That sounds like potential fun! What are you thinking of planning?
Ya, I read that blog about male entitlement too! Right on, sister!
You gave it a nice try user, dont give up find another and try again. You'll make it user I believe in you.
nothing buddy, go watch the movie alone and have a great time no sarcasm fuck that roastie
God I miss when this board didn't have so many obvious tumblrites browsing it. I blame all the fembot threads attracting these dumb cunts into the open
Part of the reason I want to get with her is because she isn't a roastie
dude she didn't even bother to give a decent excuse to spare you feelings, she literally just said she might be doing something, you aren't on her radar at all, now if you play it cool and ignor eher you might be able to get her to date you again to try to revalidate herself
what movie did you want to see?
That's fucking obnoxious and no one likes it when you do that.
Talking to women, you must cease your useless attempts. Just wait for them to talk to you, if that doesn't happen prepare for eternal loneliness.
Ready Player One because it has a semi-decent relationship subplot to it
You tried nigger which is the main thing, didn't sperg out either, just don't wallow in it.
>might be going somewhere
>i have no plans tomorrow but i dont want to see you
stop talking to her
Nothing? Just take it on the chin like a man and try again. I'd even suggest sending her memes or something. It works for me. Bitches love memes.
But in all seriousness, she's probably just not into you. You're fine. And maybe next time try in public, doing it on Snapchat is less personable.
Don't ducking do that dude
You were born as a non-Chad and attempted to talk to a woman.
How do you not know whether or not you're going to be doing something or not?
You've never said like "There's a party, I might go to it" as in "I'm definitely going to it", but you throw in the might because there's a slight possibility that you won't?
I'm not a girl. I'm just saying to be a little empathetic. Can't expect everyone to love you.
yes, but saying you 'might' be going 'somewhere' is so vague this girl obviously isnt even remotely keen
>I don't THINK I can I MIGHT be going somewhere
She hates your guts and wants to be nowhere near you OP
Nothing. She just wasn't interested. Move on buddy it wasn't personal
You gotta be more forward m8
This. Just chill and wait to see how she reacts. If she's into you at all she'll make the effort to reach out again, and if she's not then you never had a chance to begin with.
The only things wrong you did there were not blocking her and trying it with another girl.
We know her name now
you dodged a bullet user.