Tfw no shy bf

>tfw no shy bf

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Frogfag here.
If I become your shy bf will you stop these posts?

I don't wanna date you though

why do people like you

Don't worry people hate me too

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>boo hoo I want a shy bf
>oh not you tho

he is the ideal

>dating someone you don't know
So sensitive lol

>tfw so shy, when I get embarrassed my glasses unironically fog up.
It's quite disgusting.

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Something really confuses me, and I'd like an answer, if you don't mind?
Why is it that in a place that despises people attempting to create a reputation on said place, don't hate you as much?

Because they all lust for OP's cock (and his attention)

I just stutter and start shaking when I'm very nervous and it gets near impossible to talk.
>a place that despises people attempting to create a reputation
I don't think that's entirely accurate considering this is e-girl orbiting central
I just want a quality bf ffs

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OP is a raging gay faggot

>looking for a bf
>on Jow Forums

>quality BF

hoo wee lads

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You didn't answer it tho, why you?

shit games, next

If I'm quality and I'm on Jow Forums then surely there has to be someone for me somewhere
and don't tell me that "FB" in your filename means you got that pic from facebook lmfao
Why me what

Lol is the homo triggered?

>If I'm quality
you're not you're an annoying little shit who posts the same fucking thread every day. You're worthless and all you want is attention attention attention fuck you and die.

>if i'm quality
you're not

>FB in your image
yeah I got it off of facebook, what're you gonna do faggot? heres another one

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Why don't they hate you? The people that hate others attempting to make a name for themselves on an anonymous image board

>Lol is the homo triggered?
Lol no
Fucking enraged newfag user
I am quality and the fact you don't know this means you're a newfag or butthurt
>gets his reactions from facebook
Opinion discarded
Like I said
Some people hate me like the ones above
But reading their posts it should be obvious that they're spergs
You seem reasonable enough to me

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>you dont agree so you're either a newfag or butthurt
>your anime images didnt come from the same place as my anime images therefore I > you

mfw imagining being this retarded

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ahh this reminds me of the golden days

>le ebic facebook memes
>thinks he has a notable opinion

>You seem reasonable enough for me
Oh, why thank you. But I'm not one of those that hate you, I was just really confused. (Still am)

ok user

lmaoing at your life


What are the criteria to be a "quality BF" for you?

Well the problem with everyone who hates me is that they always spout autistic shit and clear misconceptions and can never hold a conversation without saying some obnoxious sperg meme shit that makes them look retarded.
Most people tell me that I'm not what they expected me to be and a lot of these people say this to me publicly without even talking to me privately.
Jow Forums just likes to be hostile for whatever ungodly reason.
>when you're jealous from not being quality enough and also get your images from jewbook

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>claims to not be a newfag
>calls chaotic user
uh oh

>being jealous of a trap faggot baitposting

maybe you're too ashamed of your peers judgement on your looks and likes to go on facebook desu

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To shy to add

Oh. Oh, honey. You said you weren't a newfag earlier. And you're really defending this facebook thing like it's a normie insecurity. I feel so sorry for you, user.

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Two smart too spell

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to shy to spell correct

>facebook newfags in a chaotic thread
holy fucking lord kek

>defending this facebook thing like it's a normie insecurity
how did facebook hurt you

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>the longer part
But those guys are being as they are because of your sexuality, posting frequency, and "faggotry". I've not seen one person complain about you doing (you know what)

>giving a bad name for newfags and people who don't like chaotic since last thursday

As if being triggered by those things are any more redeemable
And besides being into cute guys I'm not the obnoxious flamboyant gay or dramafag type so they're the ones making my threads cancerous
But apparently there's a whole demographic of people who come to my threads just to laugh at the spergs who complain and bitch like that
>doing (you know what)
I don't know what rip

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The thing we were talking about, lad (making a name for yourself on Jow Forums)

>there's a whole demographic of people who come to my threads just to laugh at the spergs who complain and bitch like that

But that's not even my intention lel
It just happened as it usually does with any website I post on
Idc if people post their own feels in my threads because those are usually the most comfy ones of mine
It's just the spergs
I just want a good bf

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I hope you do too, you seem nice enough.
But what seems to be the problem?

>when the r*dditfags and facebook normies come here to shitpost anonymously to avoid embarrassing themselves

My problem is that the majority of Jow Forums and Jow Forums are either

A - Not my type


B - Too degenerate

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Yup, that's it.
But why are you even looking for a bf on a (vocaly loud) rather homophobic board?
And why not try another place?

>tfw no bully bf to protect me

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Because Jow Forums is supposed to be the socially inept no friends board. And irl and dating apps are full of super normies. Yet Jow Forums is full of low tier edgy normies.
Normies seem to like me nowadays but I just do not like them.
Lots of homos on Jow Forums nowadays too.
Too many degenerate rudefags and newfags in here idk why you would want that

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>not socially inept enough for robots, too socially inept for normies
That's the cyborg life for you, chaotic

>Implying even the majority of Jow Forums users are "robots" and not edgy degen larping normalfags

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because if I have a nice bully to protect me I can't be bullied anymore

chaotic literally lives on and runs meta on Jow Forums

he is THE robot

Protective is nice but I'd rather have a chill bf.

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Wasn't saying anything to imply the opposite, you're still a cyborg. (Cool)

Define your analysis of
because I doubt I am that

(No pic, dang)
In the middle of robot and normie
As I said, not socially inept enough for robots, too socially inept for normies
Just the outsider to both groups

Yeah I'd rather laugh at the retards instead of getting butthurt
But what about irl?

I see your point, but if your definition of 'robot' is absolute degenerate irredeemable scum then yes I agree I am not one. Even though I've met people who consider themselves complete robots all over the spectrum and they've gotten along with me so I don't think
>not socially inept enough for robots
is accurate considering I can be top-tier autismo irl.
Currently missing 18727672 pounds of spaghetti.
Irl I'd fucking beat someone unconscious if they made fun of my bf

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>Tfw high off 50mg edible

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Then what is your type, Chaotic-kyun?
If you don't mind me asking, of course.

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Hot, beat me chaotic.

He likes his boys real purdy and smooth

>Tfw no bully bf to hit me whenever I ask him to.

>the long one
I think it's like horseshoe theory, except with social interaction, if you know what I mean.

This post is rather astounding.
I didn't ask you, you answered anyway, and somehow you failed to come close to an answer to my question.
I wonder what causes this kind of behaviour, I wonder, I wonder.

If he meets his own standard of quality and exists then others may as well. Sounds like you all have different standards of quality.

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Basic things
Random things
Not a whore, preferably virgin, preferably more feminine, nice, good relatable personality, has same interests but a bit different so we can share the things we like with each other, a bit shy and cute, age 18-25, slim build
Personality is above all else
I suppose I can see

quality is subjective based on taste but degeneracy and autism is a very clear line imo

Being a quality human being however is hardly subjective which chaotic is

I don't think I could get a chill bf

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Creepy stalker!
Shush! Shush!

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What's a good "relatable" personality, to you?
Just curious.

>(chaotic.png is missing)
Another dang.

Degeneracy is both subjective and a meme and autism as used on here is a meme as well. Degeneracy always shakes out to "things I don't like" in the end, it is a quick way to realize a person is not worth taking seriously so it's nice in that respect.

Quality is hardly subjective. Some of the standards some people use for quality may be objective, but the requirement of certain and not others is subjective taste.

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I don't see how I'm a stalker at all
Like same tastes, similar experiences, etc.
Same childhood games for example.

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i have a qt3.14 shy femboy bf and he lurks on trash a lot, he likes trap threads

try there

>and they've gotten along with me so I don't think
Wait aren't you the one blackmailing people because they eventually trusted you?
Aren't you judging "robots" to begin with?
So your top-autism peaks when you are about to expose someone to others despite the person trusting you with some form of information?
I think you are pretty aware of yourself and just like to play this role you found for yourself.

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>"things I don't like"
true to an extent yes
i guess it will always be impossible for random anons to say what is degenerate and what is not
because of "muh opinions"

I have never blackmailed anyone in my life
So you clearly have me mistaken or this is bait

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Are you runing out of pics?
And how many do you have?

I have literal thousands of tomopics my dude


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Must have s few copies, SINCE THERE AREN'T EVEN 999 TOMOKO PICS

I don't like generals though they are always degenerate dramafag cancer and sluts

hardly objective* I should say

It's fine to not like things, everyone has things they don't like. It sort of ties into the other point though because people spamming "muh degeneracy" are usually implying that their dislikes are some objective truth that others must abide by. When the term comes up it makes it pretty clear most of the time that the person using it isn't open to discussion on things and just wants to yell opinions, which is a waste of everyone's time in the end.

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Nigga wtf are you on about

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yeah if you're on /b/ bc it's all norman cucks there

desu the manga has enough pages, most of which contain tomoko, that that can be false if someone devotes the time to capping them all

/b/ is shit but literally check any general ever

>>I don't like generals though they are always degenerate dramafag cancer and sluts
>necros a shit general himself

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this isn't a general dumbass
this thread wasn't even necro'd

Ah, that's quite a gamble, innit.
Statistically finding someone with similar interests is very possible, and I'm sure you'll find one, so good luck with that.
Thanks for answering, btw.

>>this isn't a general dumbass
>Tomoko poster isn't a general
Holyfuck, did everyone kill themselves and this is just a flood of newfags?

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Thank you for being a good human, user.

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>newfag calling newfags newfag
you're fucking retarded
this isn't a general
there are two main tomoposters

Hmm, that wasn't my exact intention, but I guess it's fine.
Your thanks' are welcomed.

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I appreciate when people are sensible and know how to conversate without sperging is all

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>not recognizing both as obnoxious cancer
>going out of your way to prove to me that this isnt the same person
Did someone take a liking to him?
Did I hurt your feefees user? Want your pacifier back?

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>tomoki and chaotic are the same person
>wahhh so many newfags