I'm bored, please post in the thread
I will reply to everyone who posts in this thread
Other urls found in this thread:
nice nissans
i just cried to my father about how all he does is criticize me when i am with him. i am 20 years old
What do you think is wrong with people who are genuinely attracted to shemales?
What do you think of gay people on the board? (And I'm not talking about faggots and that trap discord group)
Thanks user
What does he criticize about you? But do not cry ever user, you're twenty years and a man
I think it's a combination of desperation and mental illness.
I hate gay people, so seeing them on this board is not something I enjoy. Also what is the difference between gay people and faggots?
Rreeee I dunno what it will take to make happy. In the end I do nothing.
I wonder what the April fools event will be. Will we be merged with /o/? I hope it's/sp/. It could be an entirely new event too.
Faggot = a stereotypical TV homosexual
Gay = a homosexual
(At least imo)
What's the april fool's event? Will something weird happen to the website? I don't plan on being on tomorrow but i still want to know
Are you prepared for what happens in the next 3 months?
we were just sitting and eating in silence and then he told me i need to lose weight, then he told me my hair and beard look like shit and threatened me to get a haircut. then he told me to fix my acne. its not like he said anything false, but what the fuck like we are just sitting here and i already know what is wrong with me. i actively avoid being alone with him so i dont have to hear his bullshit
All the gays i know are pretty much faggots by your definition. I don't know of any gay people who are normal, they all behave like women and it's disgusting
What's happening in the next three months? I'm hoping for world war III, or at least a chance to destroy china and north korea
I really don't know why that's the case, maybe you've interacted with only them?
Or maybe you even knowing they're gay is because they're faggots.
Yeah. Last year they merged boards. /mu/ and /tv/ were made into /mtv/. /fitlit/. It was fun.
I think the year beforevthatvwe had randomly generated names on posts.
Why is life so goddamn horrible?
Maybe your dad is trying to help you or get you to improve yourself, and yelling at you is the way he thinks is best. He might think that by yelling and being mean you will get some motivation to lose weight. Everything he wants you to do is for your own good. Losing weight is good for your health, and acne is ugly to look at. Also long hair and facial hair is disgusting too. Maybe try to do what he says and make him proud of you
So you like initial D?
That's always possible, but i feel like in today's social climate people don't have to hide it anymore. Why are you asking me all this though user? are you gay?
Valhalla will open.
Nice cars btw. I'll get a song that you might enjoy.
They should merge /x/ and /out/ and talk about bigfoot.
of course, even though i've only season first stage and half of second stage. I listen to lots of eurobeat when i drive
I'm bi, and I'm asking because I wonder how many anons dislike gays
Here you go.
What will happen when valhalla opens?
I think most men in general dislike gays and bisexuals. Seeing two men kiss or get married is repulsive. Just thinking about faggots is kind of like seeing maggots or cockroaches - disgusting on a primal, instinctual level.
It will serve as a shitty small haven for people to reside if they don't want to be here for what ever reason.
Just gonna give these posts a quick check.
I wish car commercials were still like this.
How would Valhalla be shitty? I thought all the norsemen wanted to go there because it was like paradise? They got to fight and feast for eternity
Tlstuf like this makes me side with the gays. It's unnecessary.
I don't know how to make it any different than anything people already have access to
I don't think that's true, I think that most men think that gay stuff is gross, and that's the furthest they'll go (I'm discounting religious people of course)
I don't think that gays should be persecuted or anything like that, them being gay doesn't infringe upon my rights at all. I just think it's pretty nasty to see or hear about, and i try to avoid all contact with them
Are you the Hetzer user who likes black metal?
yeah that's me. I think I'm the only one who ever makes these threads.
Why do you choose to fill up your free time with needlessly begging the attention of random weirdos on the internet for hours at a time rather than taking your feeling of boredom, which is branched off of the "disgust" feeling, as a sign that you need to do something productive?
>using a trip
>telling others that they're begging for attention
I know, it's pathetic.
I tend to use this site from time to time, and I've found that I only ever leave when I attach a trip to myself, most always a Christian trip, because after a while I get somewhat attached to the trip, like I am now, and then I get so stressed out having a trip that I force myself to leave and never use the trip again. I make a thread that's like "I'm leaving forever, you'll never see this trip again", so then I feel like if I do then I'm just embarrassing myself, and I don't want to post anonymously because what's the fun in that anymore since I've become attached to the trip.
Don't question my escape methods.
>Don't question my escape methods.
don't question mine then.
last thread I meant to give you one last recommendation. This guy I was talking to online has a little one man band he's started in Florida. He only has one EP so far, but it's one of the best things I've heard in a while. The band is 'The Valley Ritual' and the EP name is 'Remembrance'. He blends Heavy metal, Black Metal, and Stoner all seamlessly, you should really give it a listen. keep up these threads, they always brighten my day.
happy easter user
bet you won't you fucking sham
Have you ever played the black ice mod for HOI3? I can't go back to playing vanilla, it is so much better.
>tfw nissan will never make another good car
The pain is real. All japanese car companies suck nowadays, especially toyota
I would like to sign up for one reply, please.
Ooh, I'll ask a question. Do you think average men ever receive compliments from women, or are they reserved for CHAD?
here you go user. The thread almost died while i was eating dinner. What are you doing this evening?
what did you have for dinner HetzAnon? What's your favorite type of cuisine
>What are you doing this evening?
I'm just posting on R9K and thinking about things, it's quite fun, if I say so myself.
What are you up to?
Maybe occasionally, but being average at anything, like looks or skills, doesn't typically merit a compliment. Men and women typically only compliment those who are above average. I feel like i'm slightly above average in looks and i've received compliments from girls who aren't family maybe three or four times so i would probably agree with you that chad gets all the compliments. I don't think women compliment guys a ton though, they just give them attention.
I ate two baked potatoes and some fried fish with a nice bottle of rolling rock. I prefer northern european cuisine i guess, stuff like potatoes, meat and fish. I love oats and beer too. And the amount of dairy products and butter i consume is very large.
Same as you user. I'm listening to music too, and i might play cribbage or solitaire online
Are you waiting on Half-Life 3?
I am so horny all the time, even after I jack off.
Dang d00d, you're only slightly above average and you've only received 3-4 compliments? I receive compliments left and right from women, and even men too (some men call me beautiful, which is odd, but a compliment is a compliment.) Yay, I'm CHAD! But then why am I a KHHV?
No, i never played any of the games in that series. I really don't know much about the game, and I don't pay much attention to videogames anymore
Tell me about it, i can't hep but fantasize about banging cute girls i see out in public. Looking at pictures on facebook or instagram is enough to get me hard in an instant. It was terrible when i was still in school and saw tons of cuties in class.
I don't really associate or interact with women at all which would probably limit how much they compliment me. What sorts of things do they say to you? Is it nice getting validation from them? Are you tall or handsome? Do you dress nice?
I'm not tall, I dress...provocatively, I guess? I wear deep v-necks and jeans, and nothing else. I'm fairly short, in fact (5'6" tops), so it's odd. Either height doesn't matter as much as the denizens of /r9gay/ think, or I'm just that attractive facially...
Older women are definitely more open about compliments. One (who was pretty attractive for her age), after having given multiple obvious indicators of interest (like complimenting my muscles and touching me randomly) just went all out and outright told me that I was a very handsome man, and that it was nice to see a handsome man when most men were ugly.
Another ran into me in the grocery store (she admittedly wasn't attractive, but I'm pretty sure beauty is objective to a great extent, so her perception of me is almost certainly similar to everyone else's). Rather, I ran into her with my cart, and apologized, to which she responded "that's quite alright" and smiled. I ran into her again at the checkout, where the checkout lady (another middle-aged woman) made a comment about the fact that I had a whole bunch of junk food in my cart. She said it didn't matter that I ate all that junk when my body looked the way it did, and other woman added that if she was my age that she'd be chasing after me.
More to come, although there are really too many to list.
here's some more cars for your thread OP. the beastly Sauber/mercedes C9.
Hello there.
Third law of thermodynamics is original.
By the way, I don't really interact with women myself, and only go outside to go to work and go to the grocery store...
Another time a pretty attractive woman that I had only spoken to once before at work greeted me the next time with "Hey there, love". I don't necessarily know if that indicated interest, but she didn't greet other people like that.
An older woman and a younger woman at work told me to do some "under the table" work for them, if you know what I mean (that's what they said) (after we had spoken about another employee taking "under the table" deals from management).
The 959 was one hell of a good looking car. And i love porsche ads
One of the women at my workplace (security guard) is currently throwing herself at me, complimenting me constantly about my muscles and telling me I'm her favorite man, that I'm going to give her a heart attack with the way I dress, etc.
Another woman security guard (and the male security guards in the outpost) said I should quit my job and become a model instead. The woman outright asked me if I was on any social media sites, and when I said I wasn't (weird in itself), she just gave me her number and said we should hang out sometime. The male security guards told me to fuck her good, but I didn't contact her after that, because I don't care. She was above average in my opinion.
You need to start banging your coworkers and milfs from the store right away. And give me some more stories please
The old Porsche adverts were truly one of the best car adverts.
And the 959 was so ahead of its time it's scary. Almost an alien specimen on the road.
also how musclular are you?
I'm gonna go on something like a double date tomorrow and idk how to non awkwardly ask the guy for cuddles. I've only been with other girls so far and they always made the first step.
My dad has this poster hanging in his garage and i want it
What gender and sexual orientation are you?
Stupid part is that I'm not that muscular, or even really muscular at all! I'm decently lean (I hold a bit extra in my stomach area, but everyone assumes I have abs just because my arms are lean). I weigh 130 pounds and am 5'6" tops, that gives you an idea of just how little muscle I have.
>What gender and sexual orientation are you?
female and bi.
Damn, your dad's a lucky man. I can't find a hires version of the image to print out as a poster myself, and I can't be bothered to try and remake it in Photoshop completely.
Hey man,
I'm a complete shut in autist and a girl is trying to approach me at the library.
I have terrible tremors in these kinds of situations, I want to talk to her next week but I know how bad I'm capable to fail this. She has many friends, goes to parties, which makes it harder for me.
What do?
Yeah, but like I said, I'm a KHHV, but by choice. It's silly to most, I guess, but I don't want to disappoint my mom by having pre-marital sex. I'm 29, though, and don't plan on having sex. I guess it's a waste.
Another story. There was another older woman coworker, super skinny (probably due to cocaine or something to be honest), but decently attractive. She also pretty much threw compliments at me, telling me that I must have to beat girls off me with a stick and whatnot.
I had never been to a bar before until recently, and I didn't spend much time in the bar before a group of girls started bumping into me repeatedly. The group I was with told me that that meant they wanted to dance with me, but I didn't pick up on that because I'm socially retarded to an extent. I literally sat there and asked why the hell they kept bumping into me. They eventually stopped because I literally just stood there with my arms crossed. They were pretty attractive.
You must be really handsome then, or you just have a really nice personality, or something that attracts these women. I must not have whatever it is, becuase i'm a lot taller and a lot more muscular than you but never get any female attention.
Just ask the guy if he wants to cuddle. I doubt he would turn you down, and if he acts shy about just climb on top of him. I think most guys (or at least me) would appreciate you being direct and making your intentions clear
where are you from and do you think BJ is degrading for the women?
My dad could actually afford to be a 959(if he could one for sale) but instead he buys a bunch of automatic mercedes and audis. Who cares about luxury when you can have a rear engine, rwd car that comes with a manual? Paddle shifters and automatics suck, but old guys only care about luxury and useless crap like that.
What do you mean by "approach"? is she trying to talk to you or ask you out or something?
I wouldn't say I have a nice personality. If I don't know a person, I don't go out of my way to talk to them. I'm introverted by nature, and don't do anything social outside of talk at work. There was just the one time a co-worker dragged me along to a bar, where the aforementioned incident occurred.
I actually have an arrogant persona at work, but the vast majority of women I come across aren't exposed to this arrogant persona. It's mostly shown to men.
Of course, there are other obvious IOIs that some talk about, like women I talk to at work that just randomly touch me for no reason while talking. Things like me accidentally bumping into women with long items get responses like "It's OK, I liked it" and stuff like that (sexual comments).
thank you user I'll try but we are both shy. maybe I need to drink a bit so I don't stutter and blush so much.
more of that sweet prototype goodness
Also, because of the way I wear my shirt (v-neck with none of the buttons buttoned) I'll pretty much always have women obviously looking at my pecs while talking to me rather than at my eyes. It's ridiculously obvious. I can imagine that's how women with big breasts feel. Although it's odd that for an introverted person I like the attention.
I hate dancing and will NEVER do it, ever. I'm fine with going to bars and sitting down to drink but i never want to go inside of a loud club again. The validation must be nice though. Why are you so worried about disappointing your mother? And if you don't want to have pre-marital sex do you plan on marrying a girl who feels the same?
I'm from northern michigan. I think giving a bj is a little degrading, if only because of the meaning some guys put behind. I don't think it's the worst thing to do in a relationship or marriage, there are a lot of worse things people can do.
and finally the mazda 767. the newer 787 went on to capture the first japanese le mans win as well as the first win for a wankel engine, but that's still a 3 year gap from this car.
What's your age?
What kind of girls do you like?
>stuttering and blushing
Holy shit that's cute. Are you pale with dark hair by any chance?
nice pic user
You sprobably seem like a mysterious/aloof chad, which women probably like. And they might like the cocky personality, it comes across as confident to them. Maybe I should start acting like you then i can get girls
Nope, I have my reasons for maintaining my solitude. It's a sad story really, and I fear revealing my identity if I tell it, but eh.
My father is a paranoid schizophrenic. He treated me and my siblings abusively (mentally, physically, and emotionally), along with my mother who received the worst of it. My father always felt that my mother was cheating on him, even though she really is the most patient and blameless woman I've ever met. My mother always did her best to protect us. I appreciate her too much to ever do something that would disappoint her so much.
The reason I would never seek a woman who felt the same (as few as there are) is because I can feel the jealousy and paranoia that my father felt, even towards women who I'm interested in. I know I would become just like my father no matter how hard I try to control the paranoia and jealousy. I would perpetuate the cycle if I got married and had children. I'll never do that as a result.
The validation is nice. It'll never go anywhere, though.
It's a long story, we talked a bit last year and I pulled myself out because she was a bit too curious about my chaotic HS past. I stopped going to classes just after but succeed at the exams.
Now, she is doing something else but still goes to the same library.
She tries to be in front of me and just smiles stupidly until she gets bored and goes somewhere else.
Two days ago, she talks loudly to her friend about the kind men who live like shadows and waste their lives.
She sure knows that I'm a bit fucked up but I'm afraid to cross the redline of disgust.
thanks. I prefer the r390 in its racing costume but it would awesome to have as a street ride. that's one hell of a mighty engine in there
CHAD I am not, I'm not anywhere near tall enough. I just have two parts of CHAD (muscular, in the eyes of others but not myself, and facial attractiveness). But for the most part I am silent unless someone talks to me first. Reminds me of how the one security guard who is throwing herself at me heard me speak once after not having heard me speak going through the outpost. She said "Wow, you have a really deep voice". I said "Thanks, I guess", and asked if that was a compliment, to which she responded that it was.
Another woman said something similar, about how it's good that I have such a deep voice, and smiled at me real big. I hate my voice on the phone, I sound retarded.
Reply to me pls OP. you said you would!!
Those things sound amazing, truly soothing to my ears.
I'm 23 years old.
I am glad you asked the question about what kind of girls i like, because it is something i love to talk about. I absolutely LOVE tall brunettes with fair skin and dark eyes. A 5'10" girl with long legs, fair skin dark eyes and freckles is perfect to me. having a long neck is nice too, I would love to kiss and bite a girl's neck. I love when their hair is down to their neck or shoulder too. Upturned noses and crooked smiles are cute too. Pic related is pretty close to ideal for me, especially her hair length. Sorry for rambling, I can give you more details though if you want mainly because everything i gave was purely physical. I'd love to hear what kind of girls you like too
Although, you know, I guess I carry myself with great confidence. It's not something that's easy to explain, but something people can detect, I guess. Walk upright, chest out (having chest muscles helps with that), and head forward. Definitely start working out if you aren't already doing so. Although it's true that lifting doesn't improve your face unless you end up losing a lot of fat and revealing a chiseled facial structure, there's no denying that an ugly guy with muscles can cater to a bigger crowd than an ugly fat guy.
I'm sorry to hear that user. Although i don't see a reason why you have to become your father when dealing with women. I think the fact that you acknowledge the jealousy and paranoia might mean that you could control those emotions. It might take effort but i believe in you. And i think it might make your mother happy to see you in a healthy relationship or married
just ask her to hang out and start talking to her you dummy, she clearly wants you.
>Holy shit that's cute. Are you pale with dark hair by any chance?
thank you and I am as pale as possible I think but with blonde hair.
Thanks man, as I said, I'm a true asperg. Every advice from the outside is welcome for me.
Is that a problem that the last time we talked was a year ago? Should I do just like nothing happened and proceed like I would in a normal situation?
Nope, that's what my mom says, that acknowledging it somehow changes things. It doesn't. I haven't been in a relationship, so I can't say I've really tried, but I feel the jealousy and paranoia so strongly, it's ridiculous. I feel like I dodged a bullet just not having full-blown paranoid schizophrenia, with hallucinations like my dad.
Oh, yeah, it would make my mother very happy for me to get married and make her some grandbabies. She wants that more than anything. But I don't want to risk becoming like my dad.
Really, though, you want me to be successful in that? I thought the denizens of /r9gay/ hate CHAD. Perhaps not robot CHAD, I guess.
Reply to this if you have gay
I'd love one too but i think they only made one street car version, which is in a museum.
ok user, here is your reply. are you enjoying the thread?
I've got a big chest, i lift weights and i already have a low bodyfat percentage, plus i'm 6'1'' with broad shoulders. I barely interact with women though, i'm always fishing or off in the woods alone, or on here. Maybe i just don't have your confidence or personality also why wouldn't i want you to be successful? you seem like a nice guy. Also your mother is probably a great woman, and reminds me very much of my mother, down to how she was treated.
You sound like a real qt, good luck with your double date. And drinking a little is good, but not too much or you risk making a fool of yourself.
Maybe just ask her how she's been, how you haven't spoken to her in a while. You shouldn't worry too much, she seems to like you enough so it's harder to mess up.
Dang you got me user. Someone does this everytime i make one of these threads
What's your biggest, specific desire? By specific, I mean you can't say something vague like "to be happy" or dodge the question.
Oh, she definitely is. It bothers me that I don't visit her more often because of my dad. I just figured /r9gayers/ hated CHAD. I guess you just don't see women as often being in the woods and all. But surely you see them at work or at the grocery store (the only other places I go?)
I think you'd do fine with an average face combined with those physical features.