Hey robots. Have you seen this before...

Hey robots. Have you seen this before? It's a website meant to bring compatible people together based on a set of questions which have apparently been found to correlate with friendship. It matches everyone up once it reaches 2,500 people. At the moment, it's at 2,330. I figured you guys might find some use out of it.

pic unrelated for attention

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Other urls found in this thread:


Gonna wait till someone else shows proof of using it.

I have seen it before, in the multiple times you've spammed it on here over the past year

I've posted it once before and it was at like 3:00 AM

doesn't work, its a scam to get a email to sign you up for spam.

I've been signed up for probably 6+ months and haven't gotten any spam mail. You could always use a throwaway email that you check periodically

>matches you with the person with the personality most similar to yours
But I fucking hate myself. What do?

whens matching day nigger

Not most similar, most compatible. I'm not totally sure how it works but I would imagine if it just matched you with a clone of yourself it would make for some pretty boring conversations.
fuck if I know, I've been waiting months. It's only got 170 left to go

it's in the op

a person anywhere similar to myself wouldn't use this because bringing two of people like me would end really bad for the world, it would drown in post-ironic shitposts

whatever user. suit yourself. 2 people have already signed up from this thread

An easy way to find matches is to find people who listen to the same music as you. The more esoteric your taste, the more accurate this will be. I started interacting with people on this basis and we click and understand each other immediately.

meh, I guess I'll try it. doubt I will find anyone I like

what if you don't listen to music?

done. can't wait for this meme to work its magic. when's matching day?

Whenever it hits 2,500... so when 160 other people sign up

I'm excited for this. Probably will get ghosted by my match, but whatever

That's what I'm worried about. If I end up waiting months to get matched and they forgot about it

Other people who don't listen to music.

Those people are boring and I'm not.

>I enjoy making jokes about autism
This seems tailored towards Jow Forums culture types.

Useless if it doesn't work geographically. There's no shortage of amenable people online, I just don't live near any of them.

hey, while we're all here do any of you happen to know anything about Java? I'm trying to do something with Jow Forums x filters that there's not much documentation on

Someone make a thread on matching day because I have a shit memory and never check my email

guess ill sign up :o

You check Jow Forums more than your email?

Pretty much, yeah
I'm always on this fucking board

guess I give it a ago...can wait to be matched up with people from here.

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yeah i did it, then the fucking email with my match was lost in my trash inbox for way past the expiry date

use a more regular email then. I haven't gotten any spam mail from them so I think it's legit

What if you put your ideal gf's specs into it?

Attached: 1446587191452.jpg (1080x1080, 330K)

it will give you a boy that will probably be weirded out by you.

This isn't an April fuck is it?

not unless I'm from new zealand

i check all my emails every day, it just doesnt come up with a notification for spam mail.
i signed up again though.

add them to your contacts so you can see the notification this time

website seems like Jow Forums bait with all of the questions in its survey related to race.

Such a delicious midriff. Okay, sure, I'll bite.

Sauce on your pic related? I put it on reverse image search but it only gave me this thread as a result, so I'm assuming you cropped the original

I don't have the original. My friend sent me that which he got from another friend who got it from a Discord server.

okay, thanks
original post fuck this stupid robot

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Eh, I signed up. Why not?

nearly at 2,400 now. cheers user

WELLINGTON! Plus be original

Think we can find out matches tonight?
Fucking please

Probably not desu. Not unless you all spam this on your social media/friend groups

I already sent it to my one and only friend. Shitt

it's not going to work because the questions are too shallow.

Maybe. only one way to find out

yeah we need more in depth questions.
the match will be far from perfect

hey I did my best and found it for you
for some more

Attached: here.jpg (1747x874, 589K)

gee, thanks a bunch user.

no problem, always happy to help when I can

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Did it for the hell of it. But I had a problem with this question.

>Which are versions of Linux

What they're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Attached: stallman2.jpg (900x675, 205K)

well, good luck being matched with someone who shares your passion for operating systems.

Pretty interesting OP. Signed up.

>when matching day comes your match will probably have forgotten about the website already and uses a throwaway email

i can hope though!

Attached: 1449187603804.jpg (804x802, 85K)

Hurry up fags we need 92 more


shill it to your acquaintances

Attached: 1515358387569.png (537x594, 158K)

-79 more

Attached: 1486684708571.webm (718x404, 1.72M)

One more bump. 69 more

just did my part

>decide to try this out
>have to complete 50 questions
i can't force myself to do this

That's just the first part. There's 20 questions after that.

oh god i really can't do that

I'm probably going to get matched with some Jow Forumsay person because I only managed to tick off 1-2 boxes for most questions and 4-5 for the technology-related ones.

took me 10 min to do everything including researching the 20 questions

I believe in you user, you can do it, i'll give you my power. ganbatte

user you weren't supposed to research them...

How long does it takes to be matched with someone?
Anyone have an experience to share?

What happens when you're matched with someone? I mean... literally!

It matches you whenever the number reaches 2,500. I haven't seen it happen before. All that happens is you get an Email connecting you to the other person

So you're supposed to chat through mail?

Team Peep. Peep peep, horra!

Maybe I'll finally have a friend...

I would imagine you'd exchange other contact relatively quickly

nvm ill go back and do it again to what i know

you can edit your answers, there's a link on the bottom of the page I think

I want to tickle her belly button

just deleted and started over. It was quicker than I expected

filled out the survey, probably won't write anyone, though

Did my part. Are we able to meet a gf this way?

The site says it's unlikely, though technically possible.

I want to spooge inside her tight cunny