Have you ever tried it? What was your experience like?
Quitting Jow Forums/imageboards
Short because I always came back.
Would love to try again with you if you want to.
how would we know each person was being truthful?
i'm gonna try once the weather warms up, i would go mad stuck inside with no 4ch
tried plebbit and various other forums and hated it, then I came crawling back
I successfully quit Jow Forums and never came back.
I give you my work user
I just eventually get bored of the chins and go on hiatus for months. Too many redditors these days, it just isn't like it used to be.
Usually in that time I become far more productive and get back into my hobbies/projects I have going on.
Ironically, this is the first time I've been on the chins since the end of January.
Yeah, i've done it, but it feels weird. I've spent more than a decade in IBs, so i can't really think of what else to do to fill the gap when i'm online.
We wouldn't, that's the beauty of it.
I have a suggestion for you, we wait to see if something is up for April 1st and then we leave. Kinda liked /fitlit/ last year desu.
during 2015 i decided to try and be as productive as possible and only visited Jow Forums 2 times. I made a total of 3 posts. didnt change anything
You realize the answers are subject to sampling bias, right? 100% of the people who will honestly answer failed. You'll only get a sense of what doesn't work for those people.
Me too. My life is much better now.
Why would I want to leave?
No why would I? I'm a shut-in neet, this is the only time I ever human interaction
Why would anyone do that when they only need to wait 3 months?
what do u mean
Quit Jow Forums for a few years like in the early 2010s. But I came back. You can never escape Jow Forums.
What's next, quitting internet?
>Quit Jow Forums for a few years like in the early 2010s.
>phone poster
You do know people get older and get jobs right? We all can't be at our desktops everyday.
so you don't know?
it's nothing crazy really..