/RCG/ Robot Colony General

ITT: We discus building a fucking robot colony
>what might a robot colony look like
Currently there are several ideas for a robot colony that all depend on how many robots we can get, but each plan is being fleshed out as we speak. If there's only a few of us we'll buy a patch of country land and build some a frames on it, if there's a lot of us we'll build an apartment building with small rooms.
>Where will it be?
A decision has yet to be made, likely we will build it in a country where the most colonist live
>How will the colony make money
The goal behind the colony is to build a way of life that minimizes work, so most of the colonies money is going to come from capital gains, leasing land, leasing servers ect.
>Where is discussion and information about the colony available
Our discord, KrnDE5E
>Who's welcome
Everyone, join the discord and tell us about your education, work experience, age and country of origin as well as anything else you think is important.
>How much will it cost
Cost is very distant right now but current estimates are no more than 10 thousand dollars all in, however this is very much subject to change.
>How do I know you won't just scam me
When we actually start executing this plan we'll send out a contract and whatnot. Right now no one is taking money or donations and we won't be for a while"

Attached: LooksNice.jpg (800x534, 56K)

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Bump for interest. Sounds comfy.

Attached are floor plans that are subject to change.
Join the discord, if you are interested.

Floor plan for colony

See previous comment

Attached: robot_colony_rooms.png (774x418, 466K)

Floor plan for gym

Attached: gym_and_lounge.png (823x298, 113K)

For those wondering what this is you have a capsule hotel type bed and below it you have a locker. You'll have 2 square meters or 20 square feet of bed space and 2 square meters/ 20 square feet of storage space, some of which is a fridge.

this kind of threads are just pure reddit autism and you know it.

>joins the discord
>gets kicked because of female voice
Change your "Who's Welcome" section to say women and faggots not allowed next time.

That didn't happen.. origina

>Change your "Who's Welcome" section to say women and faggots not allowed next time.
Please move on, if you are not interested. There is no need to make a fake story.

Considering I'm the only person with the ability to ban people on the server and I have yet to do it I'd say you're just a lying roastie

>living in a chink-tier pod hovel with a bunch of the worst dregs humanity has to offer

go on and do it freaks.

One toilet and shower for fucking 13 people? Go fuck yourself.

that's just a concept it won't actually be like that when the design is finalized

That is the smallest option. There are tiers as well we are still changing it. What would you like?

This would do initially

Attached: 300px-New_Bark_Town_HGSS.png (300x242, 141K)

Then get a more accurate design and not some shit concept.

If you have any real suggestions, we will take them on board. Otherwise please don't meme about it.

New Bark Town is comfy af

>for fucking 13 people
for 13 robots
its unlikely to be used more than once daily

this gets my vote tho

Nonspecific suggestion for country.
Needs to be a country with generous neetbux autismbux programme.

>its unlikely to be used more than once daily
I go number 2 once a day and am usually on the toilet for 20-30 minutes. I also like to take 30-45 minute shower once a day.

Unless all these guys are going to use piss jugs then this shit wont work.

Alaska will pay you to live there if you've been a resident for a year.

should include pee bottle disposal in the pods.

Do you have any idea of how long it will continue for or the estimated? I know its been happening since 1982

A negative is that is Alaska has a short growing season for fresh food.

Indefinite future I think. Til the oil runs out.

and an extremely high cost of living

Do you have any other recommendations for a location?

Sounds real comfy but how the fuck would this actually become a reality, the idea of having a chip of Jow Forums living in a single building seems like it would crumble in less than a year.

Attached: -w-.png (806x712, 610K)

I have a cabin in mars hills north carolina that has bunk beds
Well it belongs to my parents but i think theyll understand if i tell them i want to use it to start a commune smithelordihomes.com/wolf-creek.html

That looks super comfy. If you volunteer your cabin I'll bring my ps4 and we can have a mini colony.

Greater things have been accomplished on Jow Forums, user. You never know until you try.

Somewhere cheap with a decent farming community near by.
Join the discord and we'll work it out

Im living in miami right now but id move there if other people came
you guys would love it
Its next to asheville which is like a small town full of weirdoes, junkies, lesbians and retired people
There is an autism center and a bunch of drug rehabs
My discord is anondump#4037

Attached: b3855111eef1fd6e4f19f2df2dcc9844.jpg (236x238, 12K)

ok you have gone too far now my friend

this, we can do it if we organize

A robot colony is a bad idea. First off, everyone would probably be alcoholic. Second thing is that in a robot colony, you are looking for safety from a regular social ladder. As soon as you form a community that is literally impossible, a pecking order WILL form and there will be robots even among other robots, then it will be just like any other norman community before it. As a third thing, a robot colony will never happen because robots are poor and undedicated.

So there you have it. Three reasons why this won't work. If you want to escape the normies you must escape them as few or alone--otherwise you will find yourself back where you started.

Many robots such as myself are completely disinterested in being part of a community. If I were to be there, I would just lie in bed and barely talk to anyone. I have a feeling many others would do the same.

Attached: poorpepe.gif (487x560, 898K)

What's wrong with just lying in bed and keeping to yourself? The point is we build a place where we can do that as cheaply as possible with a minimum of work to sustain ourselves.

Idk user you're talking about farming and stuff and that's work, all of the robots need food, shelter, water, working facilities, utilities, etc that cost monies. So it would need to be a self sufficient community which, i dont mind, and it's work but different work than say a job or career. I'm definitely down to live off the land with modern amenities, but the cynic in me doesn't see it happening. If you guys do decide to do it lemme know, I'm an auto mechanic but am also skilled with electrical circuits and theory, solar panel installation, carpentry, general building, computer science, basic networking, and the generic skills that accompany them. Also, I can grow the pot.

I was almost with you until you brought up a discord. You could have just waited 3 months.

Um well i did offer my cabin...
Wed just chill, get some food stamps, maybe some ssi...
Id just like cohabiting with people from this board. Im an introverted slob and most people are obsessed with cleanliness and are mean for no reason. I also dont like miami anyways.

I'm also an introverted slob and I'm not mean! Plus I can make money online. I'll join you, user. Maybe we can use your cabin as a trial run.

>As soon as you form a community that is literally impossible, a pecking order WILL form and there will be robots even among other robots, then it will be just like any other norman community before it.
Exactly this. You could repeat this infinitely and create dozens of colonies, but there will always be people that are part of the group and outsiders that distance themselves.

Oh come on itll be fun
We can have paintball guns, bows and arrows (or rifles), we can go fishing, well be next to the appalachian trail, vidja, we can grow shrooms, have chickens, there a are pubs nearby, we can have our own youtube channel...
Or do none of those things.
My discord is anondump#4037 again btw

Attached: Adventure-Time.jpg (970x545, 217K)

I live in Europe so even if I was interested I couldnt join you. Im going to sleep now, for me its 5am.
good luck user