What is your opinion on incels?

What is your opinion on incels?

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I feel bad for em. I'm a ugly ance ridden neet and I still got laid.

I almost feel bad for them until I read their posts. I'm not a feminist, but advocating for rape and mass murder and referring to women as "femoids" is not going to get you laid. Instead I just think they're pathetic.

It's not even that hard to get laid. You talk to enough girls and you'll find one that clicks with you. Yet the majority of incels don't even try.

Unfortunate victims of modern overrun hypergamy. They're still talked about as some minority comprised of bad people. But the truth is that you don't have to do anything wrong to become an incel, as time keeps flowing it just keeps getting a bigger demographic. As enough time passes incels will form a noticeably large portion of the population and then things will start to change. Until then incels will have to deal with the unfortunate consequences of humans' innate desires.

what Jow Forums used to be and infinitely better than nu-Jow Forums

I can't stand them. They're worse than everyone else, a pain to be around with and generally hateful.

And I'd still take em over every single "fembot" and orbiter

You only think that because you're not ugly enough to be an incel. As soon as you're below 7/10 you will see women's true faces.

Incels.me specifically?
Assholes on the internet.
Think they're special because they don't get any puss puss.

What? 7/10 is well above average and I'm not that good looking myself. Are you saying the vast majority of men cannot get laid?

proof that modern Jow Forums is larping normalfags

Do normies think incels dont interact with half the planet on a regular basis?

their forum is a shithole

>You can't be an incel who hates people like himself
>No fucking idea what larping means
>muh normie boogeyman
Brainlets need to leave right now.

What if I'm an incel larping as a normalfag larping as a robot??

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Go back to Jow Forumsincel

>doesn't know what LARPing means
>thinks normies aren't real

Yeah, it's time for you to go back.

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For a group of people who worship Elliot Rodger, who hardly had any contact with women, much less made any attempts to woo them, yes. Yes, I do think they don't have enough interaction with women.

Women think differently from us, that's a given, but that's why you have to learn what makes them tick. The only way to do that is to gain experience, something incels don't care to do.

Then you look better than you think you do. It may appear on a surface level that most men get laid because:
a) It's considered shameful to be a virgin, so most just say they've had sex regardless of what is true
b) The men who actually go to numerous social gatherings, are popular, etc. are the ones you'll usually hear from and they certainly get laid. But there is a big silent group of people who basically don't exist to the upper social tier (and all women).

It's hard for me to relate to them despite being in the same boat (22 KHV). I don't really feel bitter or resentful towards women. I wouldn't be interested in a girl if she was as ugly as I am so how can I blame them for not wanting me? Seems pretty logical.

Now you are just strawmanning. If you lurked on any incel forum you would know that isn't true.

Buy you literally are an incel. Unless you're a virgin on purpose.

The problem isn't "lack of contact", non-incels think that's the problem because just doing simple things like that worked for them cause they don't have the incel curse. The female world will very sharply and clearly tell you if you aren't welcome. The problem is that every interaction with females ends in the same way, which is ridicule.
Being an incel means 50% of the population actively being your enemy. Doesn't matter if you're coworkers, classmates, neighbours, etc. They will use every single opportunity to shame you, rile up others against you, and generally try to ruin your life. Normies never see this dimension, but it's hard to stay indifferent when it happens to you.

Robots are hardly mysognist
In fact some of them want to change gender roles

I suppose you're right, if you go by the definition of the word. From what I've seen, though, most "incel communities" have hatred and resentment of women as one of the defining factors. Could be wrong I guess, haven't looked into it too much t b h

Then what's it like for them? I've lurked r/incels and incels.me, and my main takeaways from them are:
>they don't attempt to see things from a woman's perspective, only what they think the women see
>they paint all women with a sweeping brush
>they think themselves "nice guys" when they're not nice at all
>they get oneitises that last for years, quite possibly the most pathetic thing a male can do and the least likely to get you laid
I mean, plenty of ugly guys date women. Just go out on the street and you see them all the time. Most of my friends, many of whom are objectively ugly, make up for it with charisma. They know how to get people to like them, women included.

Speaking of charisma, that's the real reason why Chads pick up girls so easily. They're genuinely friendly and likeable people. Their physical appearance is just the icing on the cake. I know this because as a non-chad, I've gotten laid plenty of times simply by charming a woman. I get rejected plenty of times, yes, but it's rare for me to go home without a girl if I'm putting in the effort.

I feel bad for them, how could I feel any other way? They're KHV outcasts like I am, literally the only difference between us is that their mental illness makes them hate other people while mine just makes me hate myself. But they get shit on by other differently-impaired KHVs because
>W-well at least I'm not THAT bad!
They're the outcasts of outcasts, and I truly feel sorry that life ended up like this for them.

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Hey buddy think you got the wrong board
Normie boards few boards down

They're disgusting and salty af

Pretty much this. The complete lack of personal accountability in their minds is staggering.
>can't refute a SINGLE one of his points
>reeee fucking normie leave
You're awful, man.

>they don't attempt to see things from a woman's perspective, only what they think the women see
Depends on what exactly do you mean by that.
>they paint all women with a sweeping brush
True, but the validly of those claims is agrauble.
>they think themselves "nice guys" when they're not nice at all
Not true. The overwhelming majority of them are the polar opposite of nice.
>they get oneitises that last for years, quite possibly the most pathetic thing a male can do and the least likely to get you laid
Some of them do, some of them don't. Not really a defining factor. But most do agree that having a oneitis is pathetic regardless of if they have done so in the past.
>I mean, plenty of ugly guys date women. Just go out on the street and you see them all the time.
Not really. I've yet to see a guy as ugly as me with a woman without resorting to material means.
>Speaking of charisma, that's the real reason why Chads pick up girls so easily. They're genuinely friendly and likeable people. Their physical appearance is just the icing on the cake.
This Is just delusional man. Do you really think criminals and guys like Meeks are good and friendly people?
>I know this because as a non-chad, I've gotten laid plenty of times simply by charming a woman. I get rejected plenty of times, yes, but it's rare for me to go home without a girl if I'm putting in the effort.
This is pretty pointless to discuss without having any info on what you look like. Most guys are notoriously bad at rating themselves and other men.
You shouldn't be holding people accountable for thing they cannot change.

I unironically sympathize with them as a fembot, but it might because of my deep rooted hatred for normies

as far as I can tell, an incel is someone who blames their lack of female attention(sex included) on being ugly when they are in fact average or above average. I can some what agree with them as the 80/20 rule is real, but there should come a point where they should just say to hell with it and focus on something else than their looks to try and even out the odds, instead they just get eaten up by their narcissistic tendencies in a never ending cycle of self pity and resentment against women for going after other guys but them.

They're just some guys who need to learn that one needs no more than the internet and one's right hand to truly please one's self. It's really the safest option there is in this day and age.

Fembots aren't a thing, but I appreciate you being sympathetic.
>an incel is someone who blames their lack of female attention(sex included) on being ugly when they are in fact average or above average
You haven't been in the discords my lad. The majority of them are below average or worse. The few that are handsome and attention whore are outliers.
>I can some what agree with them as the 80/20 rule is real, but there should come a point where they should just say to hell with it and focus on something else than their looks to try and even out the odds
I have done that for a long time, but it doesn't really fix the void of being utterly undesirable without money and/or drugs.
I can agree with this. I have grown quite complacent with my situation over time. Most incels are chasing and crying over something that is so rare it might as well not exist.

>the void of being utterly undesirable without money and/or drugs.
but that's the thing undesirable to whom?
average women? above average women? less than average women?
they just can't be undesirable to all women.

Believe me lad, not even ugly women want ugly men. And why would they? They can do better.

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oh, I wouldn't classify ugly guys as incels

incels are a whole other beast, at least to me

Most of them are pretty ugly, if the discords are anything to go by. I do agree some of the aren't ugly, just really wahcko. Pic related is the most famous example.

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let me guess
so this guy mad as hell he can't land prime white teen pussy?

He's from Greece, but refuses to lay with "ethnic" girls, which for him meant anything but the most pure blooded aryans, even tho he admitted by his own definition he isn't white. Also flip-flopped on fucking everything. Not to mention he typed like he was 13. He hasn't been around for quite a while and I never figured out if he was a really dedicated troll or mentally ill.

Incels need to get over themselves. Yea some people have bad luck with women. I do. Most just wallow in it and act like they have some kind of severe disability.

is this a common pattern among incels?
their obsession with blonde white girls?

Not really. The dude in the pic and a neonazi form a while back are the only guys I can think of. The neonazi got booted prety quick so I'm not too well informed on him.

Name: Jake (Daniel?)
Last name: O'Connel
DOB: 5.1.1984
Address: 10612 West 52nd Str, Kansas
GPS: 39.031725, -94.707732
CC: 4632 2637 9638 0741(Mastercard)
PIN: 1933

wrong paste

Wut? What does this have to do with anything?

Those fuckers love to dox dude.
It's dox central over there.

Who's doxing who? What the fuck is going on?

"How does a community of incels feel about incels"

>a community of incels

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Truly amazing...You really have no self awareness do you

>he thinks robots actually like incels
>he thinks we don't hate incels for migrating here from Reddit and being underage
>he thinks Jow Forums is one person
Lurk moar you retarded newfag.

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They should stop projecting so much at true robots who don't want normie shit, with "you're just delusional sour grapes".

I know you kissless virgins are in a constant state of denial about the reality of this beta circle jerk but try to get over the cognitive dissonance and see your turbo autistic brothers for the pathetic sacks of shit they truly are

>thinking I'm gonna read your drivel
>thinking I'm gonna take you seriously after you showcased your retardation
Thanks for the (You) buddy.

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>if I'm one, everyone else is also one!
coping kinda hard there bud.

breh, how does it make you feel this is what some robots actually look like?

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They don't bother me. As long as they don't complain IRL about that shit 24/7, why give a shit?

if ugly people didn't get laid, there would be no ugly people at this point. there's way more to it.