Howcome the prettiest white women upgrade to black men?

Howcome the prettiest white women upgrade to black men?

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prettiest women are most targeted by jewish pimps

there are coordinated groups that push this kind of content on r9k

If you were a pretty white girl wouldn't you want to be handled by men with the strongest bodies and largest members?

btfo nigger

Only if I were a whore.

jewish overlords pay well
whites are stronger than blacks, there are no black people in weightlifting/powerlifting/strength athletism

Black men are superior to white men. White men are shitposting on chinese imageboards, calling eachother soyboys meanwhile black men go out and fuck white women.

Blacks have stronger lower body strength, which is why they dominate track, marathon, and competitive sports. You can show off these guys while the bull is pumping away at your gf, whitey

>whites are stronger than blacks, there are no black people in weightlifting/powerlifting/strength athletism
any black guy that could do that, just becomes an NFL lineman and makes way more money

Because we're better

Being a productive member of society makes way more money than being a welfarenigger too but almost no niggers can do that

Girls name is ember stone by the way.

>falling for race bait thread in 2018

you realize half of these posters are just minorities who get off on anonymously triggered white guys right? just ignore them and they'll go away

>t. proud wagecuck

>hehehe we "white" "men" are so much better than blacks because we're giving way more taxes to Dr. Shekelstein
Literally laughing out loud

Ronnie Coleman?

Black men are the apex of sexuality and masculinity. White woman can only cum with a black man. White boys fill in the worker ant role in society. They provide and build shit for their females, but they don't get to breed.

It's my dream to have a white gf into black guys. Sadly women don't actually like them irl. I'm white btw.

Pick one

I'll pick black

can you guys stop cuck rp

so basically white men built everything and got everything running good. and then black men just come in and do nothing but stand around in the civilizations white men built and they get all the sex. so this basically means black men are worthless. and what would they do without white men. would they have nothing and just be all dirty living in huts and being miserable and having sex ?

>and competitive sports

kek, how do african nations do outside running in the olympics? how many african nations have won the world cup? almost any sports with any technical skill they do worse

>White boys fill in the worker ant role in society. They provide and build shit for their females, but they don't get to breed.
This sort of system seems like it would inevitably collapse in less than fifty years because it makes whites a non-renewable resource though.

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God it must feel so good be penetrated...

luckily as a guy you can experience penetrating and being penetrated!

>so basically white men built everything and got everything running good. and then black men just come in and do nothing but stand around in the civilizations white men built and they get all the sex.
>so this basically means black men are worthless
No. No one can fuck white women better than black men.
>and what would they do without white men.
Fuck white women.

they don't, most of the blacked whores I've seen are hideous and pack on the makeup to hide it.

yes its going to be great when whites are all gone and then niggers can all look at each other for what they all really are worthless. they will all start to starve their pussy will run dry because they will be fighting each other so much. they will murder each other and starve to death. and it will be great.

>whites are stronger then blacks

Thats because BLACKED is low quality porn. You should switch to BLACKEDRAW . It's like BLACKED, but better.

They dont. Most find them horrible.

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white women outermarry the least of all gender and race combos. white women who date black tend to be poorer, less educated and fatter than the average white woman. black women who date white men are the opposite. dating sites show white men as the most popular among all groups of women besides black women. black men are the least popular among all women beside black women.

this constant shot about bigging up black men is all bullshit pushed by blacks guys, jews and weird, self hating whites.

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>womanhating virgin on imageboard for loosers thinks he knows what women want
bruh.. look at this dude.... oh no no no no.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA

>black people can't swim
>black people complain about everything.
>black people can't handle the cold.

yes we know about you.

I'm (((white))) btw.

oy vey!

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i'm not a degenerate subhuman thanks. kys cuckold!

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Get back to your real passion triggered nigger.

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god I wish I was that women


stupid worthless niggers.

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from what I can see most of them are still butt ugly except for maybe Hanna hays but she's mentally retarded. goddamn! I can't believe i'm remembering their names.

who cares about marriage, can't control who loves each other.
people just don't want a used up sooty vagina trying to be a housewife

>i'm not a degenerate subhuman thanks
Oh yes you are. Just look at you posting /v/ memes to feel more masculine. Thats why women despise you.
>kys cuckold
You have no idea what cuck means, stop throwing around buzzwords, underage r/the_donald refugee

Thanks for the advice, but I'll keep fucking white women.

thanks user
i say originally

>falling for race bait in the year 2000+18

Are you guys newfags? Or are you just easily triggered by obvious bait?

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Yes white women totally prefer black men. It has nothing to do with the fact that these women are paid thousands of dollars to do these porn scenes.

Thats true, but you didn't answer OP's question. Whats the point of your post?

I might start a GOATED porn page just for the diaspora.

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Feeling Horny?

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Not again Tyrone...

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His point was the prettiest non-porn stars mostly marry white guys.

Keep away

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Why are you having all these pictures of people fucking goats on your computer? Thats sick, no wonder women prefer black men to people like you. You're mentally ill.

>Feeling horny

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Why do you have interracial pictures on your computer OP? are you mentally ill?

Not my fault that goats prefer that superior black man gene.......

Unlike bestiality, there is nothing wrong with interracial porn. Also funny how you evade the question why you have bestiality saved on your computer.

>there is nothing wrong with interracial porn.
Interracial porn with niggers is bestiality.
Also I'm not those guys spamming goat pictures.

To taunt you my friend for badly attempting in taunting us.

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>Interracial porn with niggers is bestiality.
Bestiality is porn in wich a human has sex with an animal. Blacks are human. Your point? Also, even if it was bestiality you would make no sense at all.
>You post bestiality, thats why I get mad and post bestiality too
What a brainlet

>there is nothing wrong with interracial porn
it often plays up racial stereotypes

thats only in porn. only fat ugly white girls go after shitskins

I mean if what you post is true (which it isnt) then by the power of your images white women love dat black man.

If what ive posted is true then undisputably only black people fuck goats.

Neither of us is right....but lets keep playing the game.

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