I just go permanently banned from a video game for calling someone a noob

I just go permanently banned from a video game for calling someone a noob
now I know where to find suitable "people" for the soyboy massacre

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Jesus, what kind of faggy game was it? Club penguin?

league of Iegends

>he hasn't realized modern multiplayer gaming is completely ZOGG'd

Stick to singleplayer until the day of the rope.

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>Agree TOS
>Break them
>Get punished
>Go to safespace and cry about punishment
Absolutely pathetic

I you sure you didn't accidentally call them a nigger?

I will stick my shotgun in my mouth fuck this gay earth

you are a cuck nigger who gets his feelings hurt from words kill yourself retard

I might have but that was before and I got 14- day ban and now perma for calling a nigger a noob

Banning for name-calling shouldn't be normalized. back to /v/ with you

this. atleast I can download dota and still call people niggers

If a game company states that using a monosyllabic starting with q is a bannable offence, that is their call. Either abide by it or leave.

>you are a cuck nigger who gets his feelings hurt from words kill yourself retard
It's obviously you being hurt because his favorite toy was taken away. Keep crying faggot.
What are you going to do about it? It already is normalized and thats a good thing. There is no better feeling than logging in and seeing the message that the guy you reported got banned.

funny how leftists are okay with getting fucked in the ass by corporations when it suits their interest.

>Companies should all be forced to follow one perspective

or I can call them faggots and laugh at their pathetic existance

I am mad, because this world is full of beta niggers who cry about every single thing ever

you are cucked

>I am mad, because this world is full of beta niggers who cry about every single thing ever
You're describing yourself right there. No one here is whining, but your pathetic ass.

you just said that you get your feelings hurt when someone says a bad word, stop being so sensitive faggot

>watch some soygoy playing
>people call him bad for making shit plays
>he tries to banter
>fails miserably
>reported everyone(sic!) for "abuse"
>but refused to mute anyone
>listens to his team throwing shit at him to till the very end of the game because "they might say something important"

nobody wants to teamplay with you fucking nigger
if your fragile self cant take banter can you at least make your own life less miserable
mute feature is there for a goddamn reason

>you just said that you get your feelings hurt when someone says a bad word
Where? Can you greentext it? Because when I see some underage faggot in LoL, I start spampinging him with a smirk on my face, wich leads to him getting even more mad. After the game I tell him it was a good game and hit the reportbutton. I'm literally laughing out loud whenever I see someone like you. It's the most enjoyment I get from playing LoL.

who are you even talking to?

>oh I didnt say it straight so it doesnt count!!!
this isnt fucking debate club faggot I know what you are. also I dont flame if you arent shit, so if I flame you are a fucking noob and you lost before the game even started, no matter that you are a faggot soy in real life

>he STILL I repeat STILLLLLLLLLLLL plays League of shitheads


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I always laugh when leftists say they're against the big corporations and capitalism when they're the biggest supporters of their neo-liberal cooperate agenda

>playing lol of legends

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People still use the terminology "noob"? Shit I thought that died out a decade ago. You "gamers" are such faggots to begin with. I don't know why you don't expect some shit like this to happen in a community that was always cancerous as fuck.

>Be playing game
>ToS says not to do a thing
>do the thing anyways
>get banned

>who are you even talking to?
im just ranting since its related a little

people like this makes me really fucking mad
i want them to never play online games ever and stick to modding skyrim with furry mods

>and thats a good thing
its like I'm reading an article written by some soyboy pay rolled by a kike

Post logs or you're telling lies.

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no I don't I just got permabanned shitlord

its just a short version for you are fucking shit

>law says you need to be fucked in the ass with a red got steel pole
oh I guess I have to do it

but who do you mean? me or the faggots defending this nigger behaviour

I cant because I cant log into my account but for proof it said "you are only 0.006% of players toxic enough o get banned"
I dont know what else to give you

>>law says you need to be fucked in the ass with a red got steel pole
Or I could just... not play the game.

There is seriously nothing more fun than getting faggots like you banned

>law says you need to be fucked in the ass with a red got steel pole
>oh I guess I have to do it
If you sign a agreement that says you are willingly to get fucked ass by a red steel pole for being a retard then don't be a retard and you will be fine.

Better just make a new account. No use in whining about it online.

That's the problem with LoL, you have to get back into grinding or paying for the champions.

why? I won't bend to your faggot rules even if it's a "private corporation" you can suck my asshole for trying to normalize this degenerate shit.

oh I'm the faggot? you are fucking pathetic, getting you ass hurt over words

I can't play the game if I don't but that doesn't mean I won't break the rules if they are shit, I mean I'm not mad because I got banned I'm mad because this type of beta faggot shit is becoming normal in this society

I have another account that is even higher level but I have a ban on it too

>Comparing anal rape to a video games terms and conditions
Lmao really dinks my doinker

>The game has bad rules that I disagree with!
>Not play it? Are you insane?
I hate how Facebook handles data and privacy. Instead of bitching about it here, I just choose to... not use facebook. Amazing, I know.

>Y-You're asshurt too!! I can't prove it, but you are!!?
Awww got banned in your favorite videogame? :((

Sounds like you had it coming, I doubt that was the only comment taken into consideration. If you want to actively make the game more hostile, then don't act like the victim when you get kicked out. The problem was you.

then play a better game
which is any multiplayer game, really

>Getting your ass hurt over words
Lmao literally no one other than yourself is mad in this thread. You're mad because you can't play a ftp MOBA filled with brazillians lmao it's hilarious

>I get what you mean but I will still act like a retard
imagine being born a fucking beta like this guy hahahahaa

or maybe I can tell them that hey you are a faggot change this instead of obeying like a sheep nigger

>typing in caps
>not mad

>more hostile
fucking beta's holy shit can you believe yourselves

I know I'm mad, but so are the cuck dev's who are banning people because
>muh feelings
I didn't make this thread to complain about mad people on this board

>but who do you mean?
people that cant take communication
and get hurt over someone calling them a fucking nigger

Have you actually told Riot though? Yelling at people playing the game is not the same as filing a formal complaint.

Every time you respond, it becomes more obvious that they did the right thing by banning you.

>Y-You type in caps and that makes you mad
>I'm not the only one mad here I swear :(

Lmao they're not mad, they're just sick of you being like you're being in this thread. Pretty justified really

Sounds you're the one that got cucked my boy. Devs put them rules in there so tards can't just say/do anything when some people just want to play vidya.

ahh, my man

they won't listen becuase they are jewish soy, so I call the niggers reporting me niggers

you are a KEK, do you understand? why are you alive? what makes your pathetic existance excusable? grow testicles hrt faggot

well now it's just clear that you are underage and trying to "bait" but you are failing miserably

why? why would a non beta faggot human being get hurt over words in a video game? pathetic

but it's pathetic beta behaviour and it absolutely cannot be allowed into this society

>get confused
>say something is quaint

Are you incapable of responding with anything other than nonsensical shaming language? You can't even form a semi-coherent argument.

my argument is that you are a FAGGOT, a KEK
get it? you are BETA if you think that bad words should be shamed

Why are you mad you can't play with your favorite toy?

again, I'm not mad I got banned
I'm mad this degenerate beta behaviour is getting normalized

I'm not sure if it's even possible to parse this garbage.
>my argument is that you are a FAGGOT
Wow, nice argument.
>you are BETA
Do you even know where you are?
>if you think that bad words should be shamed
Not the issue, stop deflecting. The issue is you insulting people randomly, against TOS and then crying when they enforce their own rules consistently. You then proceeded to do the same in this thread.

The only degenerate here is you mad that you got banned from your shit game lmao, how old are you?

fuck you nigger fuck off hahahahahha im

They did you a favor.

yeah I guess I dont want to nbe associated with a fagot company

That doesn't happen in CS.
They did you a favor.

I know that doesnt happen in cs because I have 2000h on cs
but right now Im hanging myself

I was permabanned for hate speach in pubg for asking why everyone in the EU server was speaking chinese

why do you have to be mean? I know I'm not a good player but I'm trying my best