Is there even a single fembot here that is:
>in a reasonable bot weight bracket
>not OBSCENELY mentally ill
and has any major problems? If so, what are they? Tip: Chad not buying you a new purse isn't a major problem.
Is there even a single fembot here that is:
>in a reasonable bot weight bracket
>not OBSCENELY mentally ill
and has any major problems? If so, what are they? Tip: Chad not buying you a new purse isn't a major problem.
my mom is an alcoholic, egoistic and drug addicted slut which is annoying af. I can't even make my own sandwich without her walking up to me and complaining how I make my samdwich for like 15 minutes. I hate it when she fucks her bf in the living room.
Why does it take you 15 minutes to make a sandwich?
no she just keeps complaining the for that long at least. sometimes even longer while I just try to do stuff. I do put a lot of effort into making food though.
>I do put a lot of effort into making food though.
Maybe you should stop doing that and she'll leave you alone.
>not OBSCENELY mentally ill
No. My mom constantly causes me problems.
honestly she complains about anything at any given chance they only thing to avoid it is to move out.
There's not a single malebot here who's highly selfsabotaging and hateful towards every person who trys to help him, if anyone even trys anymore
>I hate it when she fucks her bf in the living room.
oh thats trashy
Haha Op is loose again HAhah say it with me ff ffe HAHAh aha ffem Hhaha fem hahah fembot
Post mom pic, got me interested
Just stop doing the things she complains about. I don't get what your problem is.
>Is there even a single fembot here
>oh thats trashy
it's just "normal" to her.
I don't wanna make you puke
because she literally complains about anything even using the bathroom.
i crashed my car into USPS mailboxes and now owe $3K+ for that ahaha. im also going to court for it. fml guys
Puke? Describe her look
actually i didnt even crash into them, it was more of a bump. they were just old so they fell..
Have you never dealt with unreasonable people before? You're naive aren't you
do you want to be my live in maid?
yes there is a uniform
Then don't use the bathroom. You seem to be the one who has something to complain about at every turn.
blonde/reddish hair which is starting to get gray, overweight and clear signs of drug abuse. like the same as all those other drunk junkie mid 50s sluts here. she also has a lot hair on her face for some reason.
depends on where you live and what I need to do.
>someone complains about you doing x
>you stop doing x
>they stop complaining
Wow, so unreasonable.
I'm underweight and agoraphobic and AVPD with crippling mental breakdowns from time to time so no.
nice, is this a true story or nah?
does you name start with an M?
Nope. I don't bother talking to anyone on here.
I knew someone like that irl and thought there as a rare chance it might be them.
>not mentally ill
>has major problems
what exactly are you looking for? major problems and mental illness usually go hand in hand, you know?
I don't see why any female would lurk this board, which is filled with incels and "women hate" threads, if they didn't have some serious issues.
If chad is buying a purse hes not chad
talking to normies is always boring but talking to robots can be interesting.
im moving to england for work.
it would just be like cooking and cleaning and laundry.
no bang maid stuff, unless living close quarters we fall in love. but thats not what the job is.
Most people would call me mentally ill, but I am 8/10 so obviously not fat. Here because introvert and weeb.
>anime LARPer
>2D supremacist
>no morality, have done porn and plan to do more porn because dolla dolla bills
>slut, kill count is 25, plan to take that to 75 in the next two years
>hate children, don't enjoy pets or even house plants, don't want friends or a husband
>anti-materialist and general weirdo
>in the process of convincing myself I have superpowers because a part of me genuinely believes the universe bends to my will if I 100% believe it will
>only Jow Forums for larping purposes
>by larping I do not mean "go play with a group every third saturday for a few hours in a stupid costume". I mean I live and breathe the larp 24/7, no costume, I am already the character and it's already real
>study languages, nonfiction, other subjects for several hours a day, any material that would be useful for larping
>mafia, assassination manuals, emotional intelligence, persuasion/infiltration, the Jow Forums megafolder, white collar crime/fraud methods, etc
>only for mental larping purposes
>all to impress my 2d husbando and to have more realistic larp scenarios
Extreme escapism?
user, there is no such thing as fembots you motherfuckers need to accept that and stop giving the larpers and failed stacies attention
how can you be so autistic and also a slut at the same time? teach me your magic.
its unfortunately true. im a huge dumbass who shouldnt be driving on 3 hours of sleep desu
You're not a fembot you slut
its being so autistic you dont realise you're autistic and convince yourself you genuinely have worth.
>do porn bc dolla dolla bills
Hmm. try harder with your bait next time
I got a new larp for you, whore
Sounds like you could be schizotypal
t. diagnosed schizotypal
Money is good, possessions are bad. Money is freedom, possessions are slavery.
Be born pretty
Improve yourself and your looks any way possible
Go on enough dates to master the artform
Psych yourself into having turbo-confidence and genuinely believe it
I have horrible family issues and have no one but myself, completely on my own.
There are a lot of borderlines on here
If any mental illness other than schizophrenia falls into the "obscenely mentally ill" category, BPD is that mental illness, tho
>omg my life is so bad I crashed and now I owe 3k!
That's fucking normie-tier. Just stop being a poorfag, a one-off $3k payment should not be a big deal.
Severely mentally I'll here. Guess I fit the stereotype
If you're fat and ugly, I'll help you.
Seems pretty spot on but I like it and have done it intentionally.
Why would you want to help me? And why those standards?
be my cuckold gf and take my money pls
Because I haven't had a good life myself, and most likely someone who looks average or better will not want to associate with me in the first place.
What issues do you have in life?
My father's prolonged suffering from cancer and subsequent death robbed me of the only years in my life when I could still dream of turning it around from already being shit due to socioeconomic circumstances. Now that I am ill myself, I have no one to even talk to about anything anymore.
I will date any woman in Australia or New Zealand.
>a one off $3k payment shouldn't be bad
I have a 500 credit score for ~$1200 in debts lol
I'm sorry that happened user, I will talk to you. You don't have to do anything for me aside from not ghosting me.
>take my money
>cuck me
I can do both of these things.
tfw credit score is 750. feels good man.
jesus, just how bad with money are you. Just suck a coupla cocks for $$$, you're a woman so at least you always have that easy option.
Not them but men have it easy getting money for blowjobs as well, just hop on grindr and offer yourself for $20, see how it goes.
>I can do both of these things.
God I wished you lived nearby. I've literally never seen a woman from my country post here.
What country are you in, cuckanon?
NZ, and I can guarantee you're in the USA or Europe.
I'm not who you were talking to but you're right about the Europe part. Though I see a lot of anons in Aus
I only get $500 a month in disability bux so I can't save anything haha.
It sucks being so isolated from the world sometimes. It mus be nice to literally be able to get on a bus and go to another country.
Yeah it's great to live in a fragmented society where no one gives a shit about anyone else and every economic zone (except a few big western european countries) is tiny, and you can't find shit in your language, no social groups, no hobbies, nothing, because everything on the internet is americanized so you have an american mind but you can't go there and interact with people there in real life
So great
>Yeah it's great to live in a fragmented society where no one gives a shit about anyone else
it's the same here
>every economic zone (except a few big western european countries) is tiny
NZ is tiny AND isolated
Most things being english is quite beneficial though, although at least you have the advantage of becoming bilingual to deal with it.
I'm not that poster but I am crazy femanon, yes I am US, home of hyper-turbo-individualists. Hop on a plane, bring money, I'll take your virginity and then make you watch me fuck another guy on the same hotel bed.
oh and the tide of immigrants we recieve dwarfs whatever you get proportionally, I can guarantee it. It sure is nice to get on a bus in your own country and literally not hear your own language spoken.
>the advantage of becoming bilingual to deal with it.
Absolutely useless. Every single country bordering mine speaks another language. And you can't just "up and move" like you can in America and go somewhere with different laws, taxes, people, climate, etc.
And forget about doing any international or internet business that's easy as fuck to do from America (and you don't even need to do it because you have 350 million people as customers so you can ignore the rest of the world)
America literally has everything.
That is a tempting offer... got any contact info?
sure but I'm not american.
What part of the US? Do you like Asians?
Eh I have a bit of an eating disorder and have mental breakdowns sometimes. I think I might be schizoid since I have no interest in relationships and every day I feel less and less. Also I like throwing up and feeling empty inside. The usual stuff
Is there even a single fembot here that is:
>Willing to spend time with a 28 year old virginal autist
I love asians. [email protected]
>Is there even a single 28+ fembot here that is:
>>Willing to spend time with a 38 year old non-virginal autist
Fixed for me.
What happened to keep you on this board at 38?
>not allowed to go to school
>not allowed to leave house or go outside
>not allowed to get a job, unless i can walk to it
>there are no jobs within "walking distance" because
>i am too weak to walk more than a mile away, because i am not allowed to exercise outdoors
>not allowed to have friends
>not allowed to spend money
not allowed to leave room when people are in the house/awake
>live with mother and sister, mother is crazy and sister gets angry for weeks for no reason
i am really trying to feel better from my depression and i take medication everyday and feel happier sometimes but other times i feel like a rat trapped in a cage when i cannot talk to anyone for days and days
underage or neet, either way just move out you fucking idiot. this isn't a major problem.
that sucks but take out a loan
You're right, you're mentally ill.
just get a bf with a job then.
>girls problems are almost all monetary