Tell me about that one girl user.
I want to hear your story. Don't worry about greentexts.
Tell me about that one girl user
There was no girl to being with
pretty much, there is just an illusion of her.
Last year of high school. Dark hair, green eyes, smart, slim, subtle and obviously, beautiful.
We acted together in a play and I fell in love. I never revealed my feelings because I was with someone else.
You didn't have a crush on anyone?
At least you know the warmth of another human being. That's a win in my book, friend
I have had many many crushes,
Once I accidentally stepped on some girl's foot that's all, fren
How come? Were you homeschooled?
Well then, which one was the one?
She was smart, cute, beautiful and I loved her like no one else in this world. Then she rejected me and became an annoying leftist smartass, and I fell out of love.
7 year relationship ended today failed normie status achieved.
i remember in highschool i liked this girl
if i had to rate her on appearance, id say maybe a 4/10, but her personality to me was a 10/10
she was mostly depressed but would always put on a smile when i saw her, idk if i made her day any better
she was short, with hazel eyes, and she had cute brown hair. she was honestly the only girl i ever liked in hs
but me being the autistic shy me, i never asked her out. i wish i would have though, i just wanted to cuddle with her. my intents were the best for her.
i was there for her a lot when she was sad and was going through stuff.
did i make a mistake by not asking her out?
I fucking wish I was home schooled. I just never talked to any girl I had crush on, and because of that I don't consider them "real" crushes
I doesn't matter what you consider them to be my friend. A girl than you ahve a crush on is somehow special to you. Tell me about her
Well she's blonde with beautiful face( there's a bit wider gap between her eyes making her look more original) but different face expression than most girls- it's not "neutral" she looks at you like she wants to kill you. She might be a bit shy or just shut in, I've never seen her talking to someone except maybe once, she just stands besides her classmates listening to what they're talking about. No idea how to approach
Try to find out something she likes and then ask her "hey, I heard you like X"
>Try to find out something she likes
I wonder how I could do that.
Workplace arranged a party last week. I only remember fragments but there's this girl who started at my workplace a few months ago and last when we were at work I had to teach her how to operate some things. During that we talked lot, and I thought we talked pretty well. At the work party we had some one-on-one time and I remember telling her she was pretty, amongst some other things, she then told me she was going to dance (didn't explicitly tell me she wanted to dance with me, but eh), I told her I was a horrible dancer and she told me she was as well. Oh well. I stayed in my seat and talked to my other co-workers. Later when people were starting to leave she asked me if I'd walk her to the bus stop. She apparently had some really bad family issues and I tried to relate and listen to her problems, although I couldn't really cause my upbringing has been pretty good. She was gonna meet some friends at a club, but it was 4am and I def didn't have the energy to go, even if she asked. We sat on the bus and continued to talk, Eventually she suddenly decided to get off and looked me in the eye when I drove off in the bus, dunno if she expected me to accompany her. In the end, I'm 80% sure she has a boyfriend so I'm not sure how to act. I guess we'll see the next time I see her.
Ask one of her friends.
There are no girls in my life and there never were.
I've been in love with her for 6 years and I never told her about it. We first met in hs, now she's engaged with other guy.
I've been told here that I will eventualy forget about her but that doesnt seem to be the case as I still think about her everyday although I last saw her 2 years ago
There is this girl at work and when I first saw her I wasn't particularly impressed, but to be honest I was lying to myself I didnt want to fall in love with anyone. I'm way too ugly physically and I'm boring as a person so I couldn't get a girlfriend as a kid. So I never had the courage to ask anyone out. When I met her I was in a bad place, I was depressed. Coming out of bed wasn't easy because the motivation wasn't there. She changed all of that. But because I'm shy and ugly I decided to keep her as a friend. I didnt want to lose her because of my stupid feelings. And here we are, I'm still daydreaming about a future where I can be with her.
i seriously don't get girls...
but it sounds like this could lead to something, good luck.
you could try contacting her again if she has Facebook. It sounds like she felt comfortable talking to you, of course you should have asked her out
I don't know any of them and I don't know about you but approaching strangers isn't really normal in my country.
>have no motivation
>really like this girl
>even to the point of her being your only motivation just so you could see her
>cant ask her out because could lose only motivation in life
Sounds rough user
I guess being friends is fine, it isn't that she can't make me happy or continue to make me happy. It's more like I wish I could tell you how I really feel like. Because I can't put these feelings away forever. Good news is we're both weebs and she asked me to go to an anime con next week. So I'm not complaining
Summer after junior year
Living with my mom, who's a huge stoner, so I could smoke weed wherever I wanted in the house and whenever
High constantly
Meet girl on Instagram
5'2" skinny, long blue hair, cute glasses, wears flannels that are way too big for her. Absolutely adorable
>"Hey I'm sorry, but you're really cute"
>"oh thanks user, do you have Snapchat?"
Ff 2 months, perfect relationship, we see eachother every other day and we would just hang out in her basement and make out for 7 hours
One day go to the shore with my friend, he has a place on a campground down there
Get drunk as fuck every night
One night get so drunk I can't control anything im doing or saying
Lose friend
Walk around campground yelling his name because I think that is gonna help me find him for some reason
Hear voice
>"I know where your friend is"
>"oh awesome"
I followed him into the woods and got sexually assaulted
I ran away and found my friend
I felt like it was my fault it happened and I felt guilty so I told my gf
She freaked out and broke up with me on the spot
I went on a 5 day drinking bender until my mom caught me stealing her alcohol
Argue with mom and stepdad
Fist fight step sad
Get kicked out
Homeless for 4 days
Police find me and bring me to an adolescent inpatient unit (I was 17 at the time, 18 now)
It was worth it, I still love her After almost 2 years
She's got blue hair, a load of ear piercings, shes smart, beautiful and funny as fuck.
Problem is shes with another dude
Her breaking up with you doesn't make sense. I mean if she loved you wouldn't support you after being basically raped?
I blamed myself so much for it that I didn't even see it as me getting molested
I basically said something along the lines of "yeah I did something with a guy while I was drunk" but yeah, I was beyond intoxicated and I'm not gay or bi or anything like that. Now that I've had time to reflect I see now that I was 100% molested
Try to get more info my friend. A deep dive on her social media will help.
How come? Not even in school?
Ahh fuck... This is the worst. You won't get numb and therefore you have to forget. Good luck, stay strong
Sounds like my case but I'm also a bit overweight
>I followed him into the woods and got sexually assaulted
Wait what? Uhhhh that's not something you hear every day. How does that even happen. I understand that you were wasted but if you were able to find your gf and tell her what happened you were not wasted enough to get raped. Something doesn't add up here.
How serious are we talking?
Anyway, I'm off to sleep now. I'll come back if the thread survives until I overcome my depression and actually get out of bed. Cheers. OP signing off.
She's the perfect friend, yet I still incessantly worry she'll abandon me like most others have.
Yes, that first bit sounds stupid. There's precisely a 0% chance we'll ever date eachother, though, and I'm fine with it. It's the most like a mutual friendship and the least like one-sided unrequited garbage I've ever had.
I can never stop worrying, robots. It's ruining everything.
>(I'm the rape guy)
I was down the shore with my friend, I didn't see her until I got back. If it happened to me now I would probably do things differently, but at the time I was never sober and I was just not in a good place. I'm still not but at least I can form thinking patterns.
How do I make people like me? I feel like they're treating me different by my lack of social understanding. This makes me feel like I'll never have a true friendship.
Also I don't remember how I found him, I just remember waking up in his camper thing
Reported all of you underage fags
Jesus user here, theyve been dating for about six months, but they argue a lot. And i mean a lot.
She seems sorta into me though, i guess, we talk a lot and she seems like she always has time to hang out so
We met while both working at dead-end kinda job. I would stay overtime just because after 3:30 the warehouse was near empty, but she worked til 4:30, and we would just talk.
We exchanged numbers somehow, and one day I left without saying bye to her because I didn't see her. She immediately texted me "Thanks for saying bye, loser :p" and it was then that I knew for sure she liked me.
I asked her out soon after and we were inseparable for 4 years. The first love of eachother's lives. Then she changed. She started hanging out with a couple of her friends who were always out drinking. I knew this was the end. We went from spending every night with eachother to spending 6 nights, then 5, etc. Eventually she came home (she basically lived with me) and looked at me and started to cry. I knew that was the end right there. I hugged her and before she said anything, I just said "This is the end, isn't it"
We had plans of marriage, starting a family, volunteering at senior homes.
I told her I didn't want to keep in contact at all. She continually tried to contact me and I wouldn't reply. One day, maybe 4 months after, I very stupidly did reply because I was lonely. That one text started the chain of reactions. We got back together. I knew it wouldn't work out. I never really forgave her for ruining what was a perfect relationship at one point. She started hanging out with some "bad apple" friends one more. I stopped caring because I had been there before. I just knew it had to end again. She may have even been cheating on me this time around near the end. So we broke it off. She owed me some money, which I had planned to pick up one day. I knew from the last time we saw eachother that she still wanted to bang me. So I saw an escort that day, then right after, I went to ex gf's house.
As soon as she opened the door, I grabbed her hair and started making out with her and groping her. She blew me, not an hour after my dick was in an escort. I never told her this
>Freshman year of high school
>Just moved to Texas
>Have crush on really hot girl, 8.5
>Too shy to talk to her, though I'm pretty popular
>Walk up to her on Valentine's Day, give her a box of chocolates
>She's overjoyed
>Start talking to her a little, though act somewhat autistic
>Scared to talk to her
>Month passes
>Asks her out
>"I'm not looking for a relationship user"
>Go home and cry
>Don't talk as much
>See her with another person, cry again
>Absolutely do not talk
>Me, her and two other friends play a weird flash dating game
>All of us have a good time, we all say goodbye
>Go inside the bus
>Look out window and watch her make out with someone for a solid 20 seconds
The key to friendships is to find people who are dickheads on the same wavelength as you. That's it. Try to find people who think like you since friendships where people don't have much in common won't last. I talk from my experience since I am friends with many, but loved my none. Also, if you think you are intelligent, shoot for intelligent people since you won't be able to stand idiots and overly-emotional people. Trust me
Okay, I need a more in depth explanation because I just can't imagine a random person taking a wasted dude to the forest just to try and penetrate his hairy butthole.
You can make yourself someone she could rely on. But beware to not overdo it since she could take it as a friendly advice and emotional support. You absolutely HAVE to hint on things about her and make her feel special and subtly show you are inteerested in her as a person. Many guys like us miss out on chances since they never show the girl they might be interested in something more. Now, you know more aboiut the context and her as a person than me which means it's up to you to figure that out now.
Also, why the fuck do you have so many Jesus pictures man.
I told her I wanted to never contact her again, but for real this time. She couldn't understand why. I told her that it hurts too much to stay in contact because I cared. And that once I stopped caring finally, well then there'd be no point to contact anyway. I made it clear that our paths in life crossed for 4.5 years but that was it. She still lives in my neighbourhood, but somehow I have yet to see her again since then. She has seen my mom several times at the mall, and tells my mom I was the best thing to ever happen to her. I was with another gf for 3.5 years until very recently. Now I'm sad and lonely again. My last gf I don't blame for breaking up, we never were going to get married likely. The first gf though, I still hold resentment. Both our lives will probably never be that happy again.
This one was about 5 years ago. The first, and only, woman I've ever loved.
She had blue eyes, brown hair, petite body, small breasts, small butt, skinny, average hight. She was rather shy around people she didn't know but with friends she was more outgoing. We had similar interests and personalities (shy, lazy, anime, games, outcast.) After a few months of failing to get that close to her I asked an internet friend what to do 'tell her you like her.' he said, it took me a few weeks to build up the courage, but one day I finally did it. She was at the bus stop and I waited there with her in the rain until everyone was gone and just us two remained (she took a bus no one else took.) I walked up to her and confessed my feelings for her 'I like you anonette'. She responded with 'Uh, this is awkward.' Defeated I quickly departed and walked home. The next day I came into school a friend of hers came up to me 'user, you know anonette is a lesbian right?' I broke, I held it in for the few hours that remained of school, but as soon as I left the premise I broke down into tears. I went home that day, crawled into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
There was this girl in highschool who I sat next of.
Sheltered, shy, geek, liked vidya, qt
Got along pretty decently, decide to have the balls and ask her out, she said no but my fucking autist brain decides to develop obsession over her.
Eventually went to different colleges and tried to forget about it.
Then lo and behold she fucking transfers to my college because the one she was in is well known for asking a kidney for 1 year tuition. (She knew from the get go that her family wouldn't be able to pay it, I think they even had to sell their house and move to an apartment to be able to afford it, just because she dreamed of studying there).
And now I'm obsessed again, fuck me right?
I just read all this and am jealous despite the fact that you suffered pretty bad. I just don't know what's worse. A heartbreak or and empty void in my heart.
Ah fuck. How do you feel now? Is it better?
Are you two in contact? If not, try to make it stay that way.
So we were in one of those fenced in campgrounds in New Jersey and they have like paths that go through the woods and I legit have no clue where my friend went and i was just walking around and out of nowhere comes this guy who tells me where my friend is, it was also like 1 am so I have no idea what he was doing just walking around by himself. Also there was no penetration, just a lot of forceful dick touching and other stuff I was not about. I ended up getting away and running for my fucking life and I guess I just ran until I found my friend who was most likely looking for my autistic ass.
That's about as much detail as I can provide for something that happened like 7ish months ago and while I was completely smashed
>Are you two in contact? If not, try to make it stay that way.
No, she is in a different major.
However, I'm in a small college with an extremely small campus, so its not weird to see her walking in the hallways and waves at me.
>I just read all this and am jealous despite the fact that you suffered pretty bad. I just don't know what's worse. A heartbreak or and empty void in my heart.
Thanks. I was once the same as most in this thread. Empty void is undoubtedly worse, I wasn't really looking for sympathy, just bored and sad, and wanted to tell someone the truth.
Never having anyone is much worse for sure. Still, I promise everyone that actually having someone finally, and having it ripped away from you is also very unpleasant. I literally think about her every single day. I probably will for the rest of my life. I hope everyone in this thread has amazing luck for the rest of their life.
Almost related, I just started an escort thread if anyone is interested.
Well, you really fucked up by telling her. That was a dumb move mate. That sucks. However, her reaction might mean that you dodged a small bullet.
Anyway, this time I'm officialy going to sleep. I'll try to read your posts boys. Keep the thread alive. See you in 8-12 hours.
>Ah fuck. How do you feel now? Is it better?
It hurt a lot for a few days, I had a cocktail of emotions flowing through me at the time. Over time I accepted that it is what it is and moved on. Till this day though I sometimes think back to those times, at the time she was all I had going on for me (a crush was all I had going for me, pathetic I know) and after learning neither I or the perfect man had a chance with her I lost a sense of myself? I'm not sure how to put it into words. Now though most times I think about it I do with a laugh and recoil about how awkward it was, things are better now.