Honestly my favorite hobby is finding mentally ill e-girls to manipulate and get them to get overly attached only to ghost them completely.
Honestly my favorite hobby is finding mentally ill e-girls to manipulate and get them to get overly attached only to...
user, why do you do the things you do?
You taught me to do the same to malebots, user. Thank you so much!
I see you're a man of culture as welI
>finding mentally ill e-girls
This is already an impossible task. If you were actually doing this, so would everyone else here.
Lying is not going to help you in life buddy.
>Lying is not going to help you in life buddy.
ask me how i know you're a complete retard and a failure
Yes, manipulate some innocent lonely mentally ill robot because some twat does the same to women. People like you and OP deserve death
In my time on the internet I realized I've been doing this unintentionally to several e-gf's.
I think I got a thrill from it and didn't know until I got older.
Except instead of ghosting them I would make a big drama about a break-up because I loved it when they came back begging and pleading, only to show me more attention than before.
>Except instead of ghosting them I would make a big drama about a break-up because I loved it when they came back begging and pleading, only to show me more attention than before.
Yeah this is really typical. I'm not even that sadistic, it's just fucking amazing how easy it is to get someone all emotional like that. Fascinating stuff
This just happened to me maybe it was u lol
Add on to this: I just realized the DENNIS system got used on me, damn amelia you so smart
Wow. People actually have time for these kind of things. I'm too busy fapping to hentai and lurking on image boards to give a shit about manipulating desperate fembots baka. Go play some vidya. Keep it real and away with that drama inducing faggotry.
Dude, trust me, I wish it wasn't like this. But the ultimate redpill of it all is that they GENUINELY, LITERALLY like it. They prefer this treatment over anything else. Every girl, every time. They love it.
Someones gonna get stabby stabbys someday. Enjoy the ride!
Not forever they don't. They learn. And so should you. Tbh I too have been involved in this type of fuckery but that was a long time ago.
But all girls do is rant, complain and eventually give in because you were overly understanding and accepting towards them without demanding anything in return?
It gets pretty boring real quick, at least I can play vidya with the other guys.
>People actually have time for these kind of things.
I'm surprised, too, user. It's guys like OP and that give all of us robots a bad name. Most of the time we're not running around hurting people and causing shit, it's the vocal minority that make the normans believe we're the opposite.
Get a hobby, you two.
We already have a hobbie, it's called hurting losers like you while retaining our own status as losers!
that's pretty swag
gotta practice with them losers to grab them stacies
What the fuck?
Are you literally me?
Best ones are borderline suicidal & bipolar >girls
I know I'm an asshole but I crave the attention.
Anyone who does this to another human being deserves to be killed
You are cancer
>hurting losers like you
>misspelling hobby
Yep, you're a total loser.
Also, you're fully aware of your breathing now. You're aware of how every square inch of your clothes is rubbing against your body. You're stiff from sitting for a while. Your tongue is touching the roof of your mouth. You can feel saliva filling in your mouth. You're aware of the tags in your clothing and they're making your body feel itchy.
You're not moving anywhere in life and will die alone, full of regrets.
How the hell do you get a e-gf let alone multiple ones?
I just want one to talk to everyday
You give yourself a bad name when you bore to death every girl you talk to and get ghosted by
Girls like assholes. End of story.
Bro i dont like it any more than you do but you gotta give the girls what they want, no two ways about it
Whoa there, crab-man. Slow down there.
I had people talk to me for hours on end when I was jobless. Don't assume I'm like the rest of you because the majority of folk here have bad luck.
I'll go throw out some advice just because I feel bad for the lot of you. Find people who share the same hobbies you do, and try to be specific with them or there's a bigger chance your friendship will bomb.
Yeah girls love talking about hobbies amiright LMAO
Lmao didn't even read that faggot. Keep roleplaying and claiming you've achieved anything in life though, if it makes you happy. And I hope you know that sometimes people reply to you out of social convention, not because they enjoy talking to you or your presence.
I'm not capable of being an asshole over the internet
>open thread about manipulative turds
>see manipulative turds dragging each other down over the slightest achievement anyone could get
and you wonder why you're all miserable. damn.
I only see manipulative turds btfoing the good boy desu
Learn2read cunt, we're mocking the wk beta up there. Man, you pathetic losers can't even be bothered to read
Damn, that sounds like something i'd actually enjoy.
>tfw when was homeschooled by religious parents and have never associated with a male my own age irl so all my 'relationships' were online
jeez are you my ex user
how do you find them?? this sounds fun
It was easier back in the day when everyone played g-mod and went on rp forums. Life was simpler.