Any Indian people on here or anyone who has interacted with Indian people a lot? What is the average Indian like?

Any Indian people on here or anyone who has interacted with Indian people a lot? What is the average Indian like?

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I have an Indian friend, but he wasn't born in India so he doesn't poo on the street.

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I have an Indian friend that speaks to his family in Punjabi and everything. It's very clear his parents control his life, but other than that he is an individual with his own aspirations & interests. Ironically he loves black people and their culture. Which is funny to me because Indian people have pigmented skin with Caucasian hair. I want to marry a thicc Indian queen but that's completely unrelated.

shame. I wish the US had designated shitting streets. Sometimes I'm walking to work and I just REALLY need to take a shit.

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I used to as well, stopped being his friend when he tried to rape my little sister.

Jesus Christ how old was he and old old was your sister? Also was he Indian or Indian-American (fake indian)

India is fucked up

I live in Pennsylvania and have seen indian people and they are rich and successful here.

That is an understatement. I wish western roasties were forced to live there for a year, then they wouldn't be complaining about how "patriarchal" the west is.

I'm Indian but born and lived in Bongland my entire life. I've only been India once and that was two years ago for my older sister's wedding (I refused to go before out of fear of them marrying me off to some random, which is still possibly on the cards as I'm getting older). Mumbai was busy but not as bad as I thought it was going to be, it was basically just the same as New York or any other massive city. Goa was nice, right next to the beach, not many people, nice weather and quiet enough that tyou can relax but still had enough stuff to see and do nearby. Food was great and the best thing about India (or desu anywhere that isn't Englel) is that everything stays open overnight, so when I'm bored and hungry at 4am I can just go out and get stuff to eat without any difficulty.

>Ironically he loves black people and their culture
This shouldn't be surprising, since most whites and asians love black people and their culture too. Rap music is the biggest most influential genre right now. Black people are beginning to dominate the film industry, and have already dominated social media for the past several years. Every trend basically comes from them. I'm indian and I like rap and shit. So do all my Indian friends, and white friends, and so on.

>Indian people have pigmented skin with Caucasian hair
Depends where you look dude. North Indians are basically white people with tan skin and black hair. You can look up albino Indians if you want. They look exactly like whites. Other indians have more "wavy" hair and different facial features. There's a lot of admixture throughout the subcontinent. There's a lot of Caucasian genetics mixed in with "Dravidian" genetics and Mongoloid genetics. Well it's more complicated than that but I'm not an expert.

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My university has an exchange program with one in India so I see lots of Indians fresh off the plane. I really do not like them at all. There is also an exchange with an Arabic university and those kids are alright.

doesn't a lot of east Asia hate black people? I remember when I was in China a lot of people said they didn't "trust blacks" since they "brought drugs and gangs". Is it different in India?

Yeah I bet they do. Honestly, most of the world outside of the US is insanely racist. Like I know that Indians in New Delhi were attacking African university students a few years back because they "bring drugs" or whatever. I bet the same happens in China and other parts of Asia like you said. But I bet if an Asian or white person went to Africa, they would get a rude welcoming as well.

They mostly smell
Always talk about discounts
Rude most of the times
And annoying as hell, especially the kids

Sister was 16

American indian
Guess rape is in there genes

He was like 15 and he was an Second gen but he lived over in India in the summers. He felt like a "real" Indian to me user, and India is notorious for rape anyway (among the lower castes anyway) so it's not that shocking.


And Indians in America commit much less crime than whites. Even crime in India is less than crime in America.

Liar, you didn't post that I did, stop false flagging faggot.

Lmao someone is lying here. I'll even bet that this faggot was lying too.

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>Even crime in India is less than crime in America
Kek. No it isn't, its just easier to get away with crime over there since every governemnt official is corrupt as hell. You could murder someone in daylight in India and get away if you paid off the right people. If you're not the right caste or from the right family in certain parts you aren't even considered a person.

Bro someone is trying to fuck this thread up. I didn't do shit.

Probably some white kid, as usual.

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I was in Tanzania (im white) for a month in 2010 and I had no problems at all. people would invite you to eat at their house and were in general very nice. I still wouldn't want to live there but it wasn't awful.

You have to make your own shitting street, user. Someone has to start it, might as well be you.

I'm white you fucking faggot, I posted that some asshole Indian tried to rape my little sister when he was 15 and she was 11 and you started false flagging as me. FUCK YOU.

Your perceptions are pretty warped. The caste system bullshit only exists in rural areas, and it's been illegal since the 40's. The govt is corrupt but even then murder is much much lower in India because there aren't as many guns and there isn't a retarded war on drugs. Most crime is petty theft in big cities

Did you even look at his fucking image? He didn't make this post he just replied to it. You fucking autist use your brain you pasty skinned shit

Haha, nice job sure showed him!

kys faggot

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They always smell.
Polite and chilled though usually.

>le trump
>le reddit
Oh look another fucking refugee from the donald, telling Jow Forums posters to go back to the same shithole he came from in the first place.

>using the le meme
>mentioning the donald

you are definitely a reddit fag, gtfo

Remember the time you corrected that one guys spelling? That shit was SO TROLL, dude.

He was all like

And you were all like

Good times, buddy.

They are cool and smart. They have weird sense of humor tho

what is there sense of humor like? could you give an example?

their sense of humor is spiritual in nature, random even.

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Brownbot here, but not from India. India is the cesspool of South Asia. I hate getting called a poo in the loo because of those fuckers.

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I feel you bro, every time I get myself tanned I resemble a indian thanks to my great-great grandfather being a damn moor.

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Take a ride on Indian public transport and manspreading will be the least of a roastie's worries. DESIGNATED RAPING TRAINS.

britlad here

I've met plenty of Indians, never seen any of them poo in the street and I've been to plenty of curry houses and they do have loos. Very little toilet roll however

well if you are in Britain you will have toilets in the restaurant even if it is owned by poo in loos

Where are you from user?

this is fucking original reeeee

sri lanka

indians are generally trash, the ones that migrate are usually the upper middle class or upper class, most pajeets are usually pretty ugly, which is weird considering pakistan which is right next door has really good looking men

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Is it nice in Sri Lanka? I've never been there

It is a beautiful place user. However it is a third world shithole. Good place to spend your life if you are retired and have money saved up.

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>That pic
>With blue eyes
Boy that is not a "true" indian, he has a parent from another continent for sure

No, he's not Indian. He's Pakistani.

Some people in Ithe Indian subcontinent do have light eyes. The region was settled by Indo-European peoples (hence the "Indo"). They became swarthy from mixing with the indigenous Dravidian peoples.