traps aren't gay, prove me wrong, you can't
Traps aren't gay, prove me wrong, you can't
traps are guys retard
you can forget about a bump btw. that's what all of you faggots thrive on
Traps are bisexual. If someone said they were 100% gay and only masturbated to traps you'd question them, but if someone said they were 100% heterosexual and only masturbated to traps you would also question them. Thus, the person who only masturbates to traps must be bisexual.
it is gay if you get off on feminizing males.
if you are attracted to them because they are already feminized, not gay
thanks for the bump!!!!
traps aren't gay
where can i find a trap to eat his boipucci?
Probably here on r9k since they're so popular
u are gay
I hope you find your special someone [female(male)!!!
traps aren't gay
Given: "Gay" refers to homosexual behavior
Given: 2 males engaging in sexual behavior with one another is homosexual behavior
Given: Males are humans with penises
Given: Traps have penises
Therefore: A male engaging in sexual behavior with a trap is gay.
what ever you need to help you cope
go on believing that
>Males are humans with penises
That is false, there can be many reasons to the loss of your penis, but you would still be a male
Fucking butt pirates
i hope the op is memeing.
traps are gay no matter what. they are a man, and own a dick that's it
i used to lie to myself saying that same thing when i fapped to them
>'hur trasps are not gayey im streieit
but today, i don't even care. i will continue to fap to them even though it's the gayest thing ever
gay or not I don't care. They are the only way I can get sex. They are at the end men and men love sex, unlike wymyn. Hmm, I think it's gay but idc.
penises can be feminine, thus not gay
traps aren't gay
not memeing, traps aren't gay
this is why we need more closet traps taking the final step and transitioning, not gay though
No. A man who loses his penis is no longer a man.
How do i do it? ori
I fuck mentally ill men for my own enjoyment and you cannot stop me
how can fucking people that look like girls be gay? when you fuck inanimate objects that look like girls, like sex dolls, are you asexual? wtf!
I can only tell you to try your best
traps aren't mentally ill, it's natural and will soon be the norm
I want to transition to serve the cocks of real men!
you were born for that, good luck friend!
Dicks don't determine if something is gay or not, cretin
this, traps aren't gay
Aniki said traps are gay