Best suicide method

tell me the best suicide method that kills me instantly without pain and that doesn't cost much

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Opiates are unironically the most painless way to die period.

Exit bag, costs about 40 bucks and is painless

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This. take a bunch of opiates and die while being smothered by a fat ass

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I want to off myself but I'd hate to make my family miserable. Whats the best way to make your suicide look like an accident?
Jumping under a car seems like too much of a gamble, and its not guaranteed to be fatal

how to get it?
can i buy it online?

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Become one of those skyscraper window cleaners, then create your own accident.

This is the only reason I can think of to persevere. Even if my true attitude seeps through my tone and body language at least I don't abandon and eternally hurt those who brought me here / came with me. As long as they're here I'm here, and that's the way it stays for better or worse.

A guy I went to school with killed himself and it affected my mother really badly. I think she saw me in him cause we were the same age, even though we hadn't spoken in about 10 years (I'm 21).

Seeing how bad she felt when some guy both of us barely know (also stuff like pic related) made me resolute not to kill myself until my parents are dead.

It's not a great situation to be in though, since it's not exactly something to live for, when the only thing keeping you alive is guilt

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Here you go. Should cost less than $100 and be completely painless. Stuff anyone can easily obtain. Guaranteed to work if you get blackout drunk and pass out.

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don't trust robot opinions. everyone that recomends any shit hasn't even tried it personally

How bad would hanging yourself actually be?


cringe image

1. coop

I have stopped breathing and lost consciousness from fentanyl. I can say with confidence is is the best way to die. paramedics revived me but I have experienced the conscious experience of dying

Opiates are the best way to die.

Thanks, now I got a new handbag.

Been wanting to kms with my father's gun so the question is, through the mouth or to the temple?

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attempt sexual asphyxiation until you fail at it. Might as well enjoy it if you gonna end it.

it would suck hairy old man balls

who dis m8?

what kind of gun is it? if you shoot yourself with a shit gun in the mouth you're gonna suffer for a lot before you die

Yeah make your family and a random driver miserable for life. Real thoughtful mate

Mouth. In the temple might pop out your eyes and the corpse will look really bad.

Rate this.
>wait till night
>sneak to bathroom with a bucked
>fill bucket with warm water
>put bucket near bed
>get drunk
>slash wrist very deep
>put hand in bucket
>lay down

>slash wrist
Shit method desu.

how would one go about this in more detail? buy a tent and a bag of coal and burn it in the tent? wouldn't you cough your lungs up?

Why? Origigio

Charcoal burns cleanly.
Just buy a metal bucket put the charcoal inside. Start the fire as you fall asleep.

nvm it's just some youtube whore. ally hardesty

>ally hardesty
cute, reminds me of a girl that was crushing on me last semester

mm thicc booty cute booty

white boooty

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In clinical trials, lab rats that were shot through the mouth with a handgun lived an average of 20 minutes before dying.

Why the fuck do you want to die?

Nobody fucking shot mice in the mouth in a study

I don't want to die I just want shit to get better. I'm more attracted, though, to the idea of death than of things actually getting better, like a spitefulness for life. Is it self-loathing? Why do I want to sabotage something that is very possibly fixable, or at least bearable? Or is it the romance of death - my final lunge towards importance? I can't fucking do this anymore, but there's nothing else. I don't want to die, but living is bad. Even the grand goal of having a family seems pointless. Every day the balance shifts, and I wish it wasn't. It's like a sloped hill and I can't get up it, but I don't want to fall, either.

You can make that sloped hill easier to climb. I'm going to recommend you see a Therapist or a Psychologist, but I understand if you're hesitant.

You can get over the hill, user. You can make the hill less steep, little by little, until you can finally make the trek over it. The pain won't go away immediately, and it's going to be hard, but you can do it. I believe in you, user.

If you need somebody to talk to and have discord, I'm here.

Skeleton Man#8257

not him, but if I could be smothered by a fat ass I wouldn't want to die

At least try calling the suicide prevention hotline first, that would be cheaper.

Fuck off I don't trust minis

I don't even know what a mini is. I'd much rather be team chocolate or peanut butter.

fuck you faggot, go kill yourself. Please.