As a black bot, how do I get a woman like one of these in a long term relationship?
As a black bot, how do I get a woman like one of these in a long term relationship?
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I just have to assume that at least one of these people is a trap.
>getting a gf
If you have to ask then just give up and order an escort, bro.
Back in middle school there was this light skinned black girl that was one of these pseudo-emo archetypes, she turned out to be a lesbo but god damn if she didn't do it for me.
I remember trying to talk to her about SOAD over MySpace.
I knew a girl just like this and she was disgusted with me even though I'm light skinned too.
show them your dong
Go to university and sleep with all the nerdy liberal girls.
>"you're not racist are you?"
>"are your parents racist?"
>"are you mad at your parents for being racist?"
But all of the Jow Forumsfriends say the system is rigged in my favor.
Does this actually happen in real life?
Going to be frank here. You're not. If by some miracle you overcome robotitis and manage to date one they'll only keep you around as long as it gets them brownie points. They will ditch you as soon as they realize they need a white beta provider who won't date them if they know you "tainted" them.
Or your that lucky 1% that just gets a break but everyone knows we aren't in rhat percentile.
I have a new fetish thanks to you
I know you have the feet, don't be a greedy fag.
as a black bot i would go for the two left. the one on the far right you need not touch. if you stain that godess so help me ill start a nigger genocide
What do you mean by this brobot?
You speaking from experience?
>long term relationship
Hilarious meme. Women live to suck your life energy and leave you as soon as a better man show them interest, and trust me on this, men will settle for ANYTHING at this point.
As a fellow black bot I can tell you women like this are the easiest.
How did you avoid the alimony?
they look like the SJW type, just guilt them into getting with you.
The accusations/questioning of the girl being racist happens in real life, but probably more to stall after the initial default rejection that girls give most guys.
This has to be a meme user. There's no way tat women work like that.
By not having children. You should do the same, except probably permanently.
I would genuinely give all my love to the fat one, but she will cheat on me anyway, women are all whores.
>but she will cheat on me anyway, women are all whores.
This. my standards aren't even that high.
>There's no way tat women work like that.
guilt is a hell of a drug for women user
>I knew a girl just like this and she was disgusted with me even though I'm light skinned too.
Self-hating types, what can you do.
Like those happas that only date white guys.
The right girl is a qt for real.
It's rigged in your favor in the way that more black men are dominant and strong than white men. If you're a robot, that rule doesn't apply. Sorry, dudebro.