I dont care if she cucks me with a horse I want to marry thestablegal
Post your ideal wife
are those tits shopped ?
No shes got massive perky titty implants curtesy of her ex bfs money
Kek she would just use you for your money op.
The virgin human vs The Chad horse
The Virgin testicles VS the chad FuckSack
I can't post a picture cause she posts here and i respect her too much to share :3
they're definitely shopped. I can tell by the pixels
Pretty sure the Trump sticker is shopped too. It doesn't match the lighting
not him but nah these arent shopped there are other pictures of her out there and there have been whole threads doing picture analysis on her dumbass their just really big fake tits
I saw the other pics. They're all shopped. Light does not behave that way
t. photoshop expert
Dont even bother its probably the same fag who shits up everythread on this girl hell there probably also the ones who make the threads on her
That thread was really something else. Most interesting thing that happened on the board all year.
??? But they're clearly shopped
Her hair is faded into her tits dude
>Its another thestablegal thread with the same fuckhead who spams about her being fake when hes constantly proven wrong
>either taller or shorter than me cant be same height
>good relationship with parents
>shy around other people but more dominant and loose with me
>good at vidya
>Jow Forums tier humor
>wants 3 children
>younger than me( im 18)
And I won't settle for anything less
>Her hair is faded into her tits dude
You can literally see the hair resting on her boob meat if you zoom in.
Is this another Texasplastic situation where some user samefags raging at everyone who points out an obvious Photoshop job?
Your expectations are valid good luck
>t. photoshop expert
Yeah a photoshop expert doing forensic analysis on a shit quality picture KYS fag we know who you are
Except they don't
They just fade out when her tits begin
Thanks user. My neighbour fits the description so maybe she'll be my gf one day
>They just fade out when her tits begin
No they literally do not they rest on her boob meat past the begining of her tits fucking kill yourself you spamming fuck
Yeah, this is def same guy that makes the Texasplastic fakes then calls everyone a samefag who points out they're fake
Seriously, her boobs don't even cast a shadow on the ground
It's fucking obvious, user. her tits look like they were rendered in Source
post her reddit post where she says she wants to date outside her race because white boys are pathetic.
I'll wait.
Post her, girls here love attention. I bet she's ugly anyway
I'm pretty sure you're just trolling so I'm gonna stop responding
>mention texasplastic
Yup its the same spam guy who pops up in every thread not like we didnt already know.
All him too can mods fucking ban this guy for fuck sakes
She definitley wants a white bf
You keep saying "we" like anyone else is posting with you
You're the only one defending these fakes
>Seriously, her boobs don't even cast a shadow on the ground
Top kek we had 3 fucking people versed in shops verify this is either real or too bad of quality to confirm fake you retard and you stopped replying in that thread because you were so btfo
>>either taller or shorter than me cant be same height
why not same?
Ive just been lurking this is my first post and I agree with them.
LOL half the posts talking about you havent even been me you nigger!
>wants a white bf
I live in Texas, where do I sign up? I'd love to explode all over those huge tits
Were they blind? A child could tell these are fake
> virgin
> in my age range (+/- 7 years)
> fun
> we have at least a few things in common
> 4/10+
> no hard mental illness (mild depression, ansiety and thinks like that is OK)
> likes pets
> wants to have kids in the future
>She definitley wants a white bf
on her reddit she said she wants to date outside her race because of her size queen ways.
That whole goddamn truck looks like it's been shopped in.
Kind of hard to see the shadow of the other strap considering its on the side we can see very little of retard also her fucking hair is coming off the side of her body we have no idea how much the boobs are holy fuck actually kill yourself
>on her reddit she said she wants to date outside her race because of her size queen ways.
No she didnt. And shes even said she dislikes black people when she posted here
Even if that were true, the shadow thing is undeniable
>being this obtuse
dude we all know it's you: the shitty photoshopper. sorry you can't take criticism very well but honestly these are terrible, are you 12??
Um, they are a minority, and they endured slavery.
lol dude her ribs have a shadow but dont cast one on the ground either you clearly have no formal education in photo editing or photography
and of course you have no link to any post of here's where she says that.. typical idiot cuck, kys
...just stop you are really reaching now
Slavery existed on the planet long before Captain SpergMerica existed. White people endured slavery too..... I mean the Jews still moan about Moses having to free them.
Are you being serious right now, dude?
You can tell from the OP pic her tits are (supposedly) wider than her chest. There's literally no reason they shouldn't cast a shadow.
>her tits are (supposedly) wider than her chest. There's literally no reason they shouldn't cast a shadow.
>really taunt bikini straps keep them on her chest and stopping them from spreading??!?!!
I will marry any girl with this body type.
not to mention the etymological links between the words Slav and slave, white people have been slaves as well, just ask the Irish
Horses too
If they were that large it would be impossible to compress them small enough to prevent a shadow, especially with nothing but an elastic bikini strap.
What sort of sad life do you lead that you have this much free time to make shitty photoshops and do nothing but defend them on Jow Forums?
okay, and then she stops working out and gets fat and stops fucking you then you divorce her and she takes half your stuff. wow great choice, idiot
>If they were that large it would be impossible to compress them small enough to prevent a shadow, especially with nothing but an elastic bikini strap.
>cant hold big stiff sacks of silicone over a body with tight fabric straps
You really are a fucking retard
not just on Jow Forums but he's the one behind her reddit account as well
>tight fabric straps are enough to hold down and forcibly compress massive, hard silicone implants
holy shit you're so stupid, literally kill yourself
If a fucking tight-ass tube top can't compress them to be as small as her chest, how's a bikini strap going to do it?
Figured as much
clear samefag kys
There not even compressed which is a clear indication of silicone implants being in those skin sacks
Every single thread on this girl this guy posts obsesively in what a psychopath
If they're not compressed, why is there no shadow?
nah it's just that your photoshopping skills are so terrible that I finally had to stop lurking and call you out. Honestly you're pathetic dude, what can you possibly get out of this??
You're clinically retarded, buddy
Holy crap man two out of the 3 were you get a life
What a dumbass lolol, try again kid.
i wish she was real though
Now I actually believe they are all you
Is she just a midget, or is that truck fuckhuge? Image is messing with my sense of scale
>photoshops terrible comic-book-style tits onto some ugly, huge-nosed skank
>calls out others as pathetic
The truck is really huge. Its fitting since her ex apparently had a really small dick
my ex wife was like that.. laid down and you could put a ruler over her hipbones and have a 2 inch gap under it
Wow geez I made two posts calling out retardation as opposed to creating terrible photoshops and pretending to be multiple different girls, what a loser I must be
Anyway I'm pretty much sure you're most of these guys
The samefagging from that guy who called out texasplastic is sureal we should never have agreed with him on that girl because now every girl with huge tits that gets posted hes going to obsessively try and prove is fake. We underestimated the power of autism.
mine grew to size 12, divorced her, took me nearly 10 year to recover she took it all almost.
also the Trump sign on the truck door is mirrored and terribly scaled according to perspective, her hair blurs into her tits, her nipples are blurry as shit and not sized according to perspective, the list goes on and on. This guy is terrible.
You've constructed a whole narrative behind this girl too, haven't you? You keep posted about her exes and shit
Ive not replied to a single post by you can you stop spamming please?
are these real? Gee I cant tell.
would you like to know more?
Lol give it up faggot, we know it's just you here
lol that dipshit could learn a thing or two by studying this shop
>and not sized according to perspective
nipples are sized according to perspective....lol
my gf got this body
when they're both as big as you've drawn them there, and on opposite sides on the tit then yes there would be a slight difference instead of the blurry mess you left behind. instead of taking any criticism to heart you're just doubling down on your terrible photoshop skills. pathetic low rent white trash tranny
I look forward to seeing your next terribly photoshopped girl, dude.
Your typos make your posts easy to spot, dude. Just stop.
>he's never talked to a girl with a horsecock fetish before
you virgins are fucking funny.
>can bee myself around
>not fat and good hygiene, besides that looks don't matter
dude even the people on Reddit call you out on how terrible your photoshops are... are you just a horny 14 yr old boy? a faggot larping as the girl? or are you the girl herself and just want to see yourself massive implants? what makes you tick?
Oh no don't tell me you're done shilling this ugly skank already
I've been using Photoshop professionally for 4+ years and that is most definitely illegitimate