>the ideal feminist society
>cuckboy betas to work all day for their material gain
>fuckboy Chads to breed with all night for their genetic gain
Prove to me this isn't what every roastie desires.
>the ideal feminist society
>cuckboy betas to work all day for their material gain
>fuckboy Chads to breed with all night for their genetic gain
Prove to me this isn't what every roastie desires.
Prove to me there is something wrong with this. Dumb cuckboy betas are born to be tools.
it seems chad is being the most benefitted either way
he could even be gay for the lulz and nobody would dare confront him
.t triggered roastie
thats brain can't figure out she is not gaining anything from this.
>triggered roastie
t. triggered cuck
In a gynocentric society, Chads benefit greatly. Women gladly give their shit up for Chad, we all know about that one felon that literally became rich and famous after a single mugshot because roasties liked him.
This is the truth. Chad is simply what all men should be. We need to institute a universal eugenics program and purge all the undesirables--create a new society of Chads and Stacey where there is no beta position--there is only Chaddom.
>sex means everything.
>people would enjoy unrealistic fantasies
>fucking feminists
Do you think men would want to live in a society where they can have sex with attractive women while having their income provided for?
Chad is only Chad relative to betas. If a society of only Chads existed, they would be divided into subgroups of Chads, with 80% of Chads now being "undesireable" because they're now competing with 20% of SuperChads. There will always be bottom rungs of a ladder.
If betas opt out of society (bots,2D, volcel) roasties will suffer financially. From there they will be cheered by goldberg to embrace equality only to find themselves in endless wagecuck hell. Game over.
such society would get back to stone age because chad is too dumb to science. Putting all stats into STR and CHA does that.
There is literally nothing wrong with that aside from the fact that the betas are still men and don't undergo state-sponsored trap surgery to become fucktoys for Chad when he gets bored of roastie puss. That's my only complaint.
Plebs in stone age doesn't bother anyone. Look at nogs how easily they are controlled
t. pasty nerd who thinks he's smart because he plays video games
Who are you greentexting? Chad isn't just for sex, he's also a better person to be around in general. Betas only exist to provide money to women, jews and blacks who live from welfare.
That's the female dream. In their perfect world, the betas would be fully aware that they are betas, that they are lower-class men and will never get any pussy but will continue to provide.
There's nothing in it for the betas. If feminists were smart, they would plan ahead for this. The day the cuckboy betas become aware of their role is the day they will stop performing it. Then the ideal feminist society will collapse.
>he's also a better person to be around in general
wow thats so cool. better to be around . as in he cant do anything but have sex and be there to entertain your stupid brain. because reality and physical things don't exist for women because they cant do anything outside of their minds except cook food.
RPGs, vidya or pnp, tricked an entire generation of men into thinking that you have to distribute your stats, min/max and that dump stats are real.
The truth is that you could have max in everything. The only limit was imposed by your genetics. But you could still have all stats well above average. You could have an 18 in both strength AND intelligence and still have another 18 in wisdom.
>as in he cant do anything but have sex and be there to entertain your stupid brain
Women aren't the ones stupid enough to provide people with money who use them like a tool.
the problem is whatever you permanent autists call a "Chad" is like 80% of men who are just normies. You can't run the world with soyboy population
no one take my money except the government you idiot.
are you going to say i am also a beta tool because the government takes my money out of my paycheck ?
because if so that would mean you don't want there to be a government. then what would your life be like ?
You don't know what a Chad is, fuck off you braindead tourist
>are you going to say i am also a beta tool because the government takes my money out of my paycheck ?
Yes. Shouldn't you go to sleep wagecuck? Mr. Shekelstein will be pissed if you're late.
>because if so that would mean you don't want there to be a government.
Wrong. You're a dumb tool and a cuck who was created to serve. Now go to sleep wagie, I don't want shitty service because you didn't sleep enough.
>government takes your money
>gives it to stacy to pay for her abortions and free birth control
>gives it to tyrone to pay for free housing and so he never has to work
>gives it to various enforcement agencies to make sure you keep working
Feminism would never survive the anarchy of no-government.
Neither would many of us.
>yfw this is happening right now in the current year
>yfw r9k is a psyop board to make traps and tell people to kill themselves
you don't know that my money is going to all that cuck shit. it could be going to the military.
you just proved you don't want this system to be the way it is. but your too much of a pussy to tear it down. so you take out your rage on people that work for some reason. laughable.
>gives it to stacy to pay for her abortions
Well shit. My taxes are killing Chads kids? I think i should get a job.
implying you would be some type of god if there was no government.
>you just proved you don't want this system to be the way it is
When? The system is perfect. Real humans like me can live meanwhile betas like you wake up at 6AM to provide me with money. This is perfection.
>so you take out your rage on people that work for some reason
Rage? I'm laughing my ass off while reading your posts, wagie
Laqueesha aborts more than Stacy
>i can only talk in memes because i can't make a reasonable argument.
desu I just come here to make fun of losers and feel better about myself
>I-It's just memes
Are you denying that your hard worked money goes to stacy's NEETbux? Because if you aren't, that makes you a complete tool. A beta cuck.
I think stacy is draining some beta males cash via alimony. Laqueesha is where most of your bux goes.
>Real humans like me can live
you mean manipulative people that find away around the system and think they are better and have no empathy.
look dude its just so funny man that you don't have a job that is on the government records.
ahah its like so funny. no you can jackoff to your achievements alone. you special snowflake.
desu society is not that far off from this, except this is only true for Stacies right now.
>you mean manipulative people that find away around the system
Yes. Your point?
>think they are better
Not just think.
>have no empathy
I have empathy, just not for beta tools. Wagies are literally objects.
i said alone because i don't think highly of myself or have a group of other wagies i get off to with that we have jobs. i don't know who would care or be impressed that you don't work. do you have a group of other neets you circle jerk with and tell each other how great you all are cause you dont have jobs ?
>he thinks that everything i say is connected to me being a wageslave.
just keep proving how weak and dumb you are.
Wow wagie already ran out of arguments? Is namecalling all you have left? No wonder you ended up like this, brainlet
do you feel better about yourself?
Thanks for (you) nerd
it seems i am able to think on a larger scale than you. while you are only able to think of what is in front of you or what you live in. not really that smart that all you were able to do was be able to manipulate what was in front of you. you little rat.