At least he didn't kill his family first.
At least he didn't kill his family first
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Poor dude. He seemed like a nice, gentle dude. The kind of guy who was going nowhere but wasn't hurting anybody and it got too much for him. Just his body language and the way he says 'bye guys' and does that gentle wave before he dies. Sad that his mum has to deal with that though. Should have put a note on his door saying 'body inside, don't open' or something. I think it makes me sad because in another, kinder world he could have been happy.
There's no place in this world for gentle men.
He put a note under the door
Whose this faggot
That's the issue. It's always that type of person. It's always the type of person who doesn't seem to bother anyone, the type of person you feel like could have been pleasant to talk to. It's never the assholes.
>It's never the assholes.
not unless they are shot by the guy who eventually shoots himself.
Can we please stop talking about this faggot and move on already? It's been over 2 weeks already
Still waiting on a link
>didn't kill at least one roastie
what a waste
Here you go, nigger.
Oh sweet my nights ruined
Or shoot up a school like other Amerilards.
I felt the same way when I saw it on March 14. I regret watching it.
why did he do it anyways? And who was this bitch crying at the start of the stream?
>who was this bitch crying at the start of the stream?
Some stupid Blair Witch bitch wanna-be.
The video is sad as hell. I know I would've done it if I had access to a gun too.
did she know him? there's no way someone could be so hysterical over an internet stranger killing himself
Really? I thought it was quite an interesting watch. Rare to see the reactions of people after the suicide.
In fact what are some other suicides where I can see others` reactions to it?
Idk who this is. Someone want to help me out? Thx
Go on
It's better than live reactions because you get to see how self-centered people are. A lot of "I'm so mad reee how could you do this to ME ME ME" shit in there.
I'm not at all impressed by your failed attempt to look like a "badass psychopath". Sorry, dude.
originally what the fuck are you on about
That was a completely normal reply though. Someone's sensitive today.
That`s not good to see though that just makes me even more of a misanthrope.
Man if you're going to kill yourself at least do something newsworthy first. School shooters know where it's at.
>Should have put a note on his door saying 'body inside, don't open' or something
Well he did say
>Im dead, dont let the kids see my body
But yeah. Seemed like a sweet guy.
So what, Elliot still gets 10 threads min daily.
Shuaiby. He was a poster here who livestreamed his suicide two weeks ago.
She was a friend, but they only knew each other for a few months over discord, apparently.
They were discord buddies.
Damn that tarp caught like none of it. Im just gonna go look at more gore to forget that one.
A crying shame desu, user.