Would you marry a pretty girl with an 85 IQ?

Would you marry a pretty girl with an 85 IQ?

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what exactly is her pussy gonna tell me, user


an that's a tough call but no, I can't do it, the problem is...smart girls are evil as fuck. It's lose lose.

Yes, dumb fuck as a wife and I'd be cheating on her with a mean genius bitch who enjoys mocking her

roasties btfo confirmed

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this chick is fucking gorgeous so yes. as long as she's a virgin and cute i don't care if she's functionally retarded

Sure I don't see why not. Is it bad to have an 85 IQ or something?

Wtf are you unironically retardedly?

No. I probably wouldn't marry anyone, least of all a retard. I don't want to imply I'm the smartest guy in the world, but having to spend every day with someone that dumb would be hell.

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If I was rich and could afford her stupidity.

i don't know what an 85 IQ girl would sound like, so i'm not sure. if she was still earning some money and was nice then probably

sauce on this semen demon anyone?

I don't care what anyone says. Delaney is a 10/10 and I want to marry her.

I could never fall in love with a tard
so I don't see it happening


How bad is an 85 IQ?

yep, dumb girls are great. smart girls are a complete meme and are usually even bigger whores than dumb girls


Nigger have you been living under a rock?

She's one of those parkland survivors

You are not allowed to fap she is my wife

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> low average

Yeah, no big deal (my family is probably at that range, and Im not that far from that).
But she would still need to be nice, funny and a virgin to get myself in the trap that is marriage.

I want to shoot this idiot right between the eyes so that those retarded frames split in two.

>she would have to be a virgin

lol at your pathetic life for this being a req

Depends if I can bond with her. But if she's dumb as a brick I kinda doubt it would happen.

Girls are much cuter when they're almost retarded

That depends does she trust my judgement and is she functional?
Basically can she raise kids and be a help to me?

>*blocs ur path

wat do

> extrangers on the internet have different requirements for marriage
> gets mad

Good luck in your "life" user

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I'd rather marry a high IQ ugly girl.

The average black person in America.

What makes you think you deserve a virgin girl?

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She'd have to be completely perfect in every other aspect.
As weak as being smart makes you against nihilism, the easiest way to have an unfulfilling life is to have low intelligence.
People like that rarely get any opportunities they can take advantage of.

> deserve

No one deserves shit user. That word is meaningless.
And now I ask you a question: if you ask if I "deserve" a virgin, doesnt that mean that you think higher of them as well?

I wouldn't rule it out but it seems unlikely.
I tend to find cleverness more attractive in girls than prettiness, but IQ is a very limited measure.

>doesnt that mean that you think higher of them as well?

Yes. Any woman you had the will and self-control to preserve herself past the age of 18 has my respect.

Is she just standing with one leg perfectly parallel to the other, or is she leaning on that thing to help her stand, since she only has one leg.

agreed. DELANEY TARR THREAD NOW! Also, dearest delaneyfag, you might just get a chance to call her base of ops


yea, it would even out my 150iq

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Literally 5 points away from Forrest Gump.

The best combination is hot, semi-intelligent, and semi-crazy

Sure, as long as she's a good person that enjoys my company and can take care of herself then it's all good.

85 is my lower limit, depends on if she could hold down a job and take care of a family. 85iq and good work ethic and I'm definitely interested.

obviously everyone should say yes, considering most of the dumb (often asian) whores people gush about here

You can see her other foot.

I had to check too.

No, and if I do she'll be purely a fucktoy. I don't want my kids to be retarded

Only if she looks like Lucie Wilde

My gf is most likely around that. She doesn't know how to read either.

>IQ is a genetic trait

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Dyslexia? In a totally original way of course.

I don't know. She was raised like Harry Potter at the Dursley's, minus the abuse. They just didn't give a shit.
She was being tutored by some woman who helped kids outside school, but her aunt discontinued the "course". I don't know if it was because she was failing, lack of money or both.
She wrote my name (miswritten) once, having made a point to learn it with said teacher. She can write her own full name, something she learned at 20 or so.

I am 33 years old and I went this route. I want to warn you of the giant mistake marrying a dumb girl is. You can never depend on her for even the simplest task, you will have to walk her through every choice in life. It might seem cute for the first few weeks/months, but it will grate on you as time passes and she keeps making the same idiotic mistakes. Her passions never exceed beyond a basic 7th grade level of entertainment, her conversations are uninspiring and boring teetering on the basic. Just imagine having to interact with a stunted subhuman who not only has no desire to grow, but is unable to even aspire to anything. That concept is foreign to her. It's like trying to explain what the third dimension is to a piece of paper.